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mystery machine

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Everything posted by mystery machine

  1. Congrats! There's at least one other proud Catalunya owner posts here, BTW
  2. I don't mind a bit of good-natured banter, but I don't like anybody getting too close to me on any quarter, for any reason. Had a white classic tailgate me up a slip lane recently and then tear past within about three inches of the driver's side before the one-lane slip even joined the motorway. I might've been impressed if he hadn't driven like such a dork... On one of the better-natured occasions I had a black newage STI follow me down a twisty B-road. He kept a safe distance but we were both clearly putting in a bit of effort to keep the pace up. However, we had to call it a day after about three miles when we caught up with a fire engine that was sporting flashing lights and a wailing siren (no laws were broken, officer!). I honestly didn't buy the Scooby for competitive driving - the best times I have with it are on an empty A/B road. But I'm only human and, in a competitive sense, I actually find it's actually much more satisfying to pull away from drivers of more powerful cars on bendy roads when I'm in my wee 1.5 runabout - in that case it's more a measure of experience than the boost pressure of one's turbocharger
  3. Very cool pics of a very cool Scoob!
  4. What do you want, your money back?
  5. Must admit Kenny, it's nice to hear about a bit of solidarity across the water - I was speaking to some folks from Arran scoobies lately, who said it'd be "a cold day" before they got together with the Jersey crew...
  6. I don't know about no chat room, but I'll always be there for you, any of you, on CB channel 28. This is Rubber Duckie saying "over and out"
  7. Very nice Blob STI How are you finding it so far compared to the old one?
  8. Sounds like you found out the hard way why you can't powerslide a front-wheel drive car around a corner! 'Power-plough' straight on, perhaps... I can't talk - way back, I learned a tough lesson in my front-drive Cavalier about the perils of inducing lift-off oversteer on a wet roundabout... car was one wheel drive by the time I'd finished spinning around!
  9. If you use PayPal they'll also skim a healthy swedge off the proceeds - best to ask for cash or cheque.
  10. What a beautiful - and relatively unmolested - classic scoob
  11. WTF?! I'm lucky if I get lumbered with a Renault Clio!
  12. In all seriousness Kosy, your Scoob is one of the nicest I've ever clapped eyes on Why can't they all be 3-doors in the classic shape?!
  13. My brother is in the science department up there... ...in a jar
  14. Yes! I aspire to being SIDC's foremost cunning linguist
  15. A cunning juxtaposition of cultures... I love it!!!
  16. Cheese-oh, Cathy - there are more Scoobs sitting outside your pad than turned up for the last Ullapool meet! Congrats!
  17. Cheers for the replies, they sound worth a shot Me too! Now, how to justify getting "drastic wi' the plastic"...
  18. http://www.just-subaru.com ... seem to offer a decent range of products for the Hawkeye, esp. suspension-related. Anyone here used them? Any comments on their service - positive or negative?
  19. Hi there - can't offer any info about your particular car, but welcome to the forum (from another Hawkeye STI owner) Pics?
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