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How Good Is Scottish Scoobies ?

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I'm one of those lowlifes who doesn't pay for full membership, hasn't contributed to any of the charity events and doesn't turn up for any of the meets (although hoping to do something about that last one after the winter)...

The only thing I can say in my defence is that I do make every effort to wave to other Scoobyists :lol:

Despite all that, I find this to be a mostly very friendly wee place, frequented by mostly genuinely helpful, good-willed and humorous people. To date, I've had only one member treat me directly in what I considered to be a wholly shabby manner - and anyone who's spent time on a variety of internet forums will tell that's not bad going in over a year's worth of posting! :lol:

So the answer is an emphatic 'yes' - Scottish Scoobies is very good indeed :lol:

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That was one of my first club large runs, and that was the one that started me on the slippery slope as that is where I caught the modding bug.

That was the same run that made me want to be part of the SIDC whenever I got myself a scooby.. Seeing all those scoobs blockign the main A96 in elgin queuing up for Optimax is priceless! Couldn't stop drooling for days...

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Its a really informative,good site you lot have hear. I have met a fair few lads off here some who have helped with the car aswell. Was a shame i never made it to the Skye run :-( was looking forward to it aswell. Dam classic Impreza....... Not to worry my newage is waaaay more reliable haha

Edited by Connor_scotland
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Whaaaa, them load off photos were funny times :) (im sure it got out off hand at one point) :lol:

I was trying to find the one gumball in the babygrow ;) , but couldn't ?

At one point? It probably got out of hand a few times! Good times though. It was never sinister and when it got personal it was always with people who were more than up for it and who could quite easily sit down and have a pint (of coke obviously) after it all. Without that we wouldn't be touching goats today.

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At one point? It probably got out of hand a few times! Good times though. It was never sinister and when it got personal it was always with people who were more than up for it and who could quite easily sit down and have a pint (of coke obviously) after it all. Without that we wouldn't be touching goats today.

Honestly...i miss the old days. ;)

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This thread is starting to read more like "How Good Was Scottish Scoobies ?"


Nothing wrong with celebrating the past, of course - but it can be great again... can't it?

Considering all the things that are currently going on (see diablo/Scoobzie thread for reference), some might consider it as being great already. Besides, in the so-called "good old days" I'm sure there were members who were disgruntled, just like some who feel that way now (apparently). People move on all the time so its up to the remnant of the so-called "good old days" to move with the times and stop living in the Gumball-Wilky days of the past. Make friends with the new faces and encourage them to embrace the community and share your enthusiasm for the brand with them.

Some of the people who are harping on about these great times of the past, don't come to meets any more and therefore attempt to live on the web-based community only. For me, that's depriving one's self of the full package. I can honestly say, hand on heart, that there is not a single member of any meet anywhere that I dislike, not one. And when I get out to meets, I always have a good time.

My interest in my car has waned somewhat, hence my lack of activity of late, but that’s MY fault.

I’m sure this post will make me popular, NOT!

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