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Everything posted by mctwistuk

  1. Car got serviced today and I asked them to tighten the handbrake. When I picked it up they said the handbrake was at the end of its adjustment and to tighten it more thy would need to strip calipers down etc. is this true? Chris
  2. Whilst we have been out walking the good lady has finally come round o the fact that these are actual mole hills and not just some random holes dug by I have no idea who. Now she wants a mole as a pet lol.
  3. Looking for some recommendations on walks around Glasgow/Lanark/Edinburgh/Stirling area. Nothing to adventurous as we are just beginners. Cheers Chris
  4. It's ok people it was just withdrawal symptoms from not posting due to site being down. Luckily twitter and Facebook kept me going
  5. Think its the 21st. I know we can't go as we are in either new york or florida. Gutted! Chris
  6. Well after getting a beating from the good lady after there was a slight noise coming com her brakes after I changed the pads at the weekend we had our first wee drive in it today and there are no noises and the brakes work. The hassle I was getting on Monday for this. The guys at lunch can vouch for me on that one lol.
  7. Ok 170 views of the thread and 8 votes for combining the regions and 2 votes to have it monthly therefore I think that the poll should be closed and we go with these results. So what venue and date for next meet? Chris
  8. Ok here is some of the actual scenery lol. Even one of the road in skyfall Chris
  9. that's the last time i stupidly sign in on anything belonging to mrs mctwist. All i can say to that is
  10. Sorry to hear this but you will no doubt get one in he future. I moved away a couple of times and always ended back up here with one Chris
  11. Hmm Chris left himself signed in to sidc on my phone...big mistake! But I would like to point out that he chose both photos for the "competition" coz that's fair?!? And he was using a proper camera with a huge pervert lens...I was not! My favourite photo of the day was actually the one of his ass sticking up in the air whilst he tied his shoelaces. For some reason I wasn't allowed to use it for the "competition"! Mrs mctwistuk ?
  12. Not sure why my car kept appearing in all my photos there
  13. Should also say I am just above a quarter tank of fuel left and got 260 miles on the trip Chris
  14. ok so my good lady and myself have chosen a pic that we have personally taken from our trip and we want you guys to decide who's is best. Pic 1 or pic 2
  15. thought i would post up some photos of the good old Scottish scenery from our trip
  16. Whilst away we spotted a scoob so thought we would spread the sidc word Chris
  17. Is there no way of getting you guys back even just as members? Trying to get the Scottish contingency back up and running and get some if the old timers back like me lol. Chris
  18. Can't post bum showing emoticon on this phone
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