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Everything posted by dougster

  1. It was me. Medals go to all involved in SIDC, and all members who have supported the new Scottish Scoobies section. Can I lock this now Stephen?
  2. And some walking poles!!! Hey Robin, you playing with your little submarine?
  3. Rgr, although I don't know why you all bother with that lot.
  4. You handing out medals? If you want madness take it back to where you came from as we don't do 'Muppets' in here!!!!
  5. Mornin Dave. Is that what Loaf has on his Legacy?
  6. Bummer, sounds like a top day out. Dougster is still feelin' s****y and I'm coughing up lumps!!!!
  7. I'll start walking now, and maybe see you all there.
  8. (at home and wrapped up) My phone has gone back to Nokia and my last number for Pete was not bluetoothed to the laptop. Hopefully some of the Dundee crew will help.
  9. 1. Zeolite 2. Devlin 3. Teknopete At the doctors this morning who has confirmed tonsilitus. I could have struggled up but a 5am start just don't go down well when feeling s***!! Sorry Ian, maybe next time.
  10. Oi Wilky, you not got msn yet? Or are you too busy polishing yer rifle!!
  11. Anyone in Scotland have the small movie of a scoob coming down a dirt track as their avtar? I would like the source please.
  12. Does anyone have the number for the Black and Decker shop in Glasgow? I have searched yellow pages and the phone book but can't find a listing. Any Black and Decker parts supplier info would be appreciated.
  13. Got to hand it to Dave!!! Award for the most persistant advertising campaign of 2004, goes to.............................. You spoke to Andy at JVS?
  14. My fact's are in order. I knew your's had gone before his. Kenny needed the money for a new waistcoat!!!!!
  15. I don't believe you gone and done it!!! Kenny C has gone and done it as well!!!!! double
  16. S***, I fell off the wagon and posted on SNet!!!!! What's the challenge Coulty? Making your link clicky? DOH!!!
  17. Oi Wilky, next time read the rules!!!! All for sale posts should be have FSr For Sale in the title.
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