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mystery machine

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Everything posted by mystery machine

  1. The last person to say that to me was a police officer on the hard shoulder of the motorway, under altogether less happy circumstances than these (quite a while ago when I was younger and less wiserer!).In all seriousness... Cheers for the comments, John. I actually began thinking about trading for an STI a few months ago - but at that point it was too soon after servicing, taxing and MOTing to be getting rid of the old car. Fast-forward a couple of months and I started this thread, and luckily the new car turned up in the classifieds a few days after that. I say 'luckily' because there really aren't many Hawkeye STIs of up for sale at the moment (unless you're willing to travel to the south of Englandshire!). Ach, don't be too envious mate - that's one mighty powerhouse of a WRX (nascent STI?) you've got yourself there!
  2. That's nae good - hope he has a solid excuse for that indiscretion - i.e. 'hit by lightening' or 'washed away in a flood' (quite possible, given the state of the weather this evening!). You're a true petrolhead, Cathy - never let it be said otherwise! Aye, about the same where I buy mine - seems to be creeping upward rather ominously again... Tell me about it... I had to go out in that too. The funny thing was I actually thought about washing the car earlier on today! Close call Jings - chips for the horses? Dinnae be daft - it's all good!
  3. Ah - I read somewhere that Subaru revised the six-speed 'box ratios around 2005 - I believe they made the gearing a little taller, although 2-5 are still quite noticeably shorter than on the Hawkeye WRX 5-speed 'box (which suits me). True - and I suppose it's fair to say that the 2.0 STI engine is (in a turbo Impreza context) kind of the opposite of the GB270. The GB270 must have just about the greatest amount of low-down torque of any of the mainstream turbo Imprezas, whereas the 2.0 STI isn't really famed for its low-down grunt (but of course has its own character which appeals to many).
  4. It's one way of avoiding sunburn! I did get out for a run too though (see post above) In fact, if it wasn't for the price of petrol, and the guilt associated with racking up a tonne of miles on the car, I'd have stayed out all day Aye, there are some mechanically knowledgeable folks around here - sometimes make me feel like a bit of a leech for hanging around What about yourself - did you get out for a runabout? Get your tailgate sorted?
  5. I'm probably into injury time with this thread now, but... Took the STI for its first proper run today. I was really lucky to have one of my favourite sections of road all to myself - 12 miles of 3/4/5th gear twisties. Stuck the DCCD in manual 'open' mode for the entire stretch (sets the centre diff to its mechanical default 35/65 front/rear torque split). What an absolute joy! Could really feel the back end digging in coming out of the bends... and plenty more of all the other good stuff I mentioned above. Loving it!
  6. After having stuck my heid under the bunnet again today, I can confirm you're correct Paul. There is indeed a (larger) valve attached to the front of the intercooler. Doesn't look particularly aftermarket, so I'd guess it's the OEM recirc. valve. Not sure what purpose the smaller valve I was looking at fullfills... (on the front side of all the turbo plumbing).Must admit to feeling pretty ignorant about all this stuff. I just haven't tinkered about with motors in years, and in those days I never had a turbocharged engine, so I never had a reason to get up to speed with that side of things. Plenty to learn then!
  7. Looking good - can't beat a set of shiny new rims! They're going to be fun to clean, too
  8. Cheers, Bobby. I guess with the gearing it all comes down to personal preference Having said that, if you've got a walloping 390 peak and not too steep a curve, you could probably get away with just the two gears! Out of interest, was your STI the 2.0 or the 2.5?
  9. Cheers Cathy - I'll keep my eyes peeled for the red wagon!
  10. Thanks Kenny.A WRX running 300bhp (and whatever torque comes with that) will amount to one seriously rapid motor alright - I'm pretty blown away by the 280lb/ft of torque that the STI has on tap and I'm hauling ~80kg more than you (on my car, not on me! ). Only touched on 'max power' briefly and oh yes... very nice to have that sort of punch sitting in reserve for when it's needed.
