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Everything posted by cullenmin

  1. :L You only input the price once in an ad i think so it repeats it.
  2. Al - maybe we could get a GB on servicing for us boys up North Hope your reading grant Rich (a cheeky rich at that )
  3. STi red/white lights do look much better than any aftermarket lights Rich
  4. So what you after then dave? Turbo? Headers?
  5. 4wd = GOOD 3.2 v6 = GOOD looks like an old mans car = BAD only jokin min Fair play german engineering and quality etc etc I'm wantin a shotty when I'm back up the road
  6. Got to agree with the above comments, thats some cracking pictures, I like your style flatplank
  7. I'm still undecided about the new scooby, dont like that big plastic bits on that bumper. Rich
  8. Ouch, doesnt sound good atall mate. Let us know what you find tomorrow Rich
  9. Thats a well smart car you got there mate, nice pics. why oh why was subaru not content with the hawkeye Rich
  10. Very nice, its good to see you got the hang of your camera by getting not one...but two cars in the frame.... unlike your knockhill pics That is a tidy type R, no wonder you were out cruising in it the other day
  11. Its official... You are a Crazy Mo Fo That's certinally different and may get a lot of turning heads. Hopefully I'll get a closer looky at it sometime, oh and I hope your taking it to crail for a laugh??? Rich
  12. Nice vids there. I have video's that I need to look through tomorrow, see if theres anything good I managed to capture
  13. That wasnt the hairpin, this was about the 7th corner at the other end of the track
  14. Vert tidy lookin car you got there. I think your right about being a pic whore, nothing wrong with that though Rich
  15. Aye it sounds like you have had a great time. Something I want to do is make the trip to the nurburgring. Do you have any pics or your car or your trip to the ring? I got a thing from subaru asking if I want a test drive of the new STi...so I replied back YES Just waiting for an invite or phonecall now. Rich
  16. Welcome to the forum mate. Keep an eye out for meets/events etc in the events section, theres always something going on. Rich
  17. Sad to hear this, I'll keep an eye out in Fife for ya! Hope you get it back in one piece Rich
  18. Had a good day at knockhill, I was only spectating but it was a good afternoon. That was my first time at knockhill so i was scoping out the track before I end up taking my scooby on it later this year Higgy's car looked rapid as feck on the straights, thats some machine you got yourself there mate Pics: The welsho show: In the car Park: Litchfield Type 25, cosworth internals, 415 bhp, beautiful. Rich
  19. Its not embarassing, its a good point. I have seen this on my old uk turbo but I just went for a happy medium, as long as both sides were within the limits, and check it now and again! Rich
  20. Cracking deal mate, now go order that £1000 front mount Rich
  21. That chart states it at the top, unless there is another chart for cars registered before that date!?! No matter what, we'll all get screwed, whilst low life and immigrants get it all handed to them!
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