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mystery machine

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Everything posted by mystery machine

  1. The very punter Of course, not a patch on that hard basturd of a character... ...Stu Francis from Crackerjack He could crush a grape, you know.....
  2. I pulled into an Edinburgh Shell station this afternoon and the V-Power pumps were still open. However, I didn't have the Scooby, so wished to enquire as to whether their stocks might be expected to last until tomorrow evening, at which time I might choose to replenish my supply. The conversation with the (I have to say quite polite) African woman behind the counter went something like this: Me: "Hi, I've come in to find out how much V-Power you have left." Cashier: "No." Me: "No - there's none left?" Cashier: "No, I don't understand." Me: "OK. The V-Power petrol - do you think you have enough to last until tomorrow evening?" Cashier: "No." Me: "You don't?" Cashier: "No, I just don't understand." Me (observing the lengthening queue behind): "Thank you! " So I'm hoping whatever they did have lasts until the morra night...
  3. Call me old-fashioned, but it drives me to distraction when someone breaks "your" when they should be giving it "you're" And he has the cheek to write an advert sending-up nae-users and hoodies? I feel obliged to refer him to "Primary 2: English for Windae Lickers"
  4. Whatever happened to that guy? He was a comic genius
  5. Nice - from the right angles, the hatch looks quite muscular in black
  6. No, no, they are quick... ...if you can get the front wheels to stop spinning
  7. "While he was there, he also undersealed the car with black stuff that looks like it came from Deidre Barlow’s lung." And I'm helluva glad he said 'lung'...
  8. Here's my effort - a little more subtle, but I like it...
  9. P.S. Melly - I don't suppose it's much consolation, but the title of this thread would make a great title for a Country & Western tune I can almost hear Merle Haggard singing the opening verse: "Well we don't sell rusty Scoobies in Broughty Ferry..."
  10. I know how you feel - after not using the car much over the winter and then seeing most every decent twisty road within a 30 mile radius of my house turned to rubble, I was seriously considering whether I was getting my money's-worth out of the Scoob... But I've started venturing further afield lately to enjoy some smoother-surfaced highways and, particularly after a good run last Sunday morning, have begun to appreciate again the sheer joy of driving a great Scoob on a great road. If you have the time and the petrol money, it's worth taking the car somewhere where you can enjoy it properly again. I apologise for repeating an oft-repeated piece of advice (of which I myself was once sceptical), but a cheap wee second car really is a great way of keeping the weekday costs down and making you appreciate the Scoob all the more when you climb back into it
  11. Thanks for all the replies, folks Tardis sounds like serious stuff indeed... perhaps a bit too severe for my needs... I'll maybe try the autoglym first, then onto the Autotart Smardis if required
  12. Sorry to hear that the game turned out to be a bogey - hope you manage to recoup a good chunk of your outlay. You lives and learns, as they say - hope this experience doesn't put you off Scoobs or the Scoob community.
  13. Can anyone recommend a good tar spot remover? Thanks
  14. The thick 'frameless' blades that the Subaru main dealers are selling these days are actually really good - an even contact with the windscreen and minimal (if any) smearing. At £30 a pop, they're not cheap, but worth the premium IMHO. Look better too. Halfords wiper blades are poor. I had a set on my previous scooby - one of the blades worked free at the end of the frame so that the frame actually scratched the glass.
  15. Och aye, removing the film is easy enough - getting rid of the adhesive residue takes a wee bit longer. TBH, it's the kind of thing I'd usually try myself... just a bit precious about the STI
  16. Hope you find something soon, mate - the forum needs your easy-going-but-slightly-radio-rental persona
  17. Might be a bit far for you to travel, but this guy did a fine job of removing some tints from my windows: http://forums.sidc.co.uk/index.php?showtop...t&p=1346527
  18. It'll look all the better for it, Barry. If your Bug is anything to go by then I'm looking forward to seeing the results of some tasteful Wulsey treatment
  19. P.S. IMHO - the rear tints don't suit that car - kind of messes with the clean 3-door look a bit... JMO. Wheels are braw
  20. Aaaah.... thought that was you, Barry. The new motor is nice - got to love a 3-door classic And that white bug of yours was an absolute stunner
  21. Yep, looks like the microfibre cloth is the common thread (if you pardon the pun).
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