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mystery machine

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Everything posted by mystery machine

  1. That's interesting, Iain. I almost went up to Oban at the weekend, but had last minute change of mind when realised I couldn't quite take the petrol costs (there's always too much month left at the end of my wages!). Ended up having a short scoot around the Trossachs instead, which was great fun - but I could've happily stayed out longer Did you drive the A816 Oban to Lochgilphead during your travels? Just asking because that's the road I thought about taking on Sunday (the A85 being the route that most folks from around here would opt for). I drove the A816 once before about four years ago, but I remember very little of it - was driving my mum's car and had a bit of a hangover, so conditions weren't really ideal for enthusiastic driving! Kind of funny, looking back on it - I remember insisting on driving after a few miles of the old dear being at the wheel - the way she was taking the corners was giving me (and the other passengers) the utter heave - fast in, slow out, two whole gears too high, etc... woe...
  2. You know the best solution to the paintwork blues? Take yer Scooby for a rip down a nice B-road and remember why you bought it in the first place, and how these cosmetic woes make eff-all difference to how much fun it is to drive
  3. The GB270s are really nice motors and offered very good value for money as brand-new buys, but I recently compared asking prices for 07-plate GB270s against 07-plate STIs and the STIs weren't an awful lot more expensive. If you consider that the STI offers several rather more fundamental upgrades over a WRX than the GB270, and if you don't have to own a 'limited edition', then STI really starts to look like better value for money as a used buy... JMHO.
  4. I take it they give you a time at the end of each run, or was this a practise sesh?
  5. Good to hear your WRX is all spruced-up, Colin - you'll be feart to park it now! Were they pink decals? If I ever get an STi, the first thing I'll be doing is taking a hairdryer to my pink bits (oo-er missus). Although I notice that a few STi owners on here have replaced the pink decals with white ones. Much nicer, IMO.
  6. I know what you mean - I had to make a couple of wee edits here and there this morning after "typing under the influence" last night... Nothing outrageous mind, but nothing too smart either as it turned out Still, it's that time of the evening again... wish I wiz aff work the morra...
  7. Jings, that's an expensive day oot or two Hope you get it sorted soon, Chris (hopefully for good this time!). Tam.
  8. Welcome to the club Interesting username
  9. You're no hawkeye yourself, are you? Just kidding mate
  10. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrgh! Where's ma weldin' mask?! Ah cannae look! There's nothing that shines quite like a shined-up black motor Lookin' ace, mate!
  11. Oh man, that is rank rotten luck mate I guess you'll get another car no problem once the insurance is sorted out, just the effect that this and the theft might have on your premiums... even though neither was your fault... Guess the main thing is that no-one was hurt. Hope you get things sorted soon and that this doesn't put you off Scoobies.
  12. Re: Is This A Good Buy? No, this is: In all seriousness, if I was looking to shell out on a heavily modified motor for that kind of money I'd be tempted to find a very clean, low mileage classic and use the (significant) spare cash to make the mods myself. OK, might not reach 500bhp without chucking just about everything away, but you could always settle for a bit less power and bit more tailoring the mods to your specific needs. Just my 2p.
  13. Cool - how can they say that men know eff-all about commitment?
  14. I don't think that Impreza drivers deserve their loutish rep. The vast majority of Scoobies I see in traffic are driven sensibly enough. Only encountered one real Scooby twonk since I've had mine. Juveniles like the one Jason mentioned don't help, either...
  15. Hello and welcome Fine-looking Blob you got there - looks the part in silver!
  16. Not to be a pedant, but isn't the RS6 a V10? Not that it'd make much difference to the fuel consumption, though! It'd be like Andy Fordham at happy hour!
  17. Of course, heavy fuel consumption is the achilles' heel of the big V8, sadly (manufacturer's figure for the S6 - 21mpg combined). Surprisingly, the M3 I6 doesn't fair much better - although it's a tad quicker 0-60 and in theory should be even smoother... And between you and me, Jimmy - I prefer the bugs too. Seen Wulsey's white one? Stunner Tam.
  18. Didn't want to corrupt you, but here we go... Audi S4 on Autotrader Have to (grudgingly) admit that the underbonnet pic has me salivating something rotten...
  19. True enough - that would be the natural progression Now you're talking - should be able to score a very nice blob STi for that money
  20. The S4 is a lovely motor, and a quick search on Autotrader reveals that the odd V8 model can be found for around £12... but are Audis the knobhead motors of the moment or what? And I'm not saying this just because Clarkson also happens to think so - it's based on my own (bitter) experience. YMMV! To be fair, perhaps the older S4s deserve to be classified as coming from an older, less worn-wristed generation of Audis.
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