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Everything posted by scoobymark

  1. Hi m8, I have a prodrive back box from my 54 plate sti if that is of any use to you. Very good condition.
  2. my ex boss was filling up his new 40 grand merc then he noticed , he had put 15 quid of petrol in so he paid for the petrol and then filled the rest up with the correct diesel fuel. he had no probs and actually got a bit more miles to the full tank don't think it would be healthy all the time!
  3. Looking good John[H] definately needs lowereing springs now, maybe have to intercept the postman at the end of your street when he deliver's your monthly bank statment[]
  4. ees jist a bid eedgit[], an com on the portageeze!
  5. Seen these cameras this afternoon, was stuck behind cars doing 40 - 50mph in the outside lane going west bound towards paisley and was getting angry until i spotted the cameras. Then to make matters worst the feckin road to inchinnan business park was closed[:@] and i never noticed until i was right on the roundabout and had to go a detour through paisley and airport, added another 15 mins to my journey[8o|]
  6. Springs are easy what she can't see, she will never know[Y]
  7. Look on the bright side, if it is emulsion it will wash of the kids, leather suite, laminate floor, t.v , very easily[] You will also have the photo for a good laugh in the years to come.
  8. That's a good price m8, will need to get my bonnet and bumper respray 1st before i spring the alloys on the her!! skidz are quite good[Y], i have had alloys from them before the scooby
  9. Damm those 40mph drivers when you are on a country road! What's even more annoying is when you overtake them they have the cheek to flash the lights vigourasly at you[8o|]
  10. Nice wheels, [H] Was considering changing to these too, did you go for the gold finish ? where are you getting them done and what was the damage if you don't mind me askin. Not sure wher to get your centre caps from.
  11. Wow way too technical for me[*-)] I have a Bailley DV12 with the return pipe blocked off, which is depositing an oily substance, don't know how much, but more importantly in simple terms is this healthy or not?
  12. Damm kerbs they just jump out at you when you least expect it, well that's what the misses says! When you fit your new one, suggest you invest in a front parking sensor []
  13. Gona take my son to see this as he keeps going on about it. It is a 12A rating which means can take him as he is only 7. Think he holds the record for watching fast & furious / 2 fast 2 furious, must be well over 50 times he has watched both now, so i suppose i will have to buy tokyo drift once it is on DVD. Thats one xmas present sorted already!!!
  14. If you had real man flu you would still be in bed[] Looking clean [Y]
  15. 01. STi_Bandit --------------- (MY04 - STi Type UK) 02. WRXMANIA ------------ (MY03 - WRX) 03. Mrs Jc scoob ------------- (MY01 - WRX) 04. G.Mac ------------------- (MY05 - STi 9 UK) 05. st3ph3n ------------------ (MY05 - WRX) 06. PaulC555 ---------------- (MY01 - WRX, Sti, ish) 07. Stu_B -------------------- (MY03 - WRX ) 08. Z1000 -------------------- (MY03 - Sti 8 UK) 09. NKWRX ----------------- (MY06 - WRX) 10. 360ste ------------------- (MY02 - STi) 11. Higgy --------------------- (MY02 - hybrid) 12. Cal ----------------------- (MY02 - WRX) 13. Fai 17-------------------- (MY04 - STiUK) 14. The Welsho --------------- (MY06 - WRX 15. rallye 6 ------------------- (MY53 - WRX) 16. G.T. --------------------- (MY01 - WRX) 17. Kev 580 ------------------ (MY02 - STI 7 UK) 18. Spaceman ---------------- (MY05 - WRX swrt) 19. Mako --------------------- (MY05 - WRX) 20. bigbadboab --------------- (MY53 - WRX) 21. Big Den ------------------- (MY05 - STiUK) 22. Mrs Big Den -------------- (MY05 - WRX) 23. scoobysailor ------------- (MY05 - WRX) 24. Keap_scooby ------------- (MY01 - WRX) 25. Gus the Bus --------------- (MY05 - WRX300) 26. 