  11. Paul, I need to go back for another look...
  12. Fixed. Interesting. Mine's on the (quite polite) OEM exhaust.
  13. Sounds like 'Blackeye' is going to stick then - well done, Burgy! It's going to be good fun explaining that one - I plan on using it next time I'm at the dealer's
  14. Forgot to mention... I get a muted 'whoosh' sound between gears at higher revs - sounds almost like 'breathing out' after the turbo has done its work. Quite pleasing, but the car was sold to me as 'unmodified'... was beginning to wonder if the previous owner had fitted an aftermarket blow-off valve... but then they're supposed to make more of a 'psssssst' sound, aren't they? Can't see any obvious signs of replacement parts under the bonnet, but then I'm not 100% sure that the thing I'm looking at is actually the recirculation valve... (suspended by some narrow-gauge piping in front of the intercooler?). Could any STI owners comment on whether this phenomenon (!) is to be expected? Cheers.
  15. Ah...I'll post pics... as soon as I buy a replacement for my broken camera. It sounds like a dodgy excuse, I know - but it's the truth, honest! Maybe do something about that this weekend... if my wallet can take yet another plundering... Edit: Camera purchased, photos taken, wallet obliterated
  16. Oh no, Steve - dinnae - ma wallet is in tatters!
  17. Well, I done it... I done bought one... Had it for a few days now, but not really taken it for a proper long drive yet. Nevertheless, here's a wee summary of how I've found it so far, compared with the WRX: Gearbox: Love it. The closer ratios really do work for me - a gear for every occasion! Nice sturdy, clicky feel to the shift, but probably not quite as quick between the lower gears as the WRX box. A worthwhile tradeoff though, IMO Engine: Totally different character. Slightly less off-boost torque (function of the lower compression ratio?), although still no slouch around town - reckon that the lower gearing helps compensate. Boost threshold is slightly higher, but once it has spooled-up..... 'oh ya jobby'! Continues to deliver torque higher up the rev-range, and it's silky smooth too! One thing that I wasn't expecting is that it's a lot quieter than my WRX's motor... definitely more 'whoosh' than 'thrum'. Handling: Flatter, sharper and more composed on the majority of roads. Although my initial impressions are that the WRX was less twitchy over the really undulating stuff (softer suspension can have its merits ). Definitely inspires greater confidence on long sweeping bends and flatter corners, though (is this a good thing?! ). Steering: The smaller wheel and higher-ratio rack make for a sharper feel and more accurate cornering. This is one of the key features that I wanted from the car so I'm well pleased with that! Ride: A little choppier, but less 'bouncy' - certainly nothing that I can't tolerate. The missus even says that it's "a smoother ride" than the old car, so 'go figure' as the septic tanks would say... Grip: I doubt that I've skimmed the dry limit yet, but I can feel that centre diff working... interesting when you're not used to it! Other than the driving experience, I really like the interior - the blue 'suede-effect' trim fair cheers it up. The STI dials are very smart too. Love the metallic grey - it'll never give the lustre of WR blue, but really I prefer a 'low maintenance' paintjob these days. The big wing... well, given the choice I'd probably have done without it, but 'when in Rome'! One real bummer is that I'm noticing little chips starting to appear on the rim of my rear NS alloy I certainly haven't kerbed the car, so something I'm driving through (a pothole, no doubt) is causing this. Rather pished off about that, but trying not to let it spoil the experience. Will try sticking a little more than the recommend PSI in the rear tyres to see if that helps defend the rims a little better All in all, very pleased - thanks to all here who offered comments and advice. I vowed you'd never get to me, but in the end, 'resistance was useless'! Thanks guys.
  18. Cue Sean Connery impersonation:Shome might shay itsh a ' S H * T E '. ...a shight for shore eyesh.
  19. Welcome Nice Blob - the wheels work very well with your motor. Splitter's braw too
  20. Glad that the two of you are still going strong after all these..... months
  21. Welcome to the forum Stunning Blob - very much to my taste! Particularly like the front splitter, the alloys and the tailgate de-badge
  22. Speaking of pastimes, Subarus, etc...Have you ever taken one up the Duke's Pass?
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