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Colin Mcrae Celebration Service

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Well done to everyone who was involved in organising todays events.

The sight of the convoy as it approached the Hynford bridge was very special. As we came over the crest leading down to the bridge, I could see the first of the cars already over the bridge, and when I looked in my mirror I could see Subaru's for as far as I could see.

The service itself, was very appropriate with just the right mix of laughs and sadness.

I just wish they were all still with us, and we never had to do this in the first place.

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what can i say that hasn't been said already?an emotional experience i and the wee fella will never(i hope,in a good way)witness again,the sight and sound of all the classics(our group)was awesome,and of course being in the leading group meant we had time to sit and watch every generation of impreza roll into lanark!The service itself ,im not affraid to admit had tears rolling down my cheeks,firstly the sound of "sitting on the dock of the bay"(one of colins favourite tunes)as the pictures of him and johnny appeared on the screen,then the home videos,stirring stuff indeed.

As many have said,thanks to all involved in the organising and running of todays events,the memory will last forever.

heres a few pics from the "classic" group.....











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Dave, you took the words out of my mouth. The only way the day could have been any better is if we'd never had to do it in the first place.

But we did, and we did it in some style. The sight looking down to Hynford bridge from a good 1/2 mile back in the queue will be something that I'll remember forever.

Great service too. Just the right kind of mood.

Police recon over 15,000 people too. Incredible really, but absolutely fitting to a man that brought so much entertainment to the world.

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Do not know what to add to what already has been said..............

The count of 136 cars at Happendon is a fitting tribute to the man who conquered the world. Thank you to every single of you, i tried to get round everyone and if i missed you i humbly apologise.

Special thanks must go to the boys in blue for the amazing assistance in letting us do this tribute to our hero.

The service was very fitting for such a great guy with the words from Campbell Roy, Ari Vatenan and Dave Richards giving an insight into the madness behind the genius. Imagine the adrenalin rush that hamster got when Colin sellotaped it to a Scalextric car for the ride of its poor wee life. Wee Johnny sounded like he was following in his father's footsteps with his grass and mud in the tractor fuel tank tale and the ride of Ari and Colin rolling down a test stage together had me in fits of laughter.

I have been an emotional wreck for the past 2 weeks and today i will freely admit i cried at some parts of the service especially when the home footage of Colin getting Johnny to donut the buggy and teaching him to ride the minimoto.

I am no going to lie in a darkend room for a long time

Thanks again to every single one of you,

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Colin and Johnny tribute run

Once again we have grouped together and put on a fantastic run up on a sad and emotional journey up to Lanark

the runners from Carlisle were

Howie CS

Rob and claire CS

Lord harding and Lourdes CS

Dave and Tracey CS


Growler Grr on a Motorbike !! TTS

Mark and Ooy CS

Super Roo (Andy) CS

Kev CS

elf111 (chris and Emma) CS

Sprmatt (dumfries) CS

Dan g and Misses G TTS

Speye91 TTS

Dazh TTS

Scooby Carl TTS

Peter H and misses TTS

Lisa and Ian TTS

Mr 9 lives TTS

Mick TTS



Gaz wrx LADS

Big Dave LADS


As always military precision was applied and departure at 1130 from carlisle and a great run up into Scotland

After miles of trying we eventually got a 2 lane convoy of scoobys and a smooth arrival into Services at 1pm to be met with another 100++ subarus was an amazing site

every colour and modle on show and everyone dressedin subaru regalia

and nice to see some of the scottish scoobies with kilts on .

( it made me think of a smaller version of the NBO and has given me another vision)

Excellent moving speech by awesomeposse (Grant ) and good planning by Imys who then sorted out 127 subarus into groups of classic,bugeyes,blobeyes and hawkeyes she then led the largest convoy that i had ever seen which seemed to stretch for miles down the valley into lanark

parking was swift then we boarded busses (and i bet half the people had never been on a bus for years)

when we got into lanark the main street was packed and large screens were set up for us all

A moving celebration of Colin and Johnnys life followed with people from all walks of life all grouped together for this sad and emotional event .

Talking to Ally B(scottish SIDC organiser)the plans for a national convoy down to Prodrive with the whole subaru community is very exciting and many thousands will be raised for charity

once again a fine example of what a great community we all belong to

after the event a nice convoy down the m74 to end the day and we will all have special memories of a special (but sad) day .

thanks to all at Scotland for making the English feel welcome on this special day

Lord harding


NBO chairman

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No no thank you sir. Your presence was greatly appreciatted by everyone and to see people travel from so far and was incredible. Imy, Nanaki and myself arrived at 12ish to see two people there already that had travelled from North Wales and the Midlands, i doff my cap to everyone of you for showing such commitment to travel so far for a great man






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good to see you got home ok John :driving:

I'm so pleased you managed to bring such a strong contingent of scoobs with you..

