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Everything posted by mctwistuk

  1. I take it you don't know Peter that well. He doesn't do standard lol
  2. Am sure the fling will help convince her mate.
  3. Defo not good idea selling. Get her to next joint meet and gill will beat sense into her. You have best of both worlds. Cheap to run micro and a toy. Chris
  4. well we made it to the top of earl's seat at dumgoyne today. it was a windy day near the top and it seemed to just go on and on and on. There was an old guy made it up and down twice by the time it took us to do it once. There are some crazy people out there. A couple of photos from our trip. must admit this has been the hardest walk we have done so far.
  5. Ok so am new to this so looking for some advice. I need to collect deposits for the rolling road day so question is how do I do it? Is there a way I can get the money transferred electronically and then once it is needed have it sent to hypertech? Hopefully someone can advise best solution. Thanks Chris
  6. Does anyone use snowfoam with just a standard karcher pressure washer without buying the proper attachment? I can put detergent etc in wee bottle on mine and it adds it to water mix but not sure if it would work with snowfoam Chris
  7. Winston is disappointed he is not in your clip
  8. Didn't know darth vader was Scottish did you lol.
  9. Who's looking forward to this. I know I am
  10. Come on surely I am just an innocent bystander in all of this
  11. Nice looking scoob. Just like my old one. I so regret selling that one. Chris
  12. Now please don't go getting me into unwanted trouble.
  13. Guys I did not start this thread to start a war on stickers. It can be old or new ones that you show photo of. Just looking for inspiration where to put it.
  14. Where did you put the old ones? Chris
  15. Well hopefully my membership pack will come tomorrow with my new club stickers which is going to leave me with the problem of where to stick them ( on the car that is). So lets see photos of where you stuck yours please. Thanks Chris
  16. Cut me straight to the bone that comment did. All I have to say to that is Chris
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