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Everything posted by monkip1

  1. looks top dogs i couldent tell the difference my self
  2. Thouht it be vid you taken Bailey! Did anyone quickly spot sp and ed???
  3. I must really hate my job to drink most days?
  4. monki
  5. Welcome
  6. www.shell.co.uk
  7. BUMPBUMPBUMPBUMP bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump . . . . . . . . .. .. .. .. .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
  8. I see, lol My bad never heard of them before lol.
  9. mean and green?
  10. Allready got that planned
  11. http://pistonheads.com/sales/314230.htm http://pistonheads.com/sales/661707.htm
  12. yes i do, because your clutch is broke
  13. Pleanty more out there SP. Pistonheads is a good place to have a gander.
  14. **** the villagers, if I got antilag and launch control, Ill keep it on 4000k limiter and let the pops bangs flames **** them off out side there house! That give then something to complain about!
  15. That looks like the workshop at Prodrive. Clean as you like.!!!
  16. hi guys just watching the BBCnews 24. Just to let you know massive delays on the motorway as FATHERS FOR JUSTICE ARE PROTESTING AGAIN Good luck to them I say!. Cheers Monki.
  17. The EOS 350D is a quality camera, expeshaly once you start expanding its capabilities with different len's,and different filters ect. My Dad the greedy bastured recently (Well i say recently about 6 months ago) Bought the Canon EOS 5D with a staggering 12megapixel camera. As he would like to do event photograpy. And minimum requirement for magazines is 12megapixel. http://www.canon.co.uk/For_Home/Product_Fi...OS_5D/index.asp
  18. Yeh its no problem, if im in the area might as well pic you both up. If my Sticker hasnt arrived (God for bid if it doesnt ) Then ill buy one of your spares off you!!!
  19. Make me smile how hes going on about buying a import in the advert because of less corrosion due to there dryer weather in Japan but he hasnt mentioned it have to be fully waxoild underneath to stop corrosion from British weather lol.
  20. Fair play to you mate, Be there for them while they are young. They will grow up fast. Monk's
  21. I mainly use my car on Tesco99 as its closer, V-Powers bit further away, but never EVER noticed any differance in performance or how my car runs on both fuel!. And if Tesco99 and normal unleaded are the same wouldent that be false advertising?
  22. 900 quid they are pulling the wool over your eyes mate! Full service on my car incl bent and tensioner all fluids ect is £550ish. Monki
  23. Apprently on MLR he had 7 complaints from other drivers due to his driving on the track and also he was over taking on the wrong side of the track also. Not sure how much is true thought.
  24. I need some more
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