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mystery machine

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Everything posted by mystery machine

  1. You're welcome, Shelly I take it a de-tango is on the list too? You must have nightmares about that thing - hiding behind a tree at the side of the road, waiting for your bug to pass so's it can pounce onto your boot lid and wrestle the mighty STi spoiler out of its fixings and into a ditch... HA! AS IF! Back to the airing cupboard where you belong, you minging old spoileroo you!!! Tam.
  2. Ouch - that's a long time to go Scoobiless! Must be like having a new motor all over again
  3. Hi mate, and welcome to the forum I had the same symptom, caused by feckit rear choc absorbers. As others have said, it's a well known design fault (or quality issue, depending on your POV) with newage Imprezas. Subaru policy for warranted cars seems to be to replace the rubbish shocks with more rubbish ones (I guess they have some stock to use up). I'd seriously consider third-party items if I were paying for replacements.
  4. What was the damage after the crash? (I'm guessing there was another thread about this, but my memory is gash). Was it off the road for long? Tam. P.S. I don't get the bug-haters - there are so many great examples posted on this site - e.g. yours, Wulsey's and Shelly's (now that the ironing board is history)... no accounting for taste, I 'spose
  5. Lookin' great! What were you having done, BTW?
  6. If I'd thought about it longer it should have been... "Here's pukin' at you, kid!"
  7. What do you call a snowman playing the piano in front of an open fireplace? Meltin' John!
  8. The 'Casa Blanca', indeed! Here's NOT looking at you, kid!
  9. There IS a way to get hold of one of these badges, even if you're not a fully-paid SIDC member... ...but I'm no' so sure you'd want to know about it - I got mine six weeks ago and I'm still walking funny
  10. Would that work out OK with the warranty, taking to Hypertech or the like?
  11. Between two services (10K) mine never needed a drop.
  12. Assuming your car's not done a huge mileage, it's worth way more than that.
  13. That's great news if you bought your car three months ago, but if your car is 2+ years old it's probably still depreciated more heavily than you might have expected when you bought it.
  14. My 2 cents... The fall-off in demand for new cars over the past few months has been replaced to extent by an increase in demand for SH cars. Therefore, many secondhand cars have seen in increase in value compared to end of 2008. My guess is that, while the market has recovered somewhat since last year, it still isn't as strong as it was say two years ago - i.e. the overall trend would still be a downward one. Yet it wouldn't be in the interests of your average car dealer to agree with that slightly bleak assessment, but time will tell how much of a 'recovery' this turns out to be Despite this recent increase in SH car values, there are still examples in Autotrader where private sellers are asking for more than the dealer prices, leading me to believe that they're still kidding themselves on that their cars haven't depreciated as much as they really have. Bummer
  15. Och no, there are more than just a couple of over-40s post here. Although if it helps him feel more at home, we could hold a 20 min bingo slot at the next meet... Just kidding, glad to welcome your Da to the club
  16. Ach, you're probably right. The salute's going to be unnecessary anyway, as the sombrero's a dead giveaway...
  17. How 'bout this? Extra points for every second both hands are off the wheel
  18. It's interesting that a few of you say that *most* Impreza drivers wave back... I get about 1 in 5 who waves back! Must have 'wan a they faces' or summat...
  19. The convention seems to be that any Impreza turbo petrol can exchange a flash/wave with any other Impreza turbo petrol, regardless of age (the car's age, that is). Must admit that I tend to have more luck with other newages than with classics, but having said that the odd classic has given us the wave. I don't wave Foresters at Tribecas and the like... I'm also not so keen on waving when the car's dirty - feel like I'm bringing shame upon the marque Just lately it's not been working at out all, though - every time I've waved recently I've had hee-haw back and every time someone's waved at me I've noticed too late and have failed to reciprocate... So if you've been snubbed lately by a WR blue Hawkeye around Falkirk/Stirling/Alloa, all I can say is 'sorry - ma heid wiz up ma shuck'!
  20. Glad to have you here! Enjoy the new Scoob
  21. That is shocking news about the petrol. Did you get a new car then?
  22. Welcome to the forum! Love the look of the GB270. Performance ain't half bad either Being a special edition it should hold its value better than yer average WRX too. Enjoy!
  23. I think I was running around with mine in a gubbed state for a while after I first got the car. Handling was OK apart from the odd jiggle from the back end when flattening out on the way out of corners - but only when pushing it a bit. You could maybe contact the dealer for an 'official' answer on this one. Put it this way mate, there's a reason that garage is behind a fire station..... Just kidding, I haven't used it (but someone on here must have!). Some of those bumps on our roads are so bad that when you drive over them it actually feels like you're 'passing' a load of speed cameras (if you catch my drift). Might be hard to prove that the council's at fault in the case of shock absorbers (not quite as clear-cut as a chipped alloy), but no reason not to have a go!
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