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Everything posted by monkip1

  1. Yeh ill get one of the pritty secretairys in here to give me the tixylix lol.
  2. Lol, acctuly there was one post. Sorry to bust your balls Rae, Ed done an update on the Swindon meet. []
  3. same as my 5000 or so then Rae lol Cough! cough!
  4. cough cough .........................choke choke...................................excuse me old boy...............how on earth can you say that with a straight face lol Rae maybe laughing? After all he is hiding behind a monitor lol. ... . . . . . . Ed yeh i am security, Just dont get me angry i turn in to a blue Hulk "RRWWAAARRRrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr".
  5. I agree, but we have had a few didgy people jump over our 7foot wall before to steal unlocked mountain bikes. Or to try and gain entry into the building. But as my job as security im here to keep the building secure and to stop any potential threats.(I sound like the MOD lol)
  6. Well we have a big archway with big roller shutters, on a key card to get into the car park, and sum student chap was in the archway with his camera pointing it in towards the car park. Just went out there and stood in the middle of the car park stairing, he went withing 30seconds. He probably was zoomed on on my head and got scared lol.
  7. Yeh it is easy going off topic when you are catching up with people and there day. Iv done it a couple of times. And wtf sum person is taking photo graphs of our car park through the shutters. BRB
  8. Isnt that what the "Chat" threads for mucker? So you had a grilling then lol.
  9. not pretty pmsl - thats it I am dead lol Dead and buried ! You watch what you say Edmondo, If you want mods it goes past me 1st so i suggest you apologise! oh dear - now look what happened - me in trouble again lol Umm not taking sides Ed, but you deserve it, maxing out the site bandwith with your multi-posting. lol
  10. well south Bristol to city centre is about 5 miles roughtly. A hours walk. (Speed walking) 30mins on push bike. Or 15 to 20mins in car (traffic permitting). Or if im late and its all clear around 5 to 8 minuets no joke. But i drive like a OAP most of the time any way. []
  11. Oh no dredded sleep overs lol. I doubt you have much sleep that night![|-)] Monki.
  12. Ok pokie. Cheers Jaq. Ben.
  13. Hey Liz, Have you thought about attending our local(Ish) meet in Swindon this Friday the 15th? Bug turn out and it would be good fun. Nice to meet the club members have a few [D] Ben.
  14. Hi, Regarding this meet, would i be-able to invite any P1woc members along, As i know a couple lives nere Glos sort of way? I know they may not be members of SIDC, but more the merryer? Monki.
  15. [:|]Me a whore how dare you! [] Why cant you make it to the meet Parker, I was looknig forward to having a chat. Monki.
  16. These next two weeks are gonna be murder. Really looking forward to the meet and the show. I just wana get there and have fun []
  17. What work are you having done JD?
  18. Hay Tubby, Love to see your car mate, facny posting some pics?
  19. So the voices say Ed. [A]
  20. I wonder how the Swindon meet will turn out?! NO one will get a chance to talk me thinks with the verbal whoring between Parker and Ed []
  21. Im not sure what my average copnsumtion of 10miles aday is, but i fulled up to half tank last night, £20 about 21lts. Im going to see how long it lasts going just to work and back. Tesco super 99ron is used. Mixed with the last fill up of v-power. Service was about 2 months ago so it should be all good. Monki.
  22. I know Ed and Sp are not home till later today and parker, wouldent it be a good idea to pm JD's number instead of giving it out in a forum lol.
  23. Lol, No its quite allright i dont mind to be honest, as long as people look at them and think "LOL". []
  24. Welcome again Liz. lol
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