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Posts posted by thewelsho

  1. Might see you up at Knockhill as I'm off next week.

    What's this about Stephen? Is there a planned track day or is there some other event? The wife's off work might take a run up if there is something going on.


  2. [:-*] the Welsho , from Glasgow, has gone very quiet [:-*]

    Not really, first time I checked back. By all accounts gentlemen, you missread the rules of the game. It was "make a sentence from the following WORDS": Grapes sour! Not letters! Tut tut! Both world cup finalists in our qualification group for the Euros as well as some other stiff oppostion; now come and watch us get raped for fun!

  3. Not working tomorrow taking the kidz swimming and karting in the morning then the science centre in the aftrenoon then the Pirates of the carribean thingy in the evening according to them!!!!!

    more like recover from hangover then swimming at elderslie ( I can watch from the safetyof the spectator area) then sleep during the film at Linwood

    oh how I wish I was a leacherer ( or was that me earlier )

    I think I'd rather be at work mate! That little itenary would wipe me out! [;)]

  4. Hardly ever go in there Davie

    but any way came third in quiz got pisssed saw nice barmaids came back happy

    Well at least you can have a lie-in and not get up till a riduculously late hour in the day, then sit around for the rest of the day doing bugger all! Oh no, wait! That's me! Sorry! Enjoy work tomorrow boss! LOL!!!!

  5. Probably opening up a can of worms here...................

    But maybe it's my eyesight ( which is needing checked very soon ) but isn't some of the typeface needing boostage up to bold!

    My thoughts also. I think the background watermark-type image needs to be made lighter to allow the text to be more readable IMO.

  6. Mr Welsh and Mr St3ph3n please dont say Ive got no soul or feeling or empathy for the stage

    In fact could we just not rewrite all the classic "Not suitable for stage cause theyre set outside ,about driving with car stunts" movies

    Mr SLO2, Read your signature: Challenges, not problems! So there!!!

  7. What are you doing up at this time ? I thought the only reason for getting up in the afternoon was to open the curtains !!

    To work on my tan, work on my pecs ... you know the drill! The posts are out of order now cause I had to edt the previous one to correct the spelling of the word similar. I know Stephen wouldn't be pleased if I let that lie!

  8. The life of a desk jockey. It's great. [:(]

    Not as easy as these teachers and lecturers though. Now there's a cushy number.

    ......so get back to work and stop slacking!! 

    I am working. I'm working on my tan, working on my pecs, working on keeping my car clean, working on the wife's nerves and many other similar projects! See! [:P]


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