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Everything posted by monkip1

  1. Jw, i have never been to a rolling road, Is there a chance my engine might decide to give up?
  2. You have now had the mick ripped out of you, [] Nah every one to there self i say, and i dont knock anyones taste in music. Iv been knows to listen to classic fm. Ed - Ac/Dc good choice Ed. [Y][]
  3. My scooby is turned on, revved up, and gearing up for some fun after seeing that rear end.[]
  4. Welcome to SIDC, The button on top of the colume is a parking light. (No point really in having one imho) And im not sure what the button is next to the ash trey. I know to the left of the ashtray on my scooby theres a fag lighter. Monki.
  5. That must have took alot of skill and practice.[] I think if this is true then Ed has skills that match the STIG!!![]
  6. Get your names down if you fancy meeting up at which ever services. Gordano meet @ 6.15am - leave @ 6.30am 1.Monkip1 2. 3. Chippenham, Morrison's meet @ 7am - leave @ 7.15am 1. 2. 3.
  7. Ill be up for a early meet for a convoy, Ill be up all night with excitement, i can pick up at Gordano as its quite/fairly close to me. Monki.
  8. Havent i seen another pic on here where i think Ed's sleeping lol.
  9. I bought my SIDC MonkiP1 throught my P1woc, as the geeza who makes the stickers also using the owners forum, (Bought them before i took delivery of the car lol. But thos SIDC plates looks the dogs. Are they re-usable? Monki.
  10. Craigy, thats awsum [] made my night, Top laught, Japfest is going to be a laught if im able to spot you! Guess the toilets going to get alot of use tonight/in the morning lol. Monki.
  11. I was telling my parents how SIDC is a family orientated club,not a club for young boy racers to tit about on, and my mum was like "Oh so you taking us on days out then?" lol.
  12. [:'(]Dammit, I was up for that too.
  13. I got to be bk for work for 6ish lol.
  14. Sounds like its going, to be a good laugh lol
  15. I was close to buying a Rex STi my self on a 05. Very very nice cars. And imho the better shape of the newages. Fancy swapping the Intercooler spray and the big scoop[] Welcome to the club and hope to see you at shows and meets. Monki
  16. Deffinatly worth it for £35 quid. [Y]
  17. Lol shot guns at the ready. [] Only kidding mate.
  18. Lol i got back from work and went to bed at 7, woke up at 10am, and been on one all day. You watch later the last chat thread message from me would be "Hi all, whats is evvvrryfljfmb....." (Falls asleep on keyboard) lol. Ben.
  19. Club jap isnt another word for Tatsu isit?[]
  20. Are they like the ones at Butlins Minehead? Thos tires squeeled if you turned to sharply [] OH the joys and fun of the 18 to 30s weekends. [D][pi]
  21. Im staying out of this one lol. But ill be near by with a camera [] Monki.
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