... and good planning by Imy who then sorted out 127 subarus into groups of classic,bugeyes,blobeyes and hawkeyes she then led the largest convoy that i had ever seen which seemed to stretch for miles down the valley into lanark

high praise indeed from the madman that organises the Northern Big One :(:D

good writeup by the way, LoL at "As always military precision was applied..."

thanks Ally for posting the links to news articles... the power of the internet, eh? 6 hours after the event and it is already online. STV have put together footage:)

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dont know what to say. not 1 for words when it come to things like this :D .

i felt very proud to be SIDC member (ok just a user ;) ) and the sight off all the scoobs going through the vally will stay with me&the family for the rest off my days.

thanks to the copper and the prodrive guy that let me and the family lay our flower in front off his scoob/ford( that will stay with me for life )

big up to the guys that came up from down south (nice1 guys)

was nice to put some faces to names aswell as the the guys ive met before

Grant your the man. your speech at sevices had tears coming down my face. ( i know this was not easy for ya but you done good big man :( )....then had me in stiches b4 the sevice with that strange steward kicking about :huh::lol: (what was he all about) we will have to catch up on better terms. keep ya head up

Imy nice to meet ya at last and for going round making sure we all had ribbons :driving: (thanks for the din plate to)

(edit)Grant thats my flowers infont off his cars(first pic) thanks mate i will tresure that for life

ps that took me 60min put that down :blush: (look at the first 5 words :lol:;) )

some pics not the best but i will have them forever :D















plates done

Edited by jodie typeRA
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Well what can I say thats not already been said by everyone else.

As stated Grant and Ally you did SIDC and Scottish Scoobies proud and I had to fight back tears a few times seeing all the scoobies at Happendon Services before heading to Lanark.

Got back from Lanark and went to Derek's my brothers for a few hours and got back to find that I couldnt upload the photos until now due to the battery going flat.

Many thanks to SIDC and Scottish Scoobies and organizers and Police for the great effort for day.

Here is the photos from me










Dougie C

Edited by Dougie C
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I really cant add any more than has already said, I was reluctant in coming along today as I wanted to remember Colin as the flying Scot and not admit the sad truth, however I was most definately proud to be a member today and take part and shed some tears with my fellow SIDC members.

A thank you goes to Strathclyde's finest, Ally B and Grant for making it happen, if I can help in making the trip next year happen Grant please look me up.

Your Humbly


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You have all said everything that need be said.

I just wrote my parents a quick email to let them know how today went and thought this sentence sums the whole thing up for me:

At one point I had the worlds biggest tear slowly crawl down my cheek and settle for some time on my chin. I didn't bother to wipe it off.

Cheers all,


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I'll also remember a few comments I heard ...

Police officer at the Lanark market " I'm not really into cars - but when I saw and heard you guys coming into the carpark , I felt the hairs stand up on the back of my neck "

One of our guys talking to another officer at the carpark "How did it go ? I hope there were no complaints ?" reply "Any complaints about you guys today would have been ignored !"

Friday ... call from Police " So , how many cars d'ye reckon on turning up now Ally - still 50/60 ?" Me " Emmmm . . . Double that..."

Reply "Good stuff ! thats fine with us"

Again , Thanks to the Police and event organisers in Lanark for making it such an excellent tribute to Colin , Johnny , Ben and Graeme.

You made a very important day for all of us , work.


Edited by ally-b
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Well I got home later on in the evening, and yeah, still feeling it...

Was a very touvhing day today guys, and I have to say thankyou to Ally and grant, amongst others for having the vision to get us all together, you know that if you guys had not goen to all this effort today would have been a disaster... and I have to also Join you in giving thanks to the Polis for taking such good care of our cars whilst we were away, although they did a rubbish job valeting it... it was still minging when I got back!!!

I wished that I had brought me camera today, but alas I forgot to pick it up on the way out the door this morning... ah well I just have to settle for the pics that you guys took, and theres some great pics there I have to say... :(

I like I think mostly everyone else nearly had a wee tear going on there, but the bit that nearly did me in, was in the second Film, when Colin said how he wanted to be remembered...

Today will stay with me for a very long time.

