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mystery machine

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Everything posted by mystery machine

  1. Sounds good for keeping work expenses down, but as you say - no daily excuse to use the motor properly.
  2. I understand - a man's got to put the faimly first. Hope to see you back here again some day FWIW, if I could travel to work for £15 a week I'd be singing from the hilltops!
  3. The met. grey hawkeye looks nice, but the rear arches almost don't look big enough for those wheels
  4. Stirlingshore, eh? Where one can delight in magnificent views of the open sea from the top of the Wallace Monument, at the end of Castle promenade? Just kidding mate - hope you chase that counterfeiting scoundrel out of eBay
  5. For all G. Brown and his cronies care, it might as well have '666' stamped across it
  6. Have used them a few times recently for servicing - so far so good. Charlie (think that's his name) at the servicing desk is always polite, helpful and friendly, and Sandy the mechanic has taken the time to chat with me about the car on a couple of occasions, which I appreciate.
  7. Well, each place has its pros and cons For instance, how does $108 to fill your Scooby's tank sound? (only to drive around in heaving rain all week!).
  8. Is this publication available from WH Smith and the like? Wouldn't mind a gander...
  9. I always liked yellow/blue as a colour combo. So 'yellow calipers with black lettering' would be my vote.
  10. Gotta love the Daily Mail... Instead of fining motorists for idling in traffic jams, any chance we could take a look at alleviating the root cause, i.e. congestion? Could we provide better public transport and roads, perhaps? Too radical? Too much effort and expense more like it... Having said that, I do get a bit hacked-off when I see some keich-for-brains sat outside Costcutter having a ten minute conversation on his mobile, engine running, diesel blurting out all over the local populous... Banana up the exhaust pipe should sort that one. And don't get me started on what I'd do to his car
  11. Howdy, t3hWIT! Love the decor Are you a Scot living in the US, or an American McRae/rally fan?
  12. This isn't meant as an insult, so please don't take it that way...With interests like hunting, SUVs and country music, American culture probably suits you better than British culture anyway.
  13. P.S. If you don't want to stick with the OEM shocks, you could always go ahead and have them fitted by the dealer under warranty, then immediately replace them with aftermarket items, then flog the originals to a friend or punt them on eBay... Just a thought - hate to see a fella not get his warranty's-worth
  14. Yes, I would query Subaru about having them contribute to some third party shocks. Hopefully they would see that it makes sense for you and for them. If they won't do that and want to be awkward, then I would certainly have them replace the existing items - if for nothing else than to buy you a few more miles before you have to dig into your own wallet! Get your money's worth out of that warranty!
  15. Thanks for all the great suggestions, Phil! The Fort Agustus -> Inverness back road sounds really interesting (I've only ever taken the direct route). If we get anything approaching an 'Indian summer's day' this year, I'll check that one out! Cheers
  16. To be fair to the UK dealers, this is a fairly typical trans-Atlantic contrast. America being a richer country, retailers of all descriptions can afford to carry a lot more stock, and it impacts them less if it doesn't sell as quickly, or ends up discounted as "last year's hot gear". I always found it curious when I travelled to the States how many enormous supermarkets exist that are full of stock and almost devoid of customers... guess there has to be a reason why they can get away with that? That's not to say the UK Scooby dealers should rest on their laurels, mind... I'm sure there is a market for a bit more in the way of dealer-supplied mods and aftermarket parts. So yeah - let's see those intercoolers nailed to the showroom wall!
  17. I like it Thought it looked a tad realistic to be a photoshop job! Nice pics (well, apart fae the wan where ye geid us aw the acme ringers ).
  18. OK, it's a rally thing (McRae's reg?).You probably guessed it by now, but I don't follow motorsport. Cheers for the info, though
  19. Yeah, yeah - but they don't have Branston Pickle over there. Flash bestirds...
  20. Alright mate.Check out this thread for answers: http://forums.sidc.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=121718
  21. Congrats on the present. Dunno where you're from, but I'll set the twinklers to 'stun' if I see you (flash ma lights, likes). I'm probably being a dozy kint here, but whassit stand for?
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