Saw this on ebay today aswell, was going to post something up but Grant beat me to it. You can bet anything that the profits from these ain't going to the charities
Can't believe it's been a year already. Still have days when i still can't comprehend that it actually happened.
My thoughts and prayers with his family and friends today and always.
Ok, here are some of my efforts
And a wee pic of myself and my son with the great man himself. This was taken at Lanark motorsports show last year and was one of the proudest moments of my life.
Do the pistons in the calipers need to be wound back to get the pads out or pushed back? If they need wound back do i need a special tool for this?
Great weekend, got in about 0030 and was still on a high, might have been something to do with trying to keep up with the 22b on the M6 M74. I failed
The memories will last forever.
Need to have a look thru' my pics and video footage. Hope they come out ok
Can't say anything that hasn't been said before. Awesome weekend and a very fitting tribute to Colin.
Huge thanks to all involved, the memories will stay with me forever.
Getting excited myself, there will be a hose pipe ban after all the cars getting washed the night
Cleaned mine and got the sticker on, canny wait, see you all tomorrow
I was asked to take my Trans Am up to this one but it's a wee bit too far away and it only does about 10mpg. Thought about taking the Scoob up but it's still a hell of a trek