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Big Gordon

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Everything posted by Big Gordon

  1. Some of my pics.
  2. Brilliant day out, had a great time, as did Heather and the kids. Again, big thanks to Mr. Bus for organising and to Imy for the spec sheets. Great to catch up with some familiar faces and some good banter. Paul, like the pics of my Trans Am. Did you take any of my Scooby? "Enjoyed the last couple of days but the personel highlight was Big Gordon leaving 2 black marks about 50 ft long and squiggly. I was back to being 5 year old and watching Burt Reynolds live, loved every second following that car. The noise it emits is second to none and makes mine sound sheepish" Glad you enjoyed the smoke show Grant, i don't need much encouraging with stuff like that, love getting the car sideways Loads of pics to go thru, will try and get some posted up. Thanks again.
  3. Looks cracking Keira Enjoy
  4. Got the rs200 today as well, bit tricky on the handling front but it's plenty quick. Unlocked it after winning rally world tour Keira.
  5. Just got it too for the ps3 and thoroughly enjoying it, just unlocked the 6r4 this morning
  6. Can't believe it's 2 years already. There's not a single day goes by when i don't think about what happened Never forgotten...... Colin, Johnny, Graeme and Ben
  7. Cool, close call at 2mins 2sec
  8. Was with admiral last year and for no reason my renewal went up by £300 I'm with A Plan this year. Best quote and very helpful
  9. Bobby you would look like average height in a mini
  10. First car was a T reg Mini with a 1300cc engine, straight thru' exhaust, front disc brake conversion which meant the wheels needed spacers. So was nice and wide with flared arches until the wheel studs sheared and the wheel went up thru' the wide arch and wrecked the A pillar. Was great fun tho Oh, and for those of you that know me, yes i did fit in it ok . The drivers seat runners were mounted slightly further back
  11. Looking good Keira , job well done
  12. Won't change my opinion on the new car. They can produce as many "specials", lightweight, powerful or otherwise but it doesn't change the way it looks, and for me, that's where the problem lies. Agree too that i'd take the new Focus RS over the Scoob, and Colin drove a Focus so it's all good
  13. Some cracking cars there John. I know the guy in the red Vette in the second pic, it's a stunning car
  14. Looking to order a pair of rears for my newage so would be interested to see how this goes
  15. That looks cracking, love it
  16. There are a few names, but as this is a family forum...........
  17. Car's looking braw Gus, and you do have a great taste in wheels I sent you a goat wie some pics, did you get it?
  18. Welcome mate, car looks stunning
  19. Imy, i can relate to that. That's sad.
  20. Superb pics everyone, wish i could have made it but was working Well done Bobby,your cars are looking good. Think i need to start saving for a 22b, absolutely stunning.
  21. Car's looking great Colin Top job. What kind of DSLR did you buy?
  22. Well done Keira, awesome stuff
  23. Impressive driving again, but the new car still doesn't look half as good as the hawk in the other vid. Sounds all wrong too. He should do one in a classic
  24. Looking awesome Geo, like the stance with those wheels on
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