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Posts posted by thewelsho

  1. ...maybe have to intercept the postman at the end of your street when he deliver's your monthly bank statment[;)]

    LOL!!! I have another plan to raise cash. Think I'm going to auction (eBay) my autographed Celtic shirt from the Martin O'Neil treble winning team!


  2. Looking Great John, [Y] Did you manage to source centre caps?

    Not yet Martin. Was going to pop into Ian Grieves on the way home, but I was in a hurry to catch the footie. The Scoobie ones that came with them are not too bad, so no rush.


  3. look great but how did you get the pics to be there instead of a link ??

    Like this rab:

    1. Uplaod your pics to a Webserver, I use the free space provided by my ISP

    2. Take a not of the URL and include it between the %7Boption%7D tags, like this

    %7Boption%7Dhttp://www.whereeveryourpicturesare.com/picture_name %7Boption%7D

    NOTE. The end img tag MUST have a "/" in front of the letters "img" (If I had included it in the example above, the post would have tried to desplay a picture and you would not have seen the code, see!)

    That does it!

  4. I remember when I was not much older than that getting hold of my cousin's lipstick- she was about 14 at the time - and writing "poop" on the wall with it. That was the worst sweary word I knew at the time. By christ, did I get a hiding...

    LMAO!!! Brilliant!

  5. My original post didn't take in what other people said, now that I have read those I am honestly in tears wiht laughter! This is the best laugh I have had in while! Really sorry mate! I'm sure God will pay me back! Just hope He doesn't take it out on my Scooby!


    If there was a best post/thread of the year award this wouls surely get my vote!


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