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mystery machine

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Everything posted by mystery machine

  1. Car is a MY06 UK STI 2.5L. I would like to replace one of my cats with a 'cat delete' pipe. I'd be most grateful if any of the resident exhaust gurus could answer a few questions about this mod... Which cat should I remove? Does the car have to be remapped? (for continued smooth running). Will it pass the MOT test? Can you recommend a good replacement pipe? Will this release more burble? (the 2.5L does NOT have equal length headers, BTW! ). Thanks
  2. The Prodrive springs are still showing on the Prodrive site... have they sold out?
  3. Howdy! Loving your Blob, especially on those wheels
  4. Aye - they were a wee bit Auchendinny for ma tastes, but the two in the blue weren't too shabby... the sight of them striding up the hill from the pits will stay with me for a while
  5. Was up for a nosey around on Sunday... The Ford stunt show was a laugh and the F1 car was sublime Some nice wee runarounds in the supercar section too - including an absolutely stunning red Ferrari F599 (I think it was a 599?) SIDC tent was fairly quiet when we breezed through, but the blue Blob with the gold alloys caught my eye for its almost flawless paintwork and "how deep is your polishing glove" shine Also popped by the McRae experience where Grant and Imy were holding fort - I think that Grant might have been having a Nigel Tufnel "don't even point at it - you've seen enough of that one" moment, as the McCrae car's bonnet was being pinned securely down just as we arrived Only downside is that I'm burnt to a crisp noo... took ma top off when I got home and I look like a Swan Vesta in distress
  6. Welcome 'abroad' Tidy Bugeye I believe that Subarus are very popular back home in NZ... Forresters in particular?
  7. I wouldn't mind so much if I could believe that this campaign was targeted at blind overtaking, tailgating and drink-driving... ... but if 'breaking the speed limit on the open road' is the focus, as I suspect it will be, then it amounts to no more that an unashamed affront on the last bastion of motoring freedom in our once-tolerable nation.
  8. The Heelan Fling looked like a lot of fun, and the Cat suits you too! :)

  9. We also have that right in the UK, albeit with a grey area of what does and what does not constitute 'reasonable force'... ...but hey - the world ain't all black and white, is it?
  10. That's a very nice Scoob These guys are very good, if you'd like to get shot of that door ding: http://www.acci-dent.co.uk/company/location.htm
  11. That's gash, Neil Had they rolled your car out of its usual parking spot?
  12. Jon, I bet you feel bad about punching the MOT tester now? Kidding mate, hope you get it sorted without too much £££...
  13. Now THAT's what ah call 'detailing' The Cat is looking really nice, Cat!
  14. Must admit I've never done it... well not to a Scoob - have replaced plenty of orange side repeaters on old Vauxhalls! However, there are loads of threads on the topic here on SIDC, some with good step-by-step instructions IIRC Always an improvement IMHO!
  15. Wazzup, Cathy! How are you keeping?

    Aye, been out in the Scoob a fair bit lately - did a tour of the Borders a few weeks back - went as far as Hawick before I realised that I'd left my passport at home... had to turn back after that ;)

  16. Disgraceland's needing a wee bit of attention as it happens - it's getting into grass-cutting season and nearly time for me to get the mower out and trim the roof!

  17. Nobody is obliged to remind you when your MOT is due, although some garages will remind you purely in the interest of receiving your custom.
  18. Just one point: Anecdotal evidence would suggest that replacing Subaru newage shocks/springs with third-party items certainly doesn't guarantee an end to suspension reliability woes...
  19. I'm in a similar position with my Hawk STI - seriously considering extending the warranty for £400 because that's about half the price of supplying/fitting two shocks... and experience says I'm bound to need them soon! (already had two fitted under original warranty). Need to check the fine print, but it looks like the sensible thing to do if not planning any serious mods, and I'm usually very wary of extended warranties
  20. Nice! I went for a long run around the Borders the weekend before last and it really was one of those days that makes you glad to be alive and driving a Scoob
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