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mystery machine

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Everything posted by mystery machine

  1. I used them recently for some minor work. The laddie Duncan didn't have much to say (wasn't a particularly interesting job he was doing on my motor to be fair), but I cannae complain about the end result. Give the shop on the left a wee sweep up now and again though guys - presentation etc Glad to hear you're happy with your 2.5. Mind me asking how much that set you back, all-in?
  2. So they have yella school buses in Weedgieshire these days? Darned Americanisation
  3. The main dealer who serviced my previous car (wasn't a Scoob), always made a fine job of cleaning my motor - they even once shined-up my alloys, removing the yellow stains from inside the spokes. But I appreciate what you're saying - not everyone likes someone else putting their hands and chemicals on their paintwork. I used to be quite particular that way myself. In fact, truth be told, I can see me being a bit more fussy about the Scooby than with my previous motor (which I never really liked the look of that much). Either way, with the price of servicing these days, it's certainly nice at least to be asked
  4. It's the medication I tell you, the medication......nurse!!!
  5. FECK - you're right! I wondered why they had all those little ropes and pick-axes outside their pen. I thought perhaps they did the hill-climbing at weekends or summat. Fly bams!
  6. Aye - and it could be a rude awakening for next door's guinea pigs too...
  7. I'm sure you're right - scaring the cat off the bonnet will likely result in a paint-scratching as it scrambles away, but if it's the same cat that's habitually making marks on the car (and my money says it is), then it could be a price worth paying to scare it off for good Having said that, I agree with you - the objective should be to deter the cat from even approaching the car, or using a cover to ensure that if it does climb onto the car, it doesn't leave any marks.
  8. Now officer, if you wouldn't mind placing your head inside the tailpipe, you'll find that the noise levels really are quite muted...
  9. Belter! Silver is the colour for Blobeyes, IMO. And welcome to the forum
  10. Although maybe if I could get hold of an actual Lion..... stick it on one of those extendable dug leads
  11. Cheers for the suggestion, Cal. Although I'm wondering if I'd have the same problem with that as with the powder repellent - i.e. it keeps them off the grass/drive but they don't seem to mind jumping onto the car to avoid it. Unless I stuff some on top of the intercooler and allow the fumes to waft oot the bonnet scoop, mind...
  12. Credit where credit's due mate. Without mentioning any names, I've been subject to both extremes on this forum today.
  13. Chris - hud the bus My main purpose in posting was to tell you that I like your new car. I gave you a wee bit respect, and I think it's fair for me to expect a little back. We cool with that? The "wee" thing wasn't meant in reference to your physical size. You're right - I haven't seen you, as indeed you haven't seen me. I just meant it in a friendly, pally, 'probably addressing someone who is younger than me' kind of way. I didn't mean it to be in any way condescending Forget my tongue-in-cheek comment about your plates - it's obviously not something you're up for having banter about. That's cool with me. Take it easy, all in good humour mate
  14. Chris - take the compliment I gave you about your new car, eh - dinnae focus on the criticisms I'm not concerned about your plates, but you are a wee chancer for using them!
  15. emoe - thanks for all the great advice, very helpful - appreciated. I may have to go down this route, so I'll keep you posted. Is there a fuse box in the engine compartment on these cars? (sorry, I'm being lazy). Cheers again, yer a diamond phil_g- you're right, some sort of cover would be the best way to go - glad to hear that's working for you too. I'm trying to find out if anyone can tailor-make one that covers only the bonnet and wings, but no joy so far. As for a full cover, I'm a little reluctant because I'm concerned that it might attract another sort of attention - i.e. teenage kids/neds who might think it would be fun to rip the cover off and sling it into a ditch. I mean, my car is on the driveway, and there generally aren't many neds passing my house, but some little kint was brazen enough to rip out the siren I was using to deter the cats from keiching on the grass. Just don't want to tempt the bams by presenting them with a 'challenge'. Ye cannae win with this lark. Keeping expensive delicate stuff out in the open is fraught with difficulty, eh?
  16. I'm no fan of loud exhausts on public roads - when I hear them going past my house I want to reach inside their windows and rip their good-for-nuthin' shielded-by-Burberry eyes from their too-close-together sockets. HOWEVER - surely just about anything should be good to go on a race track? Freakin' H&S, I'll bet...
  17. Blackie is nice, very stealthy You want pulled for those dymo tape number plates on the other one, though...
  18. I take it it's illegal to electrify a car's bodywork? Could be a quick road to rust, mind...
  19. The problem with the water gun approach is that you have to catch the animal in the act, or near your property - and this seems to occur overnight. There's a also slim chance that it could be a fox, given the claw-shape of some of the marks. However, I believe that foxes are repelled by the same high frequencies as cats - which hopefully makes this latest idea a worthwhile conquest...
  20. A cat is habitually damaging my paintwork - I started a thread about it a couple of weeks ago. http://forums.sidc.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=122140 Since I posted that thread, the animal has been back at least twice and caused further damage to the bonnet and wing. In the thread above, a few folks were kind enough to suggest deterrents: powders, infra-red sonic alarms, etc. I appreciate the help, but unfortunately none of these methods have had the desired effect. My latest idea is to mount a sonic sounder from a sonic cat repeller somewhere near the car's bonnet. I would like to wire the device to the car's electrical system. I could then switch it on permanently whenever the car was parked outside my house. The current drawn by these devices is very small and I don't believe it would drain the car's battery. I'd be grateful if anyone could help with the following (it's been a few years since I mucked about with a car's electrical system): Where I should take an electrical feed from? (the fusebox?). How do I route the wiring from the fusebox through the bulkhead and into the engine compartment? Are there any safety concerns I should heed when adding a new electrical item and mounting a device in the engine compartment? Many thanks.
  21. I mentioned it once, but I think I got away with it...
  22. Just read your letter Ron. Without me getting too sentimental here, I'm sure that anyone who's experienced a loss similar to Alison's would agree that a gesture like yours really can help a person through the hard times.
  23. Sounds like a very cool thing you folks did over there, Ron Goes to show that there really are American folks out there who consider life beyond their own shores (well, sounds like that would be hard to avoid in your line of work ). All the best, mate! P.S. It would take a braver man than me to stroll into a dockside pub in Leith and declare how glad I was to be back in 'England'....... wait a minute, what am I talking about? The pubs in Leith are probably full of English punters these days... (modern-day colonisation of a sort, Ron).
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