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Everything posted by monkip1

  1. "MR B" thats not me isit S.P? [:S]
  2. Getting confused between the two, [:$] Will SIDC turn out to be a big stand?
  3. monkip1


    Lol. Wish i had too. . . . . .
  4. Oh if it is possable SP. My friend Chris who came with me to Japfest was wondering if he was alloud to come to this meet? After Japfest he has decided he wants a Scooby. (Shame his insurance wont let him, unless its a Sport) Monki.
  5. monkip1


    Pssshttttt you think 5k is a cool number? I got "500" [] Monki.
  6. You joking bout the sun Ed? lol. We have had rain all freaking day. Someone do a sundance. []
  7. Ahhh i gotcha now. Todays on a go slow like usual. The list for the meets looking very good.
  8. Good to meet Parker at the swfm.
  9. Thats spot on. Glad he is taking a interest. Does he fancy donig my car too? Monki.
  10. Combine harvisters, laptop mouses, you guys have totaly highjacked this thread lol. So you bringing your tracter to the Swms Parker? Lol
  11. Ok i know its late morning for me, but im a bit confuddled with your comment Ed ("Speak for yourself") [*-)]
  12. You started your own post whores thread lol. Last reply - Monki.[]
  13. doesnt take long to lower the whole tone does it lol And you wonder why Parker asked "Where are the ladies?" lol. I know my avatar probably scares little un's but reading half the topics you to chat bout. Well.... Im not surprised SP has not had words lol. And for crashing this site....please please please dont do that! Its one of two things that keeps me sain in work [] Ed you going to take the glory for the show and shine after Jaq spent long hours cleaning your car? [<)]
  14. Any one else want to show off there car? [][Y]
  15. monkip1


    Lol well if you want to boost your post count double post [] I wore my wooly hat in my car last night, with heaters on full, it was so cold i was sure my cars bhp was fluctuating between 300 and 1000+bhp Amazing init. My mate Chris put a chorne gear knob in his car and got an extra 10bhp !!!! The build quality of cars these days. Stunning.
  16. Hungry Ed? pmsl, Parker theres pleanty of nice ladies here to chat to.[H] (But remember SIDC is not a dating service). Well im sure the Hoola girls at swms will be nice eye candy to look at. [] Monki. P.s Lou i seen your pics on Bebo, lol looks like i will be comming over your house as you seem to have cracking parties []
  17. Maybe he likes Scoobys Sp. [] Well form meeting people at Japfest i know we seem to be a fun, sencable lot. Well maybe lol.
  18. Hmmmm stiff competition.............Anyone like a mud splatted car Hahah. Nah seriously, I think me and Parker has our work cut out with Show "in" shine and cracker eating lol.
  19. "Turka turka mohammed jehad", Oh hang on thats Team America not ALi G lol.
  20. Welcome to thw Southwest. Where the Sun allways trys to shine [][st]
  21. Well Done Jaq [Y] So im guessing its a quite resonable sized pub then []. Monki.
  22. Hi All. How did it all go? Monki.
  23. Yeh its going to be a good one me thinks!. Is Dave T and Parker comming to this one?
  24. Ill have a look when im in the mental state. []
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