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mystery machine

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Everything posted by mystery machine

  1. My mistake - I thought that 'grip mag' was a euphamism...
  2. Hi Kenny - nice to have you here! That's exactly how I felt when I bought my (first) Scooby back in August. What a fool I've been!
  3. My wife found all my grip mags and tossed them in the bin
  4. In all seriousness, that's a bit of a pisser. Hope you have better luck with the next one mate (if there's going to be a 'next one').
  5. Sounds like you've already been busy and it had nothing to do with cars...
  6. Lookin' braw! If that were sitting outside my house, by now there would be a cat scratching f**k out of the bonnet scoop... (sorry, I'm still not over that)
  7. P.S. Don't go darker with those lamps, they're just the right side of 'tanned Nova GSi' as they are
  8. The rear tint and debadge clean things up nicely. The flaps and plates aren't to my taste, but hey - it ain't my motor I'll keep an eye out for you and/or the missus...
  9. Nae bother Stu, cheers for letting us know Imagine someone fitting wheels with the wrong offset - that's such a schoolboy error.
  10. New caliper colour is a good match for the new Ally MacBeals What have you done with your old alloys - would you be interested in selling a couple of them? I'd like to replace one or two of mine which were scuffed by the previous owner (nothing serious, but I like the condition of my wheels to reflect the care I take driving my motor! ).
  11. Y'all quite prone to breaking the speed limits then?
  12. One thing to be VERY wary of, however... If you do try V-Power and find that you like the results - it's damn near impossible to revert to regular!
  13. I'll give you my own experience... The first time I used V-Power was with my previous car (also Turbocharged, albeit less powerful than the Scooby). I was running very low on fuel and filled up with V-Power purely by accident - I wasn't even aware I'd used the V-Power pump. However, about five minutes after driving away from the pumps I noticed my car was definitely feeling perkier and smoother. It was only when I got home and checked the till receipt from the garage that I realised where the performance boost had come from! I've used V-Power almost exclusively since then. If there are economic benefits to using this fuel, my feeling is that they aren't quite enough to offset the extra cost. It will, however, make some engines run more smoothly and, well... more quickly. It's up to you to decide whether it's worth paying the premium for (no pun intended). As an aside, I noticed only the slightest difference running my last non-turbocharged car on Optimax vs regular 95.
  14. Why doesn't Andy F. offer an on-site facility to fit these mods? Just curious...
  15. Go easy on him mate, he did have a fair point (even if he wasn't too subtle with it ). I had to read your first post over a few times before I understood your question. Four lines without any full stops or commas kind of makes my head spin, you know? Don't take this personally, I'm just being honest with you. The clearer you post, the easier it'll be for the folks around here to help you
  16. P.S. In all seriousness, Grieves have been fine with me thus far. Charlie in servicing is aye very polite and friendly, and Sandy the mechanic has been good enough to take the time to chat about my motor.
  17. Burgy - seems fair enough that Grieves wouldn't have serviced it before you bought it, as the service was ~3000 miles away. However, given the premium you pay for going to a main dealer, I'd expect the likes of Grieves to check all their vehicles pretty thoroughly before handover (especially as their salesmen like to labour this point any time they've spoken to me ).
  18. EH?! I take it you need fully paid-up SIDC membership for this? (as opposed to free 'type stuff oan the forum' membership as I have). Hope I haven't missed a trick here and let those cheeky bestirds at Grieves fleece me...! (kidding ).
  19. Sounds like you've found the right car for your needs
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