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Everything posted by scoobymark

  1. Welcome m8, you seem to have got the first part right as it has a full subaru service and mot history, you maybe better posting a link to the car (if there is one) and some of the guys on here may recognise it and be able to give you some history etc.. good luck
  2. I have seen a nice jdm V7 in white, always liked a white scooby! At present it is outside my budget however If i manage to get a deal on this one or another white one, i would have to get those pink STI decals on the side of it, has anyone got a picture of a white scoob with STI decals, i think same a Phil Stephens. is the jdm V7 a good buy or is there any pit falls with this model. finding a new car is bloody hard, too many choices out there!
  3. £575 with all mods[] you must be getting on for the oldest scooby driver at 95 now and 77 years ncb[] i will maybe speak to keith michaels and see what kind of dosh we are talking about
  4. i agree drb5's is a tip top motor and he has constructed a beast[H], however i think for me it would be too many mods and too costly to insure, also i would rather declare as much mods as possible to be on the right side of the law. Anyway there is no way iam going to see it, coz i would be stupid enough to fall for it and buy it then eat my words[:$] come on guys ther must be other decent scoobies kicking around at 10k
  5. i will look out for it in the for sale section, but i would probably prefer a car which has already had the mods done to it. has anyone got any comments on the 2 cars i put at the start of the post[8-)]
  6. Nice car m8, have been watching it on the for sale section for a wee while now, hope you get a result soon. the max i have is 10k, how is your insurance on it, must be costly.
  7. I have now sold my newage sti ppp and have bought a diesel for work so i have got 10k left over fo a weekend toy and would preffer it to be another scooby. ideally want same power or better than my sti so around 300bhp or better would be good. would these cars be a good option http://www.pistonheads.com/sales/131030.htm or this one which would leave me some cash for other mods http://www.pistonheads.com/sales/131316.htm any other cars currently for sale to consider[*-)]
  8. sadly having to get rid of car due to round trip of 100 miles per day[:'(] however with the dosh i am gona buy a diesel for work and an older scooby for the weekend[] seen as the market is slow at present i have been offered a few part exchanges + cash and was wondering what the best deal would be?? one car is an 02 plate wrx other is an x plate classic what is the pros and cons on these cars and could some of my cash , say 2k give them some decent bhp seen as my sti has ppp and i don't want a big step down in power. thanks, mark
  9. following several attempts [:@] clearing cookies etc and 3 new passwords i have eventually managed to log on, only took me 1 week to log on! As for the picture and having to scroll up and down to see half a car! Old format was much better.
  10. Bad news m8, the advice from my missus, insurance underwriter, is that the person you crashed into had every right to notify her insurance company and they are within their rights to fix the damage and claim from your insurance company. Usually the insurance companies will sort out / agree who is liable but in your case it is a fairly easy decision. Good luck
  11. I went there a couple of weeks ago and could not believe how dirty the cars on the upper level were. They were totally covered in dust and as for the nice M3 with the sold sign on it, there was names and smiley faces wrote on the dust on the bonnet[] the salesman asked me if i had any car in mind and my son replied "yes an evo" the salesman then said and what is that? joking aside who the feck has not heard of an evo? so i promptly left on that note!
  12. Here's a wee friday joke. A polish immigrant went to the DVLA to apply for a driver's licence. Firstly he had to take the mandatory eye test. The optician told him to stand 6ft away from the board and then showed him a card with the letters. CZWIXNOSTACZ " Can you read this?" the optician asked. "Read it?" the polish guy repiled, " I know the guy."
  13. hypertech are coming to look at it tomorrow[]
  14. my bro just got done for careless driving 67 as he was leaving a 30 limit! 5 points and a 400 quid fine. they were gona charge him with dangerous but that is an automatic ban so make sure you do not plead guilty. Not guilty all the way[Y]
  15. I thought it might be an alarm / immobilizer problem too. in saying that, i would have thought the ignition lights would still be on if the immobilizer was kicking in[8-)]
  16. My m8 just bought an evo 6, yes i know he should have bought a scoob, but he widny listen[] anyway it has broken down twice today and after a while of turning the ignition over it started and ran okay. there is no ignition lights on at all when he continually tries to start it, though the engine / starter is turning over , then out of the blue after 10 - 20 mins when the key goes in and turns the ignition lights come on and it fires up . [8-)] After starting it ran for 10mins and cut out again before he drove off, again no ignition lights and not starting. any advise would be appreciated. i have told him to take it to hypertech as they are usually reasonable with prices. also, is it okay to tow a 4wd and more importantly okay for a scoob to tow and evo. if so i will get some picts[]
  17. Totally crap, that Tom ford couldn't act the goat! In fact when he is on i usually turn the TV over!
  18. Just paid 92.9, how good is that[] Any cheeper and i will be able to aford to run my scooby!
  19. Spotted in the for sale section a turbosmart vee port dump valve for 100 quid. is this type any good and is it louder than baileys dv12
  20. paid next week, so bin with the Baileys and in with either a forge or maybe push to a hks one[]
  21. where does the lube go, it looks like a one piece unit [8-)] what kinda lube? no smart answers please!
  22. yes the reg was the deciding factor that it was you[] damm those pesky vans!
  23. Now for the best joke of the week????? Captian Fantastic has a 12 second scooby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL
  24. On way home tonight my DV 12 dump valve stopped dumping air[8-)] checked connections out and all ok, so gave it full revs when going up the gears and it dumped air with a load pop / backfire from exhaust. it worked for a while but was not as loud as usual, then stopped working again. any suggestions? it is only 4 months old
  25. you passed me on the m 8 headin towards livingston around 3:30 today [Y] i was in cruize mode staying at 70 as no rush when i am going to work, warp speed on way home tho!
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