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Everything posted by monkip1

  1. Oh i thought you was on about your car SP. Lol told you i get confused easly!
  2. Hmm save me the Rabbit stue!
  3. "Heyyyyy how you doooooooooooooooiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn?!"
  4. I think im going to "BTT" the new Mug shot thread....
  5. Yeh i think ill be giving my car a smexy cleaning session on the Saterday []
  6. **EDIT** A breath mint and a can of Pepsi. []
  7. Even stranger feeding your kids gerballs, Least have the decentcy to feed them a parrot!! That be a bit more substantual! lol.
  8. I think we kept it to eat, but i was put off with the mangled head, and the cavety where the eye was supposed to be! lol. Havent been since! [:^)]
  9. I once mutilated a rainbow trouts head when i was 11 doing fly fishing, As you need to hit them on the ehad to knock em out, well i didnt understand and kept hitting its head till its eye went "Plop". Ohh i use the Black Castle quite a bit on evenings, was there last night by the pool tables.
  10. You got to be super intelligent and able to post whore the whole SW section in 10min like Ed and Parker [6] before your able to post pics. Or alternativly you can sign up to www.photobucket.com! [] Hope this helps, Monki.
  11. I usally jet wash the car chamose then Tech wax it!! Lovly jubbly.
  12. Ask if he wants to meet up for a pint somtime?
  13. Worth an enquiry. Wonder if i can take the scooby on the go-kart track?
  14. [+o(] []
  15. Yeh ill be very interested in having a good chat with Bob. But i want to but quite a few mods before a remap, to get my money worth. All mods that would require a remap after i think ill buy. Other parts like Fmic ect ill fiot at my leaisure. Monki.
  16. "Clubmember" []
  17. Once me and the rest form sedgemore get to Exiter there be a masshoooove convoy
  18. Nice very nice Royal, Are you using a Blitz exhust there?
  19. Aww shame, you sure your not the pritty ladie?
  20. Well if you want as we are meeting at Sledgemoor, for 6am, We will both be passing Gordano on the M5! We could meet there? Or just presson and meet the rest at Sledgemorre? lol.
  21. Bummber, but atleast JD you can take short cuts across country if we get stuck in traffic!
  22. Lol, i mean form base camp, but if you are around Bristol anytime give me a tinkle!!
  23. Hmmm i think this could be interesting, groupbuy on rooms at travel lodge for the night over anyone?
  24. Im Game, Just make sure breathmints and a beer is on standby lol.
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