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Everything posted by Gumball

  1. 1. STI Pretender 2. Mr McTwist 3. Mrs McTwist 4. Burgy_