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Posts posted by thewelsho

  1. Your right but only because of Federer! But it didn't stop the papers hyping him up. What about the woman in the crowd during the Roddick match that shouted "Come on Engerland" What was that all about? [8-)]

    Is about the size of her IQ. As for Federer, he's on another planet! Superb!

  2. "nobody gives two hoots about tennis for eleven months of the year and as soon as wimbeldon kicks off everybody seems to turn into life long fans!"

    That's because Wimbeldon is the only major tournament given extensive coverage on terrestrial TV. Whether people like tennis or not, ought not to matter. Surely if Scotland are represented, then we'd want a win. Don't understand the anti-Murray sentiment at all.

  3. As for Wrighties face..What a picture.....lolol


    As annoying and infurating as the English media hype is, perhaps we should learn to be patient. For if they ever managed to control themselves and didn't act in their pompous arrogant way, we wouldn't have all this pleasure when they finally bite the dust! Having said that though, I honestly belive that England have the potential to actually win the World Cup. The great teams of the past who are currently called "The Big Six" are no where near the class and brilliance of yesteryear and are there for the taking. Sadly, on this occassion for England, they were worse still. I think if England (footballing fraternity) 'hoped' to win the WC and not 'expected' to, they'd be in with a far better chance. As it was, they were too busy focussing on who they'd get in the semi final before a ball was kicked! How can anyone be focussed and prepared properly given that mindset? For reference, look at David Nalbandian - tut tut!

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