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mystery machine

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Everything posted by mystery machine

  1. That's utter gash, Cathy - 86mph on a quiet motorway in good weather conditions is a danger to absolutely NOBODY - blatant revenue generation, so it is If it's any consolation, I've heard it said that - depending on your circumstances - three-pointers often make very little difference to insurance premiums - there are just so many damned cameras around these days, and so many fixed penalties being dealt out, that it makes little sense for insurance companies to discriminate on that basis alone. Feel quite bad too after mentioning ProGrip to you...
  2. I imagined him saying something like this:"Dukes a' Hazard" is it?! Ah'll gie ye "Dukes a' Hazard"!!!
  3. Great pics! Does the owner of the Grey Hawkeye GB270 wagon post here? I followed one just like that down from Knockhill on Saturday, through Saline towards the A977...
  4. Enjoyed the pics, folks Cathy, the new wheels really look in their element at the race track!
  5. You can compare your results with the standard STI and the PPP STI here: http://www.prodrive.com/up/06MY%20STi%20PPP.pdf ...although you'll have to convert Nm to lb/ft, which you can do here: http://www.onlineconversion.com/torque.htm
  6. Cheers for detailing your mods. Power/torque curves look nice too. How much does Forrest charge for the mapping, if you don't mind me asking?
  7. Pretty intense heat treatment if you're running an STI hatch with a duff map.
  8. Thread title like that and absolutely no trace of Jennifer Lopez!
  9. As far as I can deduce, the Hawkeye pistons are - as in all Impreza 2.5 turbo engines - cast rather than forged (the crank and conrods are still forged). Cast pistons I believe are now the reserve of the JDM-spec 2.0. The Hawkeyes (gladly!) don't feature a lean-running map.
  10. Happy days! What mods did you make for this re-mapping? Was the car standard prior to that?
  11. What were you driving before the hatch, Billy? Tell me about it - that's a sore, SORE point...Tax bands that supposedly exist for 'environmental' reasons... meanwhile the same government encourages motorists to have their old cars scrapped and replaced with newly-manufactured articles - despite it being well-documented that the damage done to the environment by manufacturing a new car is greater than that incurred by keeping an older car running... I guess that economy>ecology, eh? Green tax, my cahoonas...! P.S. Don't expect any better from the Tories - ripping off the motorist has become an accepted part of our national culture
  12. Cheers mate - I've looked in WH Smith before, but no joy. I'll take another look
  13. Good to have you back, mate And gowf, by gawd...! The JW340 must attract some looks in the car park, next to all the corporate Audis, Beemers, Lexuses ('Lexi'?), Range Rovers and Mercs!
  14. And where can one buy the bast**d? (apart from Hypertech). Cheers.
  15. Never even knew you were a Fifer, Grant - raise your hand and give me six, mate
  16. Very: Aesthetically, the 330S reaches the parts other Impreza hatches can't reach Speaking of Ken Block, I reckon his wee spot on TG has done no harm at all to the Impreza hatch's image.
  17. A handsome Irn Bru-themed Scooby in front of some picturesque caledonian scenery....... 'Visit Scotland' could learn a lot from you, John Not heard from you much of late, what's been happening?
  18. Always wondered what the attraction of gowf was for these guys... I imagine he enjoys having his caddy withdraw a five wood on demand
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