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mystery machine

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Everything posted by mystery machine

  1. Everyone's at it now that the sun's out, so I thought I'd better take my turn... It actually has quite a nice shine on it just now, but you can't really tell from the way the light was hitting it when I took the snaps... It's bog standard (apart from the stereo!), so maybe no' much of a conversation piece
  2. Topical: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/scotland/7986579.stm
  3. Cheers for the interesting info, ScoobySounds! I'll send you a PM reply later, if that's OK (save hijacking the thread any further ).
  4. Aye, I know Richie - I was just implying that it might be a complaint more common with newage owners than with classic owners (as I've seen quite a few posts from newage owners on the topic).
  5. Lack of bite from (newage?) Scooby brakes is a common complaint - possible solutions posted in these threads: http://forums.sidc.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=121405 http://forums.sidc.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=128723
  6. I hope he knows that the far end of the lake can be seen from the M9
  7. I believe that it's a Glasgow colloquialism for 'video' Interesting! I guess the 35mm lens-compatibility and large sensor size will be good for capturing that shallow depth of field, 'filmic' look Not to hijack the thread, but... Do you always record sound straight to video tape these days? I guess it must be simpler than the (dying) film method of recording sound to a separate medium?
  8. Just about every road that I drive is in a worse state than it was six months ago. No attempt made to patch up the results of the protracted cold winter. But remember, it's not 'road tax' any more, it's 'car tax'... and therefore gone is the implication that the proceeds shall be used to maintain the highways And so we continue to be an easy target for a severe shafting - i.e. they do it because they can get away with it.
  9. OK - next time, you're getting the camera bolted to your door...
  10. t1000arab - at least you can say you've used your Scooby to successfully pull some bush... (sorry Cal)
  11. Hi and welcome to the forum Looks like a very well-maintained bug you have yourself there, enjoy!
  12. Aye, not to mention their car parks, chock-full of Audis and Lexuses ('Lexi'?)...
  13. Looking the cow's clangers, mate!
  14. Don't known anything of its history, but that's a jaw-dropping classic, mate Hope you can sort out those running problems soon.
  15. Juvenile I had a shabby grey hawkeye STi driver do the same to me a few weeks back. I was in unfamiliar territory, on a country road that wasn't short of pedestrians or cyclists, so I was in no rush. Stuck my LH indicator on to let the guy past but still he sat there velcro'd to my rear bumper through several straight sections until he eventually took the plunge and overtook... "Either shiit or get off the pot", as the saying puts it...
  16. Glad to hear you had fun "taking it up the Duke's pass", Paul (if you pardon the expression). I've had some great runs over there, but the road surface was a bit minging last time I went up (late 2008). Had a great hoon around west Fife on Sunday morning - blue skies and bone-dry empty roads - yee ha!
  17. Mine's exactly the same, John. Seems to be at its loudest when the air is cold and the car has had about five minutes to get halfway warmed-up. Other days, it's hardly noticeable. Didn't experience this with my previous turbo'd motor - it had a fairly consistent-sounding high-pitched whistle (distinct from the spin-cycle sound of the WRX turbo). Also, mine doesn't boost totally consistently. Seems to need a few blasts on every drive before it begins to boost smoothly and fully - especially after a week of pottering back and forward to work. I'm told that this is 'ECU learning', but I'm yet to be fully convinced - I do get a fair bit of 'wastegate chatter' (or 'boost solenoid ticking' - not exactly sure of the source). I always wait until it's warmed up before I give it a proper belt, BTW.
  18. Very clean classic, in both senses of the word 'clean'
  19. Sorry to hear you're having a tough time, Colin. Hope it all works out for the best in the long run. Tam.
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