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Scaphoid Fracture

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Played 5's back in June and in making a poor attempt at a save, my wrist was snapped back.

Thought I'd broken it but the x-ray the next day was apparently ok. Although I was told that some

people return in 2wks time, I didn't need to!

So....painful everyday since and extremely painful is moved sharply in any direction.

God knows how it's taken me so long to get it looked at again...probably a man thing thinking it was only a


But...back to the docs, referred to the RAH fracture clinic yesterday so get an x-ray again....and there's the

big obvious break.

A cast won't work so I'm now looking at an MRI scan to check the blood flow and then an operation to

insert a pin/screw into it (local anaesthetic) or if I need a bone graft from my hip (general).

Apparently quite a common injury but quite a process for such a small bone.

Anyway had the op and is it a full recovery?

Positive replies only thanks :D

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When I was in my teens I feel after grinding down a hand rail. I was supposed to be at home watching my brother and sister so I didn't say anything to my mum... next morning my hand was like a baseball glove and there was no hiding that one! :D

Turned out I had broken the Capitate (sp?) bone into three pieces, broken the Scaphoid and Lunar bones as well as fractures in the radius bone. Was a while back now so I don't remember the details all that well but it was all fixed up under local unaesthetic. Only issue I've had since is the fact it clicks like buggery when I move it (caused by bone fragments apparently).

The hands/wrists/arms are the first level of defence when we fall so like you can be sure that under local or general, the docs looking after you will be well practiced! :needpics:

Good luck, hope it all gets sorted for you.

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Nice to see Stewarty being all sympathetic towards your injury Ritchie :D

Not one I've had (yet) but it's the small bones/ligaments that cause all the problems eh !!! Just to get my finger working agian was two operations and months of physio !! :needpics:

Hope it doesn't cause you too many issues.

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:D Give him a sick day off at least for the op, there may be tears and that doesn't look good in his profession !

That's the trouble with work...you end up hiding things etc because think 'it's just a sprain/man flu etc etc'

Stewarty....I'm going private through Jo's work. Is that costing the taxpayer :needpics:

Have been told I'd be off work for a week post op and in a cast for 6-8 weeks so I'll probably be sat on my ar$e

in an office for that time. Your tax pounds will be well spent :P

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only a wrist mate, you have another one

a few years ago i double fractured my right elbow faling onto the ground, fractures were inside the elbow joint

took me over 3 months recovery to just rotate my wrist and hold a cup, and over 9 months before i could touch my shoulder

no medication could be given for that time of recovery, best advice was ibuprofen, was on 2 packets aday to numb the pain, and 8 tablets for sleep for nightime, then i had to change to another pain killer due to body beingused to the ibuprofen, was on first name term at the chemist, in every 2 days for around 5 packets

i have lost around 5% movement on my right arm due to the accident

and also i didnt take any time off either, carried on with work as well but on light duties

Edited by Terzo Neil
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Played 5's back in June and in making a poor attempt at a save, my wrist was snapped back.

Thought I'd broken it but the x-ray the next day was apparently ok. Although I was told that some

people return in 2wks time, I didn't need to!

Did they meniton a scaphoid fracture first time?

If there was no fracture seen first time but enough symptoms, you should ideally have had a cast and been brought back for a rpt x-ray - you can't always see a scaphoid fracture at first but if there's a risk of one, it should be assumed to be there till proven otherwise at the two week mark!

Had one myself... wrote off a Renault clio in the process! No op, but in a cast for 13 wks. Still managed to drive/ work etc - physios actually encourage normal daily activities... not so sure on that if you've had it operated on though.

Gimme a PM if you want.

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What would you know Glyn? :D

They did suggest a scaphoid and mentioned coming back in 2 weeks once the swelling was down but as I was ready to leave I was told they were confident there wasn't a fracture and I didn't have to return.

Yes, I should've gone back sooner but thought I was dealing with a sprained wrist and then time just passed me by!

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lol "bit gay man up" ! get real, its a tiny bone but a very important one !

Almost 3 year ago i broke every bone in both arms and dislocated both elbows, since then iv had a load of ironmongery done in the elbow all healed but still a bitty sore at some points.

The only thing thats not healed is the Scaphoid !! Iv had bits of both my hips now lost a fiar bit of mobility in the offending wrist ..... outcome 3 year down the line still not got the all clear. Frustrating !!

Good luck mate, PM for more info :D

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Did they meniton a scaphoid fracture first time?

If there was no fracture seen first time but enough symptoms, you should ideally have had a cast and been brought back for a rpt x-ray - you can't always see a scaphoid fracture at first but if there's a risk of one, it should be assumed to be there till proven otherwise at the two week mark!


Broke mine coming off a bike in 1991 and it didn't show up on the x-ray. Went back after suffering for a few days and a 2nd x-ray picked it up. They did seem concerned and explained if it had been worse and not seen to properly at an early stage it could have lasting effects on mobility and use. Fortunately, it didn't need surgery, healed fine and hasn't been any bother.

Edited by Scooby Doom
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Have gone private through my wife's work so went for a consultation the other day. Had another x-ray and hopefully getting a CT scan in the next week....benefits of private!

Might not be all doom and gloom.

If the scan shows signs of the bone trying to grow across the gap then it might not need an op.

I fractured mine about 13 years ago boxing, you need to get it sorted pronto or it will haunt you. I was in plaster for 6 weeks.

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Came off my bike when I used to BMX at Livingston. Thought it was just a sprain but went to hospital to get it checked anyways. Scaphoid fracture and flaked bones showed up on the X ray and I had to go back the next day for a second look and a "stooky".

At that time I had my own flat but never got paid if I was off work. I asked the hospital not to put it in a cast and I would sign a disclaimer but they were not having it. Off work for 6 weeks with no money. I had to rely on my workmates who had a collection for me.

Apparently if this fracture is not set correctly it can cause massive problems later in life; osteoporosis, etc.

I am sure I was only back on my bike for a couple of weeks and suspect I did it again - I still had a metal splint from the first time so I just stuck that on for a while. Stupid, I know, but there was no way I was losing my house.

Seems quite a common break in bike/skateboard circles.

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