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Everything posted by mctwistuk

  1. I wash mine and the good ladies once a week. Normally my sunday morning chore I mean job. With the scoob being a toy it doesn't get that dirty during week
  2. Awwww you guys are too kind lol
  3. see don't be scared to dive in and have a go. We are all thick skinned at the end of the day and don't take it personally. Look at some of the threads that have taken a pop at me. All in jest of course. Read my thread about my new outift for the meets lol. Chris
  4. does that mean it is only going to be winston and myslef on here next week? I will need to see if he will help out Chris
  5. I would just like to say that the activity on here has increased greatly over the past few weeks and we have some new members joining in with the banter and getting help with issues they have with their prides and joy. What i would like to ask though is can someone please take over starting new threads as i just had a quick look at who has started the posts in the last couple of pages on here and i am embarassed to say i am right up there at the top. I am rapidly running out of things to post about and i need to find a new funnies source lol. I would like to think paul for being up there as well. Does this mean we are a couple of spammers lol Chris
  6. would it be possible to have this thread pinned so that all new members can see it and add to it if they wish? Will help them when they attend their first meet. Many thanks Chris
  7. Ok so you see all these windmills/ turbine things cropping up everywhere but why are thy not on when it is very windy? Also is it true they get switched off if too much electricity is being produced. Kind of makes you wonder if they at cost effective?
  8. If it was put into production would you have changed your impreza for one of these? Chris
  9. yorkhill childrens hospital is correct. Thank you kindly phil and peter for the donations. Chris
  10. guys, In order to raise funds for the nominated charity there will be a raffle held on the day. Can i therefore ask you all to see if you can find any items to raffle and let me know. Duncan is kinldy going to host the raffle so would be good if we could get some nice prizes for this. many thanks for the help and support on this. Chris
  11. congratulations on the appointment Rich. It is good to see people helping out and keeping the interest in the club going. Chris
  12. I think the exhaust is just holding you back Davie. Just adding unnecessary weight lol. Am looking forward to hearing your car Chris
  13. That is a good philosophy and I bet a lot of folk wish they did this.
  14. If anyone wants to borrow it am sure it will fit most sizes lol
  15. How do you post vids without it just being a link Paul? Chris
  16. Have you tried camskill? I got mine from there at a good price. Am sure sc00bynet have them as a sponsor and they had a discount code at one time. Not sure if they still do. Apologies for mentioning another club but needs must when trying to help find cheapest prices. Chris
  17. Just to keep you all happy and so that people know who I am at sidc events I have sourced some clothing that I think you all agree is fitting for me.
  18. Waiting to see how she handles on track before I decide if it is power or handling route first.
  19. Good job mate. Looks much better. But you know the motto If it breaks upgrade it lol
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