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Everything posted by monkip1

  1. Yes it will be. Ill be franchising Smart abc - www.smartabc.co.uk And plus I feel its a good career change as I am very particulat about my own paint work and I know when I do repair jobs for customers ill be just as picky
  2. ill be interested in this but ill be in kiddimenster 23rd nov - 27th nov, 30th Nov 3rd Dec and 6th Dec 10 Dec I hope i can come see you guys Its been ages!
  3. Happy birthday and how old r you
  4. Cheers guys, I think some mates rates will be on the cards for people wanting there bumpers redone, or stone chips sorted, or nasty scratched from jealouse people! Also i cant wait to get to work on my own alloy wheels
  5. Hi all heres a link I posted in the general section to my new business franchise http://forums.sidc.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=140525 Love to hear your feed back
  6. Regarding track days ect Launch Motorsport do brilliant days out at Kemble race track in Glochester! But mind you day out to Dawlish warren and other sea side resort places are good also for family and kids friendly too Not saying no effort have been made in doing this, It just down to the member also to participate, as Iv noticed lack of interest in some shows down in Devon and cornwall. Shame all the major shows are around somerset wiltshire and the north ect .
  7. I cant make this im down town on one big Phat piss up
  8. And thats before we even get to the caravan's! lol Its a **** you got Sky and I dont I wanted that free porn pmsl
  9. Yeh It be a brilliant weekend I cant wait matie
  10. YYYEEEHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH BBBBOOOOOIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
  11. I cant go got a stag doo in bournmouth 2nd Oct yehhhh bring onn the beer!
  12. Eight
  13. hi alll
  14. SIX
  15. IM IN, 1.) STI3_Lewak Yes 2.) Bailey (If there is enough interest) 3) Monki
  16. FIVE
  17. I think I need to do this to my carbon fiber lip on my P1.
  18. Yawn.
  19. Well my lil 2pence. I havent been on the forum much my self mainly due to not having internet access in work, and when I get home I dont fancy sitting in front of the pc. I would go to monthly meets but Its a good £20 just to get there and back plus the 40miles each way. Having meets in different locations I think would benefit all members from across the region Im not a paid up member either so I am unable to go to car shows with the Sidc, I understand paid up members have priority in the paddock stand but I think two weeks before the show any available tickes could go up first come first serve to entice people more to be a paid member ect for member benefits. But I can go to shows with other clubs. I think that is all I can think of off the top of my head. Monki.
  20. JK were areee YOOOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU...........................????????????????????????//
  21. Lewak I would ring up a few tuning companies like scooby clinic, RCM, Alan Jefferies ect to see what there opinion is on reaching 400bhp. I wouldent thought the VF35/34 would be good for hitting the bhp your looking for as even with all the correct supporting mods you be pushing it. Regards Monki
  22. Ouch hope your going to make a speedy recovery bud, but mind you I think you have to come up with a better story than a fat woman beating you up
  23. yo alll
  24. Nope are you??? :S
  25. .
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