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Everything posted by monkip1

  1. You love being wanted lol. But you and SP returned the compliment last night "Oh wheres monki tonight?". Brought warmth to my heart and a tear to my eye, []
  2. I might have to clay my car sometiem but its such hard work cleaning the car every two days because of road dust ect!. Wish i had a garage.
  3. The other day I went into town to shop at Woolworth's. I was only in there for about 5 minutes. When I came out there was a traffic warden writing out a parking ticket. I went up to him and said, "Come on man, how about giving a senior citizen a break?" He ignored me and continued writing the ticket. I called him a Nazi. He glared at me and started writing another ticket for having worn tyres. So I called him a ****head. He finished the second ticket and put it on the windscreen with the first. Then he started writing a third ticket. This went on for about 5 minutes. The more I abused him, the more he wrote. Personally, I didn't care. I came into town by bus. I try to have a little fun each day now that I'm retired. It's important at my age!
  4. You just wanted to up your post count!! lol. []
  5. I think iv got this day off, of i have ill be up for it 22nd if im correct? Close to the end of the month but im sure i can cope haha. Monki.
  6. Oh the antisipation....................[]
  7. []Well topped up 20quid Sunday night 1/2 tank. Drive to work and back all week, even been to mc donalds a couple of times (Hengrove leasure park, Black castle(Brislington/avonmeads) and Drove around alittle bit. Now its Thursday and i got to say im just on the 1/4tank mark [] Im impressed!!!!!
  8. And me just in between [] Not far about a hours drive from all of you!!!! (Speed depending of course)
  9. S&S, Limbo and cream cracker, Well Parker if you want me to have round two you can allways pay the fair haha.[]
  10. I do like your designer graphics Rae, really does set your car apart!. Blue on Silver is a good contrast imho. Good Work Rae!
  11. Half way throught the year, and a few excellent shows and meets comming up too!
  12. Hear hear, deffo hot and shiny today. Shame the building works behind my work is throwing dust all over the cars in the car park mine included!. Monki.
  13. I better remove my videos from youtube then!!! I dont fancy having agro form the press or cops lol. Monki.
  14. Im using the V-Power for airmiles ect...[ap]
  15. Yeh it looked like a real good laught, Nemo poop lol Crazy idea. []
  16. Dame right i am. Well tbh im sure my cars running on either 5w - 40 or 10w - 50 as it does warm up very quick. But once at temp its spot on!. Wonder what they use at Tileys? Tiley's use silkolene pro in mine and there race car. All servicing for classic's is shell helex semi unless you bring your own oil in. Thats brill info there Bob. I wouldent mind going to full Synth personally. Possably when i do my 3k oil change. Well Regarding what Ed said about city driving, just going to work and back for 7days uses about £20quid or so. I do give a bit of welly sometimes or if a taxi or bus decided to try and pull out on me near Templegate round about! Alot of lane hopping there.
  17. Ok ok Parker, Ed and Scooby P,[] Ill get a pic today, but you have to wait till i get home tonight(18:30) so i can upload them to the laptop - Photobucket then here lol. *Dw it wont be nothing norty norty, Mods, Friends and R/O*
  18. Hopefully Bailey will get the time off. I know how hard it is to get time off doing shifts. Glad hes got the 15th nights off to come to the meet! Going to be a good night.
  19. Hmmmmmmm Parker likes drinking poop. Well iv seen some crazy stuff in my time! But drinking poo, welll thats wrong lol.[:S]
  20. Understand your frustration Lou, (not takin sides). But what i would like to know is whos Ellie?[]
  21. Its going to be a great laught this is hehe
  22. Im on work pc whoring up a ickle bit. I just get bored in work and like chattin on SIDC. Monki.
  23. AAWWWwwwwww[{]
  24. Is Dragons a Black classic with a roof and boot spoiler? Met a chap called Alex over Hengrove leasure park last night with a White 4door import with sti5 spoiler and de-locked and handled, a 18inch deep dish!. Had a good chat with him......before the wife asked him to join her in the pub lol. Monki.
  25. LOL Parker your ledge. The Meguars Tech wax i used Sunday is really good. But i dont think its got this "Coconut furr" and "Ear wax" you get in these expensive ones []
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