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mystery machine

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Everything posted by mystery machine

  1. Reckon you're probably right, Graeme. I must admit, unless I'd spent a lot of time/money modding a car like that, I'd rather just have the insurance money than take the car back after those kind of people had been in it and (more than likely) abused it.
  2. "Keepin' Your Poop in a Jar"? Love that band
  3. In that case, I propose a swap - my WRX for your RB320. I'll even bung you £3K to spend on all the engine bling you can get your hands on No? Didnae think so
  4. I reckon you're right - from what I can tell it's fairly thin and hard. In fact, if it were a little softer, and crucially a little more flexible, it might be a little less inclined to chip.
  5. Cheers for the info, Iain - I'm always curious about the going rate for a proper respray. I take it that was that a same-colour job?
  6. I was going to ask the same question.Also Gav, do you know if this car had any unique features that would help a dealer/buyer/passer-by distinguish it from any other GB270?
  7. Not on vinyl they wouldn't - more like Beckham on speed
  8. Do you mind me asking how much that set you back, Iain? Tam.
  9. Great pics, Ross You were obviously serious about your MG, and that RB320 is one happening bay! I've never been much of an engine scrubber (out of sight, out of mind, etc)... sprayed gunk (oo-er) over the cylinder head of my MkII Astra once, but that's about the extent of it
  10. Tell me about it... During a spirited run on Sunday, halfway into a bend, mine took dunt on the driver's door as something was flung up from the road. Says to the wife "ouch, that's going to leave a mark", and sure enough... Guess that's what touch-up paint is for Bottoms of the doors are starting to show some healthy B-road rash now too I can understand Colin wanting to respray the front-end, though - chips around there being all the more noticeable, especially if your car is black or WR blue...
  11. 'All the other RB320s'? Aye - sure enough, I can hardly get out of my street for the basturds... Only kidding, mate - if it makes you happy, that's what counts. And as you say, it's all reversible so won't hurt the resale value (who am I kidding - why would you ever sell it!). Any pics of da engine bling then...? (shameless request for RB320 under-bunnet porn).
  12. I say "go for it" - wouldn't bother me, particularly if it'd been mentioned up-front.
  13. Seriously? Is the serene countryside scene yours too? Punts a Scooby up and down a race-track for fun and also turns out the odd bit of fine art... apparently a man of some diversity and talent! You teach Art at the college then? (if you don't mind me asking).
  14. Complete this sentence: Thanks To Hypertech ...I have maxed out six credit cards. ...my wife refuses to cook for me. ...I have accrued nine points on my license in three weeks. ...I have dead flies on my SIDE windows. Only kiddin', Welsho - glad you're all square again
  15. That's brilliant, Graeme - thanks for all the info - most comprehensive comparison I've seen! A few things I didn't know about Is it right that the STI's steering ratio is tighter? (you mentioned the rack, right enough). My only reservations about the STI are that: - While the 6-speed box is known to be stronger, it is often said not to be as slick/quick to shift as the (later) 5-speed that I have in my WRX. I personally wouldn't write it off before trying it, but do you known of a quick-shift linkage mod for the 6-speed? - The STI's ride quality is bound to be choppier than the WRX's (which is no Citroen Xantia to start off with). This could be an issue, because some of the roads I drive on a daily basis are appalling (remember when your road tax used to go toward road maintenance? Bit of politics there). I guess I need to test drive an STi and decide for myself whether I could live with the lower/stiffer suspension setup. Perhaps the other gains would make it worth bearing The reason for all my STI chat is that I think I've written-off the idea of shelling out on performance mods for my WRX - if I boosted power I'd become dissatisfied with the suspension, and even more dissatisfied with the brakes - thereafter it's an endless cycle of replacing the weakest link... Kind of wish I'd just gone the 'hale hog six months ago when I had the opportunity and plumped for an STI - doh! Don't get me wrang - still love the WRX and get great enjoyment from it, but you know how it is - give the man a taste of something good and he just wants MORE
  16. P.S. Does yours have DCCD, Graeme? If so, do you use it in manual mode much? I don't see it mentioned much around these here parts... Cheers.
  17. Interesting. So is a STi, like, more powerfuler than a WXR? (just kidding - self-mocking ) Actually, I've only started paying attention to STIs (you probably noticed). I fancy a Hawkeye STI as my next motor, budget allowing. I had considered the GB270, but they seem to fetch almost as much as STIs of similar age/mileage. The allure of a special addition, I guess... but the STI still seems like better value to me. The main attraction for me is the DCCD - certainly sounds great on paper, and works very well on the road according to most reviewers (much reduced understeer). Do you know of any web site/blog/forum that lists all the mechanical differences between the WRX and STI, Graeme? I've looked, but haven't had much joy finding a comprehensive list... Cheers, Tam.
  18. Shows how much I know. Are they always orange then?
  19. Loving those Ally McBeals What's the story with your calipers, Graeme - are they aftermarket items?
  20. Cool. Cannae see me runting the Hawkeye up through the trees, but certainly fancy seeing how it's done
  21. Any of you been to the Doune Hillclimb? Can you see much of the action as a spectator?
  22. I heard that too and was surprised not to have to top mine up at all between two services (10K miles)...
  23. Cannae beat having yer geometry sorted. One of my rear wheels was damn-near pointing sideways when I got my Scooby - was getting some very odd lift-off oversteer before the four-wheel alignment job!
  24. Good to hear things are coming together for you Graeme. Is it an STi you're driving then? Aaah, Graeme... you of all people should know better than to deal with those mean-spirited malcontents - after all, it was yourself who showed me the light and lured me from there over here to SIDC (bet you're regretting that now ).
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