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mystery machine

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Everything posted by mystery machine

  1. IMHO... The many-spoked Tarmacs would suit the Wagon best. The Redlines are quite nice too. Don't think the untapered spokes of the Force 10 would work on your car.
  2. What a blinding example of a classic car in classic form!
  3. Fair enough. Actually my comment came across a wee bit glib - I should've said "shame they didn't have the presence of mind to rename the product"... might've saved me some head-scratching at least! But then in fairness their white paper (above) provides a more detailed product technical description than most mfgs would offer their 'internet punters'. In honesty, I would've bought a 'castor only' kit if one had been available. Did you find that the ALK's increased castor did much to improve steering feel?
  4. Interesting. A few weeks back I was on the verge of flogging my Hawk STI for an E46 M3... decided to hang onto the Scooby though - couldn't face trading it for an older car with more miles.Decided the answer was to stick some KW coilovers on the Hawk - hoping that will help hold its appeal a bit longer
  5. I loved Capris when I was a lad, and then went off them during the nineties when they became unfashionable... (not as unfashionable as the 'Probe' is today, mind ).But now, on the odd occasion that I see one, I can't help but feel a little envious... and RWD has to be part of the reason! Don't get me wrong, I'm not harbouring any misapprehension that yer average Capri is going to handle anything like as well as yer average Scooby - RWD or not - so I suppose nostalgia is the biggest part of the appeal for me in this case
  6. Nice clip... that Lambo sounds so good it brings a tear to my eye Indeed - and you can call me a big feartie if you want, but this is the very trait that put me off going for an Elise/Exige (and I really fancied one too!). I'd be too paranoid that some twonk in an Asda lorry would fail to see me and just run right across the top...Hugely desirable cars though - saw an Elise today and felt the urge again
  7. Hi Stephen. I wasn't so much suggesting that people were trading cars because of the drivetrain in either new or old... just that I'm left slightly bemused when I hear someone announce that they've replaced their Scooby with, say, a FWD hot hatch and then go on to suggest that it's "just as good a car in every way" (paraphrasing). This tells me that: a. They didn't have much appreciation for the benefits of 4WD in the first place (fair enough - it doesn't float everyone's boat). or b. They're lying So I'm certainly not looking to bash anyone who's gotten rid of their Scooby for perhaps very valid personal reasons, or imply that a good FWD car can't be a lot of fun too. Really the point was to stimulate some chat on Scooby 4WD, which I find quite interesting
  8. If anyone's interested, I ended up going for the Brembos as I'm quite happy with the way they perform (when there's material left on the pad, that is!). Was tempted by the Mintex items, but someone who fits a lot of brake pads to a lot of Scoobies advised me they can be prone to squeal... YMMV. Cheers again for all the input
  9. Put it this way - if we get enough cars on the convoy, the front will be arriving before the back has set off
  10. Nasty effect, but interesting to know what was behind it!
  11. But they didn't take any notice? I'd be surprised if it wasn't a deliberate misnomer - I mean 'pro-lift kit' doesn't sound very appealing, does it? OK, the kit alters the car's anti-lift geometry, but why not give it a name that reflects its primary function, i.e. 'pro-grip kit' or 'anti-understeer kit'? (OK, a certain very nice chap in Bonnybridge might object to the former! ). Anyway, I mention it only because I've read so many posts stating "the Whiteline ALK reduces lift and dive" that I thought it was worth setting the record straight on here - I'm certainly not holding out hope for Whiteline renaming one of their most successful products Used this kit yourself Andy? Any good?
  12. That was some plume on Friday afternoon, BTW! What are you boys up to?
  13. Not since I left the Mini Cabriolet Owners' forum
  14. Yer no' kiddin' - the stuff in Grangemouth glows in the dark Och no, glad you're still liking it
  15. Hey Gus I take it the novelty of moving to Fawkurk has worn off then?!
  16. Funnily enough it was a c*ck in a white classic who tailgated and overtook me - within a couple inches of the side of the car - a couple of months ago. Not Graeme, I'm sure!
  17. If you think that 'car tax' is funding lavish lifestyles for single mothers then you really have been reading too much Daily Mail... No, you see, it is spent on the roads - e.g.: - Traffic calming islands. - Speed humps. - Bus and cycle lanes. - Endless other schemes that don't represent the interest of the people paying for them...
  18. Cheers Craig. Mod-wise, the KWs are a bit of an extravagance for the likes of me, but I was out for a brief blast on the twisties last night and it's absolutely clear that the stock handling could be much improved upon! (still enjoyed masel, mind) Anyway, the KWs seem to get a good write-up - so here's hoping they'll live up to their reputation
  19. Derek - there's a slim chance I'll have them fitted for the FW meet... that would certainly be a good time/place to test ride quality - the road that leads up to the back of the wheel is one of the most uneven in the Falkirk area! (tree roots trying to escape from under the tarmac). Is your hatch still on the stock suspension then? I remember you were asking about coilovers but can't remember if you bought some...
  20. Sounds very nice - and you haven't mentioned anything about a bollock-crushing ride either, which is good Aye, the idea of being able to adjust the car's dynamics is very appealing - cheerio understeer, hello Japanese Drifters!
  21. Looking grand, mate!!! How are the BCs performing? What kind of suspension did you have before? How did you decide how much of a drop to go for with the coilovers? I'm having coilovers fitted soon and am trying to decide how much to lower mine. Cheers!
  22. If anyone's interested, I ordered a set of KW Variant 3 today. I went for KW over Bilstein because I decided adjustables would be better and the KW adjustables are a couple hundred cheaper than the Bilsteins - couldn't find any reason to pay extra for Billies. In addition to the coilovers, the place doing the supply & fitting persuaded me to augment the new suspension with a Whiteline Anti-lift kit* and rear camber bolts. Just need to book a slot for fitting now - quite excited Thanks everyone for all the useful input - will post a review after the new kit is fitted * An apparently little-understood fact... Did you know that the Whiteline ALK actually increases front-end lift under acceleration and increases front-end dive under braking? Therefore, it should correctly be referred to as an 'pro-lift' kit, or 'anti-anti-lift' kit, if you prefer . The increased lift/dive is a side-effect of the softening of the suspension that the ALK introduces under accel/decel, the purpose of which is to increase front-end grip and therefore reduce understeer during these conditions, making the car's grip characteristics more neutral. Don't take my word for it: http://www.whiteline.com.au/articles/Effec...0WL%20ALK_b.pdf Nevertheless, I am assured that, in combination with the stiffening effect of the new coilovers, I shouldn't experience an increase in lift/dive compared to the stock setup (hopefully less!). In any case, I wanted the ALK more for the positive effect on steering feel brought about by the increased caster angle... any reduction in understeer is more of a bonus, I don't generally find the car too understeery (the opposite in fact, given enough throttle at the right point in a bend!).
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