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Everything posted by dougster

  1. Who was it that was getting dragged around the shops yesterday? The only scoob I seen that day left the same time as we did (black sti uk). I was the long faced chap sitting outside all the female shoe shops panicing!!! (yes it's Xmas party time and I can't find a pair of heels I like!! )
  2. Do we have a photographer on board yet? If the only thing I could do was bring my camera and do a write up for True Grip I'd get the train up.
  3. Jamie, do you do re-wiring 'cause Spooks doesn't!!!!
  4. Cheers Wullie. I did explain my present situation to yourself, Claire and Barry. I thought it would have been sorted out by now but unfortunately I could do with a little charity myself this Xmas. The wagon is now SORN and will remain so for a while. (I did say I could have got an S2000 or a Type-R for the day but you want it scoobies only!! ) Comment's from Malky do not help, and in my opinion the aggressive manner of the posts and spamming the board could be detrimental to the cause. The guys who have been involved have done a great job and you have the numbers you wanted. (PS if anyone gets the Clydebank Post you will see our local, Glen Lusset Angling and Sporting Society's £1000 raised for Cash For Kids!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
  5. Lo Trance!!! Great price everyone, I'd take the pads if someone just needs the callipers.
  6. I'll leave that one for the administrators to look at. I moderated on Scoobynet for a few years and the site remains one of the largest car related forums in the world. From my experience (and that of the SNet administrators) a pretty firm line was taken with regards to 'naming and shaming'. Legal proceedings threatened the site on a number of occassions and Simon de Banke(my best pal!!) nearly pulled the plug a couple of times. (wisnea me!!) I do agree that a 'recommended' dealer item could be worthwhile.
  7. If any of you are thinking of taking a trip to the 'Ring I suggest an X-Box and PGR 2. Awesome game and pretty well acurate from what I have read. I learned KH on TOCA Race Driver but could never get the Astra touring car to drift round the hairpin like I do for real!!!!
  8. Again it is down to opinion and personal experience Ian. I know plenty of people who will vouch for one garage, whilst others will bad mouth it all day long. You mention yourself it is a difficult one, but if you come up with a solution I am sure every other BBS will want a look at it. Just consider again the statement below, which was taken from Cameron's reply on the other thread, and which will be pretty much the same on Snet, Scoobycity, 22b, etc etc "The opinions stated in any individual's post are clearly those of the individual. The club, however, publishes those opinions on the forums. As a publisher we still have a duty of care with respect to the content of our publications - i.e. this forum."
  9. Get a dump valve and octane booster and stop trying to cheat!!!! Rice Rocket has had a flamer kit lying in his boot for about a year!! I don't know whether he has fitted it yet although he is in Glasgow.
  10. Why take it out on us when your grievance obviously lies with T&C? Can you not take our word that potentially libellous comments CANNOT be posted on this or any other bbs? It would be unfortunate if you decided to leave the club. This is just one of those grey areas that we all have to live with.
  11. I was using the term as a hypothetical point of reference as similar terms have been used before. "do not necessarily reflect those of this club". Give that to a good lawyer and he'll still try and sue the **** out of YOUR club!!! I am fully aware that you may feel frustrated and am sure many of us have been in similar positions. We are not trying to suppress your point but merely have the clubs best intentions to look out for. When I moderated on SNet, we had threads like this nearly close the bbs!!!!!
  12. This has always been very very difficult as, yes, we would alll like to know who to trust and who to steer clear from. But any user just cannot come on and post this "company" has ripped me off and are theiving scum etc (hypothetical and for reference only), without hard facts to substatiate your claims. You may certainly have a grievance with them but it never goes down well on the forums. Trust me and ask any other administrators or moderators from other car related bbs.
  13. As Phil says, it is a legal minefield. Yes it is your opinion, but when you use SIDC or Scottish Scoobies to express it in the way you do, it is the club that could be subject to legal proceedings and not you.
  14. To answer your own question, yes, and it has been edited, as your comment was your opinion and not that of the SIDC or Scottish Scoobies. The 'slanderous' issue is a very difficult area to moderate as we know people are allowed their opinion. Some statements do need to be edited. Your's was pretty direct and I'm sure the company involved would not be too happy with it. I hope you understand the club's position on this. Regards Dougster
  15. Seeing as everyone is being sooo nice!!! Happy Birthday Colin (he REALLY is 40!!) Sorry I couldn't make the party, but Diane and I celebrated our birthdays this w/e also and were up in Aviemore. Hope you had a good one!!!!
  16. Cosmic? (his name is Colin) I'll call him tomorrow. It was his birthday also this w/e
  17. The funniest part is ScoobyNet sent me a 'Happy Birthday' e-mail!!!!!!!!!!
  18. Thanks lads. Dodgy and I (her b/day was on Sunday) are just back from Aviemore after a dirty weekend (quad biking honest!!!!! ) Yes I may be nearing the big "FOUR O" but Spooks knows all about that!!!!!!!!!!
  19. I run a harder Falken on the nearside front at KH, the rest being Toyos. It has stayed on since my last outing and has given me no problems at all. Is it not the old cross-ply and a radial you don't mix!!! I remeber the advert from years ago!!
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