4hero --------------------- (MY53 - WRX) 27. PECO ---------------------(MY05 - WRX) 28. Dean ---------------------- (MY53 - STI Type UK) 29. DrewG-------------------- (MY53 - WRX) 30. Chris_c201---------------- (MY01 - WRX) 31. TheBlackSheep-------------(MY06 - STiUK) 32. Clutdav-------------------- (MY05 - STI 9 Type UK) 33 Sheep----------------------- (MY01 - WRX WAGGON) 34 hammy -------------------- (MY02 - STi Type UK) 35 Zeolite-----------------------(MY05 UK300) 36. Scoobymark----------------(MY04 - STI UK) Classics: 01. Shep -----------------------(MY99 - Sport) 02. Kloon --------------------- (MY00 - UK) 03. Jc scoob -------------------(MY99 - UK ) 04. WRC No1 ---------------- (MY97 - UK ) 05. Gordyq --------------------(MY95 - WRX) 06. Darryll ---------------------(MY 98 - Type R) 07. scientific steve -------------(MY98 - Type R) 08. Oz *sti* -------------------(MY96 - STI v3) 09. Col 666 -------------------(MY99 - Type R) 10. scoobyfuzzy ---------------(MY93 - WRX) 11. Road Warrior ------------- (MY94 - WRX) 12. Todd ----------------------(MY93 - WRX) 13. Bigdavie -------------------(MY99 - Turbo) 14. RubyTheScooby ---------- (MY98 - Sport) 15. Rossco --------------------(MY00 - Type R) 16. Ally-b ---------------------(MY00 - UK) 17. micra_wrc ---------------- (MY96 - STi type RA V-Limited) 18. Seafar99 ----------------- (MY98 - STI v5 Wagon) 19. RRS 555 ------------------(MY98 - UKTURBO Saloon) 20. Mako -------------------- (MY93 - WRX) 21. Vicki ----------------------(MY00 - UK) 22. paddy247 -----------------(MY94 - WRX STI V1) 23. Ac!D --------------------- (MY95 - UK) 24. FastScooby -------------- (MY95 - WRX) 25. Dtabbit77 ---------------- (MY00 - UK) 26. Terzo Neil ---------------- (MY98 - UK Terzo No. 306) 27. scoobykev --------------- (MY98 - UK) 28. Arbroath Smokie --------- (MY98 - 22B) 29. TheSquirrel555------------(MY96 - WRX STI LIMITED 555) 30. MY94---------------------(MY94 - JDM STi V1 Wagon ) 31. coulty--------------------- (MY96 - WRX STI V2) 32. Weeb-------------------- (MY93 - STi power) 33. Whitelaw------------------(MY00 - P1) 34. Duncatr------------------- (MY97 - UK Cat No. 99) 35. Catalunya80---------------(MY97-UK Cat No. 80) 36. Frank C-------------------(MY99-UK Turbo) 37. Stripe--------------------- (MY99-UK Turbo) 38. Pugpaul------------------- (MY96 WRX Wagon) 39. RS Grant------------------(MY99-UK Turbo)
  16. Looking good m8, nice bit of driving, just what a scooby is for![Y] You are the same as me, hope we never meet yourself coming the other way[]
  17. There is also advantages to staying in a street. Having your dinner ready for you when you get in after a 13 hour shift instead of having to chase it![]
  18. Cheers m8[Y] Not as much as i hope as i will have to do my taxi service and at 15mpg that will be costly[]
  19. Yes i have seen them when i was passing through doing 30mph[] Could' nt go any slower or they would have car jacked me[]
  20. You must be gutted sir, Hope you get the b@s@ard before he or she strikes again. I don't know why people would want to do that, they should be locked up! In saying that if you caught them red handed they would probably get a 50 quid fine as the sherif will have made his dosh for the day when he bans my bro and gives him a large fine!!
  21. Yes we all agree that doing that speed in a thirty is not on. Though you must admit that in alot of cases once you are well past the actual built up area, the 30 limit seems to be set further and further away in alot of smallish towns or villages, in some cases well over 1 mile from the outskirts of the housing area. There is no difference in the road 100 yards before the country road to 100 yards on the country road. Well apart from the limit sign! Anyway what is your kids gona be doing on the outskirts of a town at almost 9 o'clock mid October[] Would'nt that be irresponsible[] Cheers for pm sharon, will phone garage tomorrow.
  22. Cheers i think he will just have to pray for a decent sheriff and give it big appologies. On another subject, when my car got services a few weeks ago at your place, the guys looked at my rear shocks as they were creaking somewhat awfull. when i collected the car later on sat afternoon there was a note on the invoice you guys keep saying what they done and i think it said they would be replacing them and they would call me when the parts arrived. Could you check this out and let me know as they are still creaking and banging! Thanks again.
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