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Everything posted by st3ph3n

  1. I've read it a few times, but I don't know what it is. Cheers.
  2. They look great on my car, not got a good picture of them mind you as black mudflaps, a black car and dull weather don't make for good pictures. Service was great, and there's some quality bits on the website that I quite fancy. I'm really liking the Carbon wing a la the S203, and the v-lip spoiler.
  3. If something woke me up at 7am every morning I'd be outraged. WAIT A MINUTE. That damn alarm does. But still, if I was on a day off and I got woke up at 7 I'd still be pretty annoyed. That said, I can be in Milngavie in about 20 minutes!
  4. jason is that Newbigging out by Carnwath? Nice roads out that way, but funnily enough I was coming home the long way from near Pennicuik, from a coal site called Newbigging oddly enough, when I passed a Landcruiser, probably not too far from Newbigging the village, that was doing about 45-50. I got passed them not long before a 30 zone which I slowed down for, and they sat right up my backside through it. I find it highly intimidating when someone does that. Not that I'd have hung around to confront the guy. Those roadworks on the M73 just now seem to be some sort of Mecca for people that like to sit 3 feet from your bumper in 1 solid lane of traffic doing 40mph with no possible place for them to overtake you. I want some sort of remote activated brake lights to wind them up.
  5. Jambo, if that's your car in the picture then it looks to be a classic. Unless my eyes are sorely wonky.
  6. I'm liking them Fiona. You'll not be wanting to sell me those for £250 I imagine. I've had to stop myself wandering round the internet or I'd buy too much stuff I couldn't afford. If we're talking wheels then personally for me it has to be Rays Engineering - Volk Racing LE37T. Those on a (clean, and it never is) black Impreza would look the business. But at £400+ a wheel, it's just not happening I'm afraid.
  7. There's some utter f4nnys on ebay. "I don't know how I managed to press buy it now. I don't know how I logged into ebay with my username and password. I don't know how I then confirmed I want to buy the item for the price displayed on screen by pressing the confirm button." It must have been those pesky ghosts again. AYE, RIGHT! My favourite personal one was "My brother must have bought it". To which I replied "why did you give him your username and password?". "I didn't". "Then you bought it, now send me the money or personally refund me the listing + final valuation fee or I'll get ebay all over you". I got my £1.20 in the post 3 days later, all in 20p coins too.
  8. Own up then. Blue new age going south on the a977. I was going north in the black one. Also a dark blue wagon with a DV in the shell station at the bowtrees roundabout at the same time as me last night. And another blue new age going past it at the time, the driver appeared to be giving my car the once over.
  9. It was on Jalopnik last week - here. It's got a bit of Renault influence I think, but I like it. If it's front wheel drive then I'll not be bothered though.
  10. I've got the black prodrive knob in that picture in my 2005 all thanks to Jamie. It's a much nicer feeling than the regular one. Except on cold mornings when it feels like it might freeze to my hand.
  11. I used to love the Viper. But as a man who now appreciates handling, I'd much rather have that Noble. Although the Viper still looks great, and in true Viper colours too.
  12. They're green. The reason they probably looked blue is because the R-Vit is blue back-lit, and I was using my phone's camera on that second shot, which is pretty poor quality, so everything would have been tinged.
  13. I got my R-Vit from this guy. Email him an offer and he'll probably play ball. Make sure you get the Type I as that's what works on the Impreza. You've also got the Apexi RSM, but it's more difficult to fit as it needs properly wired rather than just plugged in. It is cheaper though, and probably looks a bit nicer, but you couldn't mount that one like I've got my R-Vit mounted, which incidently was done using nothing but the double sided sticky foam pad that came with it.
  14. MUST STAY OUT OF DEFI GB THREAD! There's a fat tax refund heading my way at the end of the month, but I really should pay off a CC or at least not splurge it on replacing an item that I'm more than pleased with and have only owned for 3 months. But the start up sequence on the defis at night time. Makes me weak at the knees.
  15. SCOTTIESCOOB, you could always go for something like this - Blitz R-Vit. Action shot with one of the displays - note, peak speed achieved on private test track. It plugs in to the OBDII port, which is located underneath your steeringwheel. It pulls all the information from the car's ECU. THere's 5 different screens you can cycle through using the up and down arrows. The bar graph as pictured in my action shot, a needle meter (like a rev counter) and an elipse meter (like a boost gauge), a display with 3 readouts and a display with 6. Everything is assignable so you could use the bar graph to show everything from speed to water temps to voltage. I personally have mine 99% of the time on the elipse meter measuring the boost. Cost £200 off ebay, brand new etc. Really easy to fit and it powers itself off the ECU, so no tapping into the cigarette lighter power. I like it as it's quite discreet, and was 1/3 of the price of the really awful looking Subaru gauges that show 10% of the information that this can. Although now having seen a nice set of defi gauges (especially in the dark) I might have to reconsider my approach at some point.
  16. Little bit too F+F for me. 350 is a lovely car though, quite a minimalist style in my opinion, and doesn't really suit having a lot of things bolted too it. A big wing at the back I'll give you though. Has anyone ever driven one though? We all know the japanese can make some great function over style cars. We'd not be here otherwise. But have they cracked it with a car that not only looks good but has the performance to match? Have to say I prefer the Rays engineering Alloys that are an option with the car over the ones they've installed. An expensive option mind you, but oh so lovely.
  17. Sorry to disappoint you all but I believe I have snapped them up. It's an 05 WRX I have anyway, so they should fit quite nicely. A set for winter and a set for summer. Or a set for track day DESTRUCTION.
  18. Scottie, if they've got the RE050s on them (if it's a WRX you've got then they will I imagine) then I'll take them mate. You've not got your private messaging turned on, but if you drop me a mail - st3ph3n AT st3ph3n.com - then we'll talk business. Are you Glasgow-ish based?
  19. I don't know what number we're at now but - The entire MG Rover range. Saw some new ones on the back of a transporter this morning. They seem to come with semi-lexus-style lights pre-installed. They look terrible.
  20. What's wrong with bass boxes/subwoofers? They're an essential part of any audio setup. Don't we call them Neds in this part of the world too? and: 24. Spinning hub caps on really crap cars. Especially when you've only got three of them as someone's nicked the 4th. 25. Actual spinning rims too.
  21. I waved at someone in one, and they waved back, despite looking slightly perplexed. I was in the black 54 plate heading south, obviously. Anyone from here?
  22. I love motorsports of all shapes and sizes. 2 wheel and 4. But rallying is easily in the top 2 or 3 for me. Tarmac rallying especially as people have said. I think it takes a special kind of certifiable madness to drive a rally car at those kind of speeds. Watching Loeb on that last stage of the mexican rally was something special. 30 seconds faster than those 2 guys he passed. You wouldn't see that sort of balls out action in most other motorsports. So guys, I've never actually been to a rally. Where's the good tarmac ones in Scotland? Preferably fairly centrally located. Wouldn't mind going to one.
  23. I got a set of the standard WRX ones. After less than 5,000 miles they're looking a bit worn where my left heel goes. Not what I expect for £60. Think I'll get some reinforced ones next time.
  24. Cheers Jamie. That's reminded me to set the Sky+ to pickup the highlights in an hours time. It's great having a team to support in motorsport again. When I had my civic I liked to see the Hondas do well in the BTCC, but 3 years of owning a Vectra and I couldn't bring myself to wish anything but painful retirements to any Vauxhall that was racing.
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