Thanks everyone, you made today happen!

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That is the only word to describe ysterday.

The McRae family showed extraordinary compassion and strength to make yesterday happen. Yesterday wasn't for them it was for US. It was for the legions of friends and fans throughout Scotland (and beyond) who wanted to show their respect for Colin McRae and young Johnny. It is easy to see how Colin kept his feet on the ground when he was part of such an extensive and extraordinary family. They allowed him to be a superstar and yet still one of us.

The organisers of yesterday did an EXTRAORDINARY job. Fifteen thousand people turned up yesterday and that could have been a major disaster for a small town like Lanark. however every detail was perfect! The police were superb, the car parkers efficient, the big screens and speakers well set up and evn the litter bins were properly placed. An event like that takes so many small details to run. 10 out of 10 folks!

The Subaru community turned out in EXTRAORDINARY numbers yesterday. Grant was the figurehead but we all played our part. No-one forgot that yesterday was a sad and solemn occasion. There were smiles and laughs as we gathered at Happendon but we all knew that it was an event that should never have happened. Like Spooks I had mixed feelings about going there but now I am happy that I went to be part of the day. I met many old friends from the both the rallying world and the Subaru world and I felt among my ain folk. The same folk that Colin McRae lived and worked among.

The convoy was heartwarming. 130+ scoobs snaking along that road. There were many smiles and waves from those we saw, even from those who had to wait for us to pass. I didn't want it to end.

The service took us on 2 distinct journeys. The tragically short one of Johnny, (A wee man with a big personality.) and the extraordinary one of Colin McRae. In all the stories and speakers I found the thoughts of David Richards and Ari Vatanen to be the most poignant. These men have had extraordinary careers and always say things worth hearing. Richards is probably the only real authority figure that Colin McRae ever had and Vatanen was Colin's hero and mentor. I found myself alternating between deep sadness and fantastic memories. I suppose that is what memorials are for.

Colin and Johnny have gone but the memories and the legend will live on for as long as people talk about rallying, scottish heroes or just the good ones that die too young.

Edited by zeolite
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I have such a huge lump in my throat after reading this thread and looking at the pictures, I really do not know what to say.

This club is simply the best I have ever been involved with, and it makes me so incredibly proud to be a part of it. I would really have liked to have been there with you all as would a number of the other members here on the Isle of Man.

We did however pay our respects in our own little way, we met in Douglas then convoyed up to the Point of Ayre, our closest point to Scotland, where we had a 2 minute silence followed by the playing of The Flower of Scotland by the Royal Scots Dragoon Guards pipes and drums.


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A truly unbelievable day.

I was one of the later cars to turn up at Happendon and the sight that greeted us of Subarus crammed into every corner of the car park was pretty amazing.

Convoying to Lanark was something special with people literally stopped in their tracks to watch as and wave. Going down the valley in the middle of the convoy was amazing when at the top of the valley all you could see was Subarus for what seemed like miles in front of you, and at the bottom all you could see in your mirror was Subarus behind you, for as far as the eye could see.

A big thanks to everyone involved in the organising, especially Ally-b and Grant, and Strathclyde Police for letting us all convoy though together.

The service was an amazing tribute, both moving and emotional, especially the home videos, but it was also the perfect mix of sadness and laughter. I am even smiling now at the thought of the hamster on the Scalextric!

The words from Campbell Roy, Dave Richards, Ari Vatenen together with Johnny’s school teachers were also fitting tributes.

For me McRae was a hero. I was there when he won the World title and I was proud to be there yesterday.

My thoughts remain with the McRae family, and the families of the others involved. It was an incredible day which will remain with me for a very long time to come.

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yesterday will be i day i will never forget.

some nice pictures of the convoy which is good as every time my passenger tried to take a photo, i'd hit a corner and get left with a picture of the bushes behind us.

coming home was a journey on its own. pulled out of lanark following a few soobs and after 20mins my mate was the one who spotted i was heading SOUTH to carlisle. after consulting a map we managed to find a great wee road that took us back towards m74 which ran behind the hills south of lanark. coming down the very tight little road got us thinking about colin, 20 years earlier and i'm sure he would've been flying around there.

tired legs today though with all the standing at the rally on saturday then lanark on sunday. a weekend i will never forget though.

P.S sorry to the big beemer traffic car that nearly ran up my back side coming back up m74. lol i was lost and going mega slow. took all my directions for getting to the happendon services but forgot to keep them for coming home

many thanks to all who helped organise this event, without you guys i would never have found where i was going :(

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