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Everything posted by st3ph3n

  1. If you have a GT3 save you can get 100K of credits transferred. Me and GT4 aren't talking right now as I corrupted my save game on Sunday night. 10-20 hours down the tubes. I was 2 races shy of finishing the special conditions section. My white Spec C was dealing with all comers. Except in the snow. Maybe my driving style though.
  2. If anyone's interested I have a couple of unused tickets for the 1972 European Cup final. I've done a couple on ebay for £70, but for you guys £60 inc. your postage. Genuine original unused tickets. Real collectors items. I had a few but down to my last 3 now. I have Celtic ones too, they're obviously worth a helluva lot more . Especially the '67 final. One of which I have just sold not an hour ago for £300.
  3. I feel tremendously young now. Thanks chaps.
  4. I've got a GPS receiver that tracks 16 satellites, has bluetooth to communite with my phone, and works quite happily whilst its sitting on my passenger seat without a direct view, and it's no biger than my mobile phone. So I'd be surpried if it was that. Although the fuzz are a bit backwards. If it's not a radar/speed detecter/camera then it's probably the arial for the digital radio. Or maybe a telly one so they can watch lunchtime neighbours in a layby.
  5. I get about 25 on average. Without PPP. I keep saying I'll be a good boy, but I never am.
  6. One thing that would be good was a nice flashing shift light warning. Luckily my G-tech pro RR has a flashing red shift light that works nicely when I have a it plugged in.
  7. Even better news - I won £30 on the national. And the tic will win tomorrow.
  8. I can't remember where I stole the deisgn for my website from, but it looks quite nice in my opinion. Other than the logo which was just a holding image. - www.st3ph3n.com. Of course, once I'd designed it, and the backend, I got completely bored and couldn't think of any content. At work there's people providing the content, or databases to yank it from, so I get to do the bit I'm the best at - coding it.
  9. If you don't mind me asking - how much did you pay for the car andy? Mine is a Maltese import picked up from Motorpoint in Glasgow. It is a MY05 (I got it in December) and is UK spec with the excpetion of no alarm as standard, and no side airbags in the seats. If you got yours in July then I imagine it's an 04 and as such the only difference is the Alarm (as far as I'm aware). But therefore it is not "to UK spec" as far as the law would be concerned. Was cyprus in the EU when you bought the car? If so then it has the pan european warranty, but as you didn't follow the servicing intervals it's probably invalid as you say. From my personal experience, and that of a friend who also bought a WRX through motorpoint (after seeing mine he couldn't resist), the warranty and servicing book took about a month to turn up, and included was a letter from Subaru Malta, and a copy of the original sales invoice (sans the price obviously) from the country of origin. This last piece is particularly important for proving the car is eligible for the pan euoropean warranty. Which is now invalid on yours anyway. If I was in your state - Citizens advice would be my next stop, armed with as much paper work as you can get your hands on. Perhaps also deciding on a goal of what you want out of the situation. New car? Money back? For them to unf**k the situation? You've definetly been shafted, so you need something back. PCP as well. eeeeeeeep. People seem to try that once then never again.
  10. Cal, great videos mate. The MMO looked great fun, sahme I couldn't make it. What did you use for the post production? Bit of advice, as someone who dabbles in web monkeying 5 days a week. Kill the background images and the sounds. The first thing a website needs is content, and you've got that, so just replace your front page with a nice simple layout with clear colours and text you can pick out. Think of a website with a nice design or colour scheme you like and just steal that.
  11. Next time put "no agencies". When I tried to sell my Vectra last year I got loads of calls. One guy in particular was very persistant. I did a quick google for his company's name, and SCAM was what instantly sprung up.
  12. Mine, installed using just the sticky foam pad that came with it. Oh, and another . That shows the bar graph, and the peak value it's stored. Amazing how fast I can go in the back garden.
  13. An exciting mile too in the scooby. Can you not take the long way? And think of the fuel savings too.
  14. Got one myself. A great investment it was too. I can pretty much mirror everything Gee has to say. I've had mine for a few months now, and it's most of the time set on the "elipse meter" displaying the value of the Inlet Manifold. It is very easy to setup. Plug it in (no need to take power of the cigarette lighter either), fire it up and away you go. Tell it what car manufacturer and then tweak a few settings. The comm wait setting in particular. If you have it set to the default it only updates every 3 seconds, but change it to 0 and it's instant. So it can be properly used as a gauge. All in all well worth the purchase. Although on reflection a nice set of Defis mounted where the clock is would be even more tremendous.
  15. Well you are all welcome to join me on the "Crackpot 3333 1/3". Which is my proposed trip to the 'ring, then back via Paris or somewhere. Maybe even going as far north as Copenhagen as I have a mate who lives there, and I'm supposed to visit. All at a nice gentle pace with proper stops so I can sleep till noon. I'm not taking a week off work to drive in europe to get 4 hours sleep if I'm lucky. I can do that at home and drive the A80.
  16. I've not been here long, so have I missed some sort of hillarious private joke. Or are most of the scottish scoobies intending on going on the actual Gumball.
  17. Maybe he'd played too much GT4 with the traction control on. Real men drive JGTC cars with the traction control off, at the ice track.
  18. Going north on the M73 at 8ish this morning. Cutting off at the roundabout over the A8 for Baillieston. I have to say I hated the colour when seeing it on the telly or in mags, but it looks really good up close. Very nice looking car.
  19. Wonder how fast the eejit was driving. It looked like the corner could have been taken at that speed. Unless he was driving some sort of barge.
  20. It's fun to stay at the YMCA. I'll get my coat.
  21. Wheels and tyres are spot on Fiona. Pleasure doing business.
  22. oobster, don't let this new found understanding of the law encourage you to set them off for fun whilst going at them.
  23. I don't suppose anyone has tried using any of the speed cam stuff on a PDA/Smartphone? I'll hopefully be picking up a Bluetooth GPS receiver this week so I'll be giving it a try. I'm using a classic road angel at the moment which is great, but bulky, but it was cheap at £170 in the halfords half price boxing day thing.
  24. Thou shalt not mess with the five-o. Especially if they doth rideth in thy T5, or thine Strathclyde Police unmarked M3. If it's just the wee local Astra then they'll no catch you if they've not caught your reggie.
  25. You're a legend mate. I take it this would be the little jolt I feel when I lift off when upshifting from 2nd to 3rd whilst giving it some with only about 10 litres left in the tank? Not that I usually get that far without refilling, with the crazy fuel gauge and its seemingly random markings.
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