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mystery machine

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Everything posted by mystery machine

  1. The radiator looks the business. I'm not trying to be cheeky, but perhaps I could give you a different perspective....If, like me, your formative years were spent in a world where numbers and letters weren't normally amalgamated within a single word, it can take a few scans before the intended meaning of something like "anyone" or "m8" gets across. So it saves you a couple of keystrokes, but actually takes some of us pre-'texting revolution' dinosaurs longer to read So think of it as the "literary equivalent of a reverse-charge phone call" and you might see why it winds some folks up Having said all that, I don't think posts necessarily have to be written in the "Queen's English". I actually quite like to read posts that reflect the author's own accent, which I think can lend its own comic charm. Cannae say that text speak huz me pishin' ma keks wae laughter but, know whit a mean min?
  2. Episode three was a belter, IMO. The "V8 smoothie" Laugh?! I nearly bought a round!
  3. If I came home from work and some greedy kint had emptied my tin of Grolsch, that would constitute a bad day indeed! That sump's almost too nice to fill with oil, BTW. Maybe you could line the bottom with tin foil to help keep it nice?
  4. I'm not a fan of pink bits (on motors at least), so I say it's an improvement!
  5. Re: Cupar Do you think that anyone in the history of motoring has driven from one end of Cupar to the other, averaging more than 10 metres per minute? What a wee whore of a place...
  6. These things never work taken out of context, Welsho.
  7. I'd really hope they'd understand that he wasn't suggesting that the murder of prostitutes is in itself funny (which it obviously isn't), more that it was the lorry drivers' turn to have a ridiculous joke made about them. At some point in our lives, most of us will hear a joke that uses subject matter that has caused us a fair amount of devastation in our lives (I know I have) - but I think the point to remember is that it's not necessarily making a joke at our expense. IMO, making light of 'dark' subject matter is often a valid means of making the harsh realities of life easier to deal with. Works for me, anyway...
  8. The show was entertaining as always, great to see it back The 'lorry drivers = prostitute murderers' banter was funny too. Anyone who finds it offensive needs to learn how to operate their remote control Saddens me a bit that some people are so witless that they miss the point of a joke like that and can't see past the scope for being offended - i.e. it's an absurd (and therefore funny) attempt to stereotype lorry drivers, but does not in any way suggest that harm to prostitutes is funny or to be condoned. Unfortunately these things are never funny once you've had to explain them... The bails of hay + electric heater... oh ma ribs
  9. I'll join the chamois sceptics' club The only time I chamois a car is prior to polishing, when I want to make sure that every last drop of moisture has been removed. I honestly believe chamois leathers remove the paintwork's shine over time. My two previous cars rarely saw a chamois and the results speak for themselves - paintwork kept a great shine despite minimal polishing (and I really do mean minimal - the only time my previous car saw polish was after a bodywork repair for accident damage caused by another driver). The Scooby will see more polish than the previous two motors because WR blue makes it worthwhile Honestly, I feel like a teenage/twenty-something sad kint all over again
  10. Followed by:"Funny that, eh? Youse being sisters and all..."
  11. All of the above was included in 'valeting' when I was a lad... damned 'mercans and their phoney redefinitions Either way, sounds like a stellar job there - it'd be interesting to see the results in the flesh (or the metal).
  12. You're a dedicated man, Mike Just out of curiosity, when did 'valeting' become 'detailing'? I always thought of 'detailing' as a very American term, as in "you shot the motherf****r, so how come I'm on brain detail?"
  13. Well, they should be good for spotting approaching motorbikes, Paul Just kidding mate - by the time I've adjusted my (standard) mirrors to how I like them, I get about the same rear visibility as you - which isn't too bad by the looks of it.
  14. Splitter looks great, but the eyelids look a bit, erm... 'camp'.
  15. New brakes sound like an improvement. Won't those spacers throw the wheel geometry out a little?
  16. Looking forward to seeing the pics once they're rubbered-up You're not kidding - Strathclyde's roads are shocking. Add to that the volume of traffic, and I pretty much avoid the place altogether - which is great news for Strathclyde, I guess Edit: Just spotted the pics - you're not pulling punches with those rims!
  17. Hi there, and welcome to the forum Ah, Carnwath........ gateway to the borders . Actually, your home town has fond Scooby memories for me, from all the way back on a sunny day in August when I took my first and present Scooby for its first proper long-distance blast. It's also the first place I received a wave from a fellow Scooby driver - a blue Blobeye if I remember correctly. Happy days. Good luck with that rocker cover gasket. Last time I personally changed one of those was on an I4, and it was a piece of p1sh, but I could well imagine the tight-fitting, sideways facing, boxer layout would make it a more fiddly job...
  18. Fit like loon? That's an absolutely blobalicious Scoob you've got yourself - cracker Sarcasm, I presume?
  19. Braw classic, Paul - love everything bar the sun-visor (JMHO) phil_g: That's some funny sht right there...
  20. Don't want to hijack the thread, but do you know where I can find prices for AF's mods? Had a quick look on the website, but no joy. Cheers Paul.
  21. Take it your warranty's expired Greg? Dealer will replace without quibble if it's within its three years. Even if you're just out, I'd consider giving them a hard time, considering it's such a well-known fault.
  22. That sounds like a surprisingly frugal sum for a new engine, particularly of such high spec - great work. I have a bog-standard WRX 2.5. Wondering how I might go about 'unleashing the beast' once the warranty's expired. The Prodrive PPP seems a tad expensive to me, considering the net gains...
  23. I take it they were "STi Gold" previously? (sorry if that sounds like a dumb question - I'm relatively new to Scoobs). If so, I like the change - I'm not much of a fan of gold alloys. P.S. You must run that baby hot - the bonnet scoop's all smoked-up!
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