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Everything posted by monkip1

  1. Glad you found a house Jd, Sorry to heard the bad news Bob. My weeks been very rubbish, Gf dumped me because she thought i didnt trust her. [:S], found a nasy rip in my drivers seat, grr had to take car in for the seat repair. And realised im going to miss my first SIDC meet. But i know there are worse things going on, so im thankful its nothing to worse. Monki.
  2. the only autogym product ill use the the instant tire dressing lol. I mainly use Zymole myself and there range of products. Ill have to clay the car cem time but its a lenghly process. Early morning start i suppose lol.
  3. Yep ill remember to bring it. Cheers S.P
  4. Awwwwww.[:'(]. Well, ill still be waxing and giving the car a good scrub any hoooo. Hopefully the weather will be great.[ip]
  5. Well avoiding the evil laughts ect.......(Hate scary laughts,just to freaky for me lol) To entre show in shine ect ect do i need to fill a form, or do the refs walk around the cars ect? Also i use Zymol to wax in polish my pride in joy. Got any tipes on any other products ect for cleaning?
  6. Is there any more space on the stand? If so could i get a form soon? and i could get it back to you guys with payment with in a week or so. Monki.
  7. *** Scary movie sound*** Dum dum dummmmmmmm............
  8. I look forward to my first SIDC meet. Hows the food in the resturant we are visiting? Any Steak? []
  9. Cheers Rae, I will see you at this Aprils meet hopefully. And there are pleanty of P1's for sale out there. (Pistonheads,autotrader) But in all honesty for a 2door, I would have to have a hybrid of both the P1 and the Type RA. But sadly it isnt a option with out spending out alot of money on parts and labour. Iv allways fancied a Turbo2000 or JAP Wrx. Monki.
  10. Lol whos complaining when the cars spick 'in' span.[]
  11. Looks very very sharp there.
  12. []
  13. I can deffo make the 15th, but if the 29th is agreed, I may be-able to twist a arm or two to get it off:D. Monki.
  14. Just to clarify do i pay on the door and mention SIDC stand? Or should i Pm you S.P for application and cheque? Monki.
  15. Thank you Scoobie P,
  16. Ermmmmm shouldent you keep it hush hush Bob if you got a invite from the Masons? lol.
  17. Cheers for putting my name on for reserve . I have a MY00, P1 AWD. Let me know the nitty gritty detales for payment so i can get a cheque off in the post asap if possable. Thank you Monki.
  18. Heres my new baby. And the Rear end..... And the inside, Sorry has not had a clean yet.... Cheers. Monki.
  19. Hi if possable is there any places left for the stand at Castle comb? I could get a check in the post tomorrow 30th/March for the payment. Regards Monki.
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