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Help Wanted for a young disabled Scooby Nut

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Been a couple of years since I owned a Scooby but I remember how the Subaru community and SIDC in particular prides itself on matters of a compassionate nature so here goes a big ask.

My next door neighbour approached me on Sunday and she asked "You used to have a 'Zubaru' didn't you?" She then started to tell me about how her good friend, in Newquay, has a disabled grandson who was bonkers about Scoobies. She was hoping that I had some sort of memorabilia, stickers or such like that I might let her have for this young lad. She went on to tell me that he's about 10 years old, has a multitude of problems like cerebral palsy, leg braces and is currently in hospital recovering from an operation to correct his sight. She went on to tell me how he'd dragged his parents along to a car show, on a very wet weekend to just look at Scoobies and how thrilled he was to have actually sat in one.

I racked my brains but really don't have anything that would fit what she's asking for. I never was much into stickers. Coming up with a brainwave, I suggested that I would ask on one of the forums for help and how I felt sure that the community would want to make this young lad's life a little more bearable by maybe donating a few bits and pieces, nothing of value just some Subaru trivia would be good. In fact, I went so far as to suggest that some kind soul might actually agree to take this lad for a short spin in a Scooby. At this suggestion she was thrilled and thought that would be fantastic.

Now you know where this is going :)

Is anyone in the Newquay area up for making this young chaps day/week/year/lifetime and offer to take him out for a drive? We're not talking 100+ mph white knuckle job, rather a nice burbley ride through some lanes or through the town. I guess to satisfy Elfin Safety and CRB checking bureaucracy, it would be safest if a parent came along too. That way you have no responsibility other than to ensure he has a good time.

The timing of this would be some time in September as that's when my neighbour is next down that way (we live in Beds.)She spends time in Cornwall at every opportunity and is just back from a couple of weeks holidaying there. I thought it would be nice for her to be around, if this were to actually happen, so between us we could coordinate things.

Anyhow, is anyone up for this? It would be great if you could help out or come up with suggestions please.



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Gerry, I can't see anyone refusing to be honest - such a worthwhile cause.

Sounds like a convoy of scoobs would be much more fitting for the poor lad. I'll get my thinking cap on and see what can be arranged. :D

If anyone else has some thoughts, get them posted below - can't think of much more of a reason to get something organised than this!

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Put up a date and I will see what I can do!

I'll check with my neighbour, Jane, when she gets home from work this afternoon. In truth, it could be almost anytime once he's out of hospital and recovered sufficiently but I just thought it would be nice for her to to be nearby as she started the ball rolling and that would be September.

I've been thinking of things that I could do for him although with no Scooby any more and 200+ miles away it won't be as generous as what you guys are offering. I actually found an STi wing badge that I took off my crumpled wing after stuffing the car into the tyre wall at the Lotus test track in Hethel :blush: I've kept it in a drawer as I couldn't bring myself to chuck it.

So, my partner, Liz, happens to make greetings cards as a hobby. What a cool get well card that would make with a genuine STi badge and maybe a pic of my old v3 in there too. I'll post up some pix, when it's done and see what you think. :)

Another thought, could I pay to sign him up as a member of SIDC so that he gets copies of True Grip sent straight to him, with his name on the envelope? That would definitely cheer him up.

Edited by GerryH
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Another thought, could I pay to sign him up as a member of SIDC so that he gets copies of True Grip sent straight to him, with his name on the envelope? That would definitely cheer him up.

Hi Gerry,

A couple of years ago True Grip was shelved in its traditional form because of escalating production costs etc. Since then (just over a year ago) we relaunched in a digital format with two versions - one for members and one for non-members (which is slightly smaller and has reduced content) - both are viewable at http://www.sidc.co.uk/truegrip

Last issue (May) we partnered with HP's MagCloud service to offer individual copies of True Grip in print to those that missed having a physical copy - these can be found at: http://www.magcloud.com/user/truegrip

I can happily arrange for an issue or two to be sent to him if you like?

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well up for this i think this is brilliant!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i'm from plymouth and ill be there without a doubt!

i'm also happy to take him out for a drive on the day hopefully the rumble of it crawling thro newquey town centre will cheers him up............ more than happy to a few laps if it does cheer him up

as soon as theres a plan get a date up! again i think this is a really good idea

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Hi all and thanks for your fantastic offers.

I've spoken with my neighbour Jane, who says his parents are overwhelmed at the thought and are really excited for him. Obviously it'll remain a secret from their son until the day.

It seems the best time would be a Saturday afternoon or a Sunday. Jane's visit in Sept. doesn't take in a weekend so she says any weekend would be fine.

The lad is out of hospital have had his tonsils removed and an operation to correct a turn in one eye. He won't be back at school for the first couple of weeks to avoid the chance of infections.

I was going to suggest that we wait until the school holidays but then boys being boys, the bragging rites and street cred. that this outing would give him would be too priceless an opportunity to miss iyswim :)

Therefore if you guys agree, the weekend of 9/10 or 16/17 July would be just great. If this is enough notice to get something organised, I reckon the next move would be to put forward a representative of you guys to liaise with his parents. Rather than post any details and, as I'm sure you understand, I don't know any one of you personally, would the rep be happy with PMing me their contact no. and I'll get Jane to pass it on to the parents. They can then phone you and make contact for details of when, where and how, etc. Sorry to be so dramatic but I know you understand.

Imy, thank you for your great offer of sending stuff to me but I would think a little personal, presentation of your goodies would be the cherry on the day's cake :)

Edited by GerryH
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Absolutly brilliant how everyone has got behind such a worthy cause, if i wasn't all the way up in the Peak District then i would have joined you all for sure. It will blow the little lads mind when he looks out of his window! :icon_salut:

Ps. I have my WRX bonnet scoop available if you think he would like it, might make a good souvenir. Let me know and i can post it to whoever is going down.

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I am free that weekend too. The Spec T is ready to rumble pop and bang through Newquay too :driving: . Will see if we can get a convoy from this area too.

Are you limiting the number of cars or is it to be a massed turn out - just because we can?

Roll on the sunshine and V power.

Just let us know Saturday 16th or Sunday 17th.


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I am free that weekend too. The Spec T is ready to rumble pop and bang through Newquay too :driving: . Will see if we can get a convoy from this area too.

Are you limiting the number of cars or is it to be a massed turn out - just because we can?

Roll on the sunshine and V power.

Just let us know Saturday 16th or Sunday 17th.


I'll speak to the parents and see what their thoughts are about dates/numbers and post up once it's been confirmed.

Regardless of the outcome I'll be heading down from Uffculme/Cullompton rather than one big run down from Oxford so I guess the services just off the M5 would be as good a starting point or a convoy as any! ;)

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dunno if it would be possible but could we relay him in sections by different cars, say start with a classic saloon, then wagon, then bug of each then blob of each, then hawk of each followed by hatch and finally new saloon? Probably too much for him and too difficult to organise but just a thought. we could all join in a convoy at various points along the journey, just like the McRae run did.

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