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Everything posted by mctwistuk

  1. Just back from knockhill. Weather was fantastic. Some nice looking cars on track. Will post up some photos later. Chris
  2. I like the HDR effect. I need to learn how to do that Chris
  3. Are you still alive? Trying to resurrect the Scottish contingency.


  4. As title says post up the best shot of your pride and joy. Ok I have cheated as I can't decide what is best lol Chris
  5. Post is in the events section. Place in Bathgate. It is a joint meet Chris
  6. Hi there just wondered if you would be able to post up any new offers you may have available? We are trying to get the sidc back to being a popular forum. I have bought some driver gloves off you on snet and am sure some folk on here would buy them.



  7. Get yourself along to the lunch on the 7th April then Chris
  8. Looks like it is going to be a solo convoy tomorrow to knockers. Hope it stays dry for the folk on track Chris
  9. What time and where we gonna meet? I live on south side so could meet up en route say at shell old inns services? Chris
  10. How about making the may meet the first Wednesday in may? Possibly do a wee tunnel run? Chris
  11. And there is soon to be a stealth bomber on the road as daily driver number 2
  12. Ok so years gone by it has been the norm that the Glasgow meet is held on first Thursday of month. Personally this doesn't suit me and am sure Keira struggles with this also so I wondered if everyone would be happy with changing the night to say a Wednesday or something? Chris
  13. Could be an idea. Do we need to pass through it? Where is Bathgate lol Chris
  14. Ok guys and gals just a wee heads up to let you know I am going to be lending a hand to Keira with her duties as ro. Keira will still be ro but I will help arrange meets etc and hopefully we can get the Scottish section thriving again. Like everyone else sometimes we struggle to get to a computer to log in to the forums so hopefully by me lending a hand we can find winston and get him to safety Any objections to this then there is only one thing for it Chris
  15. i wonder what john is up to these days. Does anyone still keep in touch with him? Chris
  16. Nice looking car there. Even if it is a diesel lol Chris
  17. If this is still on then plan is still to have a wee convoy up Chris
  18. Found this on YouTube. I must admit John made me soil my pants on more than one occasion lol.
  19. I thought that this would be a good thread to pin as it will help make life easier if someone is looking for either a good garage in their local area or for a discount on parts etc. I am going to keep this to just the Scottish section. Cathy made a good start with finding a window tinting and vinyl wrapping place that gives discount to sidc members. Pro tint - just need contact details entered if possible Cathy Chris
  20. Panic off. Going to make it after all but will possibly have to leave before it finishes to make it back for the party.
  21. going to have to pull out of this as our niece's birthday party has been rescheduled to that day Chris
  22. Welcome to the club. Chris
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