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Everything posted by dougster

  1. W32/Mabutu.a@MM could be in mail received from [sIDC Santa] It was sent to my outlook and msn account.
  2. I'm going to bed before I get into trouble.
  3. I have information that a haggle of SNet mods are drinking in the Glasgow area. The list includes 'Miles of Fun' and 'Herkop' If anyone sees a group of people (all non subaru owners) in gestapo style uniforms with over active 'vape sabres' in the area, please feel free to engage!!!!!! P.S. let the little one called 'lubo' go. Yes she has an EVO 330 and nice bike but she is a scottishscoobies member!!!
  4. I'll be back!! Cheer Del. Willie and I have sorted it via PM.
  5. PM me your mobile or call me please.
  6. One of the most nutty and 'unread by me' posts I have ever seen. Are these the ones that squeal like a pig on viagra???
  7. Wullie, I take offence to the fact that you continue to 'bait' me. I have PMed Claire outlining my present situation. Guys like you do NOT help my commitment to the SIDC and I will hopefully be back to full speed soon. If you had an issue I was at KH on Saturday and you made NO approach. (You also have a PM and this is not 'my job'!!!!!)
  8. Aberdeen and District Motor Club are running a track day at Knockhill on the 31st. £50 for 6 hours 09:00 to 15:00 Open to all MSA approved club members.
  9. Guys, there is also a sticky thread dedicated to this event. Please post on that as it was asked to made sticky long enough. Cheers and good luck.
  10. If there is any left over you ken whaur tae send it!!! You going on Sat (Dastek)or Sun(KH)?
  11. I usually add half a tank Optimax and half a bottle of Millers OB. The octane rating deteriorates over a shortish period of time and I felt that more regular top ups would help. I may (big may) be able to source you some Millers
  12. Who is santa@sidc.co.uk? I got an out of office reply to an address I did not send a mail to.
  13. Ian can I have the make as well please? I do need a new rear wiper and was even cosidering removing it completely for the smooth look!! Who cares what's behind me, as long as it aint PLOD!!!
  14. If we are on for this Barry, you'll need to be at mine around 5am!!!!!!!!!!
  15. I loved your driving shoes Miss Scooby!! Were they puma/sparco high heels? (I was the guy that said cheerio to zeolite on my way home early)
  16. You could first set your profile to accept Private Messages!!
  17. lo Span!!! Welcome to the real world of scoobies!!!
  18. Servicing v Marshalling!! I have seen the service crews lying sleeping at their 'garages' on wet tarpaulin in between stages!! I have seen marshalls bored out their nuts waiting to close/open a road hours before/after a stage!! Choices choices, the joys of rallying!! It would be nice to be part of a winning team but all I can do is valet the corsa with swissol!!!!!!
  19. Ian, you still have room to spare as we could do a 'Kelso' the night before!!!???!!! Devlin might want to come as I have no transport and Barry was gonna pick me up. Any frequencies would be cool if I can make it.
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