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Posts posted by thewelsho

  1. Wooo Hooo Fantastic!! Those roads looked made for the Scoob. Got itchy feet and hands now! Hopefully some similair terrain for Thursday's little outing. Dab of the brakes my butt! Launch it man! Launch it! Hahaha.

    Till Thursday ...


  2. No better reason i suppose, what is the deal with orange, why so special???


    if you text "film" to 241 on an Orange phone, you get a text back which then gets you into the cinema on Wednedays 2 for the price of 1.

    and no, not cheapskates..... have you seen the price of cinema tickets nowadays and how much it costs for popcorn and drinks? [:)]

    bloody extortionate imo which is why I prefer to use as many promos/cheap deals/student prices as i can [;)]

    Aye, and the cost of petrol to get there! Not that I'm going, so what am I talking about? Imy, will see you on Thursday Re. stickers and your cash.

  3. Dear all.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />


      Just a few words to thank everyone who donated money, for the Santa cruise appeal for sick kids. We raised  £67.00 from the stickers / graphics. My thanks also goes to Gus the bus and tam for their help. Thanks again.




    Thanks tae yersel Brian for providing the decals at knockdown prices ... Spot on!


  4. i would just like to apologise to all that was involved in the outburst by myself on friday nite, i was way out of line and should never off happened, been having a bad few days and ended up letting off some steam on the forums, which i shouldnt off. again i apologise to every1


    Welcome back mate, good on ya!


  5. Aye some newbies dont wave to classics, do they Dave

    Cause they don't know what they have bought into. They just see a nice car in a showroom and think, "I'd like that". Its not about Scoobie ownership or community for them, they are just ignorant, not stuck up. Well, that is my opinion on it.

  6. Working down in Edinburgh for a few weeks and have already noticed that the Scooby drivers down here are MUCH friendlier  [:)] than Aberdeen [:$]. Got a wave from just about everyone!! Come on Aberdeen (you may have way more Scoobies but you are a miserable lot!)

    Jeez! The Don's folk must be bad if you think that the Burgers are friendly! Of course this is a generalisation, perhaps the personality switch is thrown when entering a Scooby! LOL! Oops upset a few folk now, haven't I? [:)]

  7. Nice pics mate. Those twin white Scoobs look fantastic! As does Sammy's as usual, and Gus' with the white wheels and white decals. And what about the red Oobster mobile - luv it! Ach, they all look great!
  8. It's always the good ones that have to die, never the ****s.

    Dougster. Time passes and seasons change, but memories remain forever, and through memories people will always live no matter if they are here or not. Sorry for your loss mate.

    We all die I'm afraid, not just the so-called bad ones (actually none of are good!). Besides that, I echo your sentiments otherwise; good words. All the best Dougster.


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