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Everything posted by scouk

  1. Nice photos! You really caught the days' atmosphere with some of those.. Nice one!
  2. If we were all motivated enough I'm sure we could put together a Scottish Scoobies Rally Team! Surely there's on decent driver among us.. A co-Driver and there's a handful of mechanics here.. Surely we could get a few "donations" in terms of parts in exchange for advertising. All we need is a road car and enter it as Group-N (I'd suggest a MY08 STi just to take the p***..!)
  3. Nice photos! Here's a few more... At ease! The annual stone-flinging get's underway at turn 1! Nice to see Petter Solbergs old car still being put to good use! *drool* Maybe standing a little too close for comfort! It was inevitable really... But of course, the main attraction of Stage 5 was the flying MUD! Got tons more photos available here: http://www.scouk.net/snowman-rally/2008/
  4. Good job... but F**K THAT!!!! Sure way to take a limb off doing that!!
  5. Picked up the latest mag and noticed it was a Scooby vs lambo rather than scooby vs evo review! <goes to watch video clip>
  6. Not heard of that before... To get tehcnical about it, it should infact be more economical as the car is lighter and therefore not requiring as much power/fuel to move the car along..
  7. Nice!! *drool* Yep that engine info sounds about right... Ford owns Aston Martin.. and the V12 engine in the Astons is not much more than a couple V6 Ford mondeo engines stuck together end to end as one big V12 lump... Then tuned properly! My neighbour across the road/field has a DB7 Vantage.. Looks nice but he needs a slap evertime he goes out of his drive and floors it... Cannae be good for the cold engine.. The car get's picked up once a year and put on the back of a fully branded Aston Martin Trailer and taken off for it's service then delivered back to his door a few days later..
  8. Doesn't the newage have a 60litre tank? That's still another 5.01 litres you coudl have used!! Most I had was 57litre full up.. that was driving about 35-40 (careful) miles with the light on.. until I found a V-Power station..
  9. TOo late by the looks of things
  10. Aye... Noticed but it's just a single thread it'll get to 100+pages long and no one will be able to find anything.. Whereas havign it as a seperate forum up above the important topics section, will make it more like the WIY forum on the main part of the site.. Just my 2pence worth...
  11. LOL! Although I would have thought the topic would be better placed as a forum up next to Events, Sales/Wanted, Off Topic rather than one posting thread... IMHO Makes it easier to spot and also quick flick down the list to identify a spotting..
  12. Patience and a hairdryer/heatgun in a warm(ish) dry enviroment... Take it easy heat up a section at a time and gentyl peel back the vinyl if it start to feel tight stop and heat up the next part... The heat will warm the vinyl and make it rubbery which makes it easy to take off.. Also it allows you to take it off in more or less one go as opposed to tiny bits.. It will take time, but worth it ... I used to work for a local company putting graphics on the side of vans and stuff so I know how much a pain it can be taking the old ones off.. But the heat definately helps! Only thing is I'd reccomend giving it a damn good polish when it comes off that will make sure any residure left on the surface of the paint/clearcoat will be cleaned off ready for the new vinyl! If you wash teh car afterwards you will see that the pattern will still appear where the water reacts to the bodywork differently but a polish should help this.. AS for design... I'd go for somethign similar, maybe the USA Subaru Rally Team logo: I do like CMcRae NoFear one but don't think it woudl suit the WRBlue colour
  13. I'm havin' it!!!
  14. ToyBus I'd have to consider one... I fell in love with that new celica shape from the moment I saw it .. I eagerly await what the next one will look like!
  15. Not sure of places to buy but I've heard halfords have offers on now and again... As for which type... My vote would be for tomtom.. I use the version for my mobile phone and cant fault it.. I've also used the proper satnav devices and found tomtom is the easiet to use.. Some other manufacturers may have other features but tomtom get the job done and done well as far as I can tell..
  16. I do try keep the sodding thing clean... not so easy at this time of year.. Hope you aint' selling it!! I've got no plans to get rid of the WRX, I've put too much work into it and it's still got loads of life in it! Besides I think my next scoob would be a black hawkeye STi.. Or maybe a new Diesel Impreza (As a 2nd car)
  17. Ha haaa! no worries.. wasn't sure.. never saw the plate.. Was pishing with rain and half way round a corner before I just caught the WRBlue prodrive wing go past.. Couldn;t tell if it was a "true" UK300 or not.. Aye remember that! You were following me most of the way from Elgin kept looking in the rear view and drooling! I've got the Uk300 style prodrive wing on my WRX now! But in red not blue so not quite a UK300 lookalike
  18. LOL! BTW - Was it you I passed just outside keith near the bridge on thursday afternoon? Or is there another Uk300 lookalike kicking around..
  19. That looks like a s**t load of fun!! Nice driving skill BTW! Bigger track that I expected!
  20. Aye that raceland track looks pretty decent! Been down to the track at thruxton once to watch my brother race in an event.. Really need to get into this, and spend some money on something else other than the scoob for a change Getting to the end of my self-mod list now There's just sod all in this part of scotland for motorsport..
  21. Excuse the thread hi-jack.. Never been karting myself but would love to get into it... Anyone got a decent list of Scottish tracks? The one at boyndie is only about 30 mins from me... Think there's still one up at Golspie IIRC.. (both outdoor tracks)
  22. Higgy! your mad! But we love you for it!! Still got fond memories of that beast going round Alford last year.. Someone's got a mobile phone video of it on youtube IIRC... How the hell that car doesn't tear itself apart is beyond my understanding of mechanics & physics..
  23. There was a thread about this not long after the new forums came along.. There was also discussion about adding a sticky link to the top linking to the strictly technical forums.. Not sure if it was forgotten about or whether the powers at be thought there's wasn't enough interest.. It made sense to me.. get people using more parts of the forum withotu having to go back to the main page especially strictly technical where you can get nationwide advice.. Also there's enough spottings going on in Scotland to warrant it's own section in Scottish Scoobies.. IMHO.. Don't want to go overboard otherwise we'll have so many links at the top of scottish scoobies that it will take too long to scroll down to the general posts
  24. Ouch!! that's sore!! I like this one! My brother used to have black BugWRX with remote start... Great walking through the car park spotting kids standing close to the car drooling.. When you trigger the remote start! Priceless watching their reaction! Most, damn near sh*t themselves..! Fortunately I don't think I've had any silly comments... Young kids usually just "Cool Car" or "Is that a rally car?".. Older people (we'll older than myself) also seem to like it which is a bit odd get the odd person coming up to me in a car park commenting on it.. Ok, maybe there was that one guy behidn teh counter at halfords "So how fast have you had it" *sigh* Same person proceeded to say "impreza's aren't really as fast as people make out... " I simply replied... "Fast enough..." (Which was before it got tweaked )
  25. Oh dear..... Seems someone in the Subaru Marketing department has a sense of humour after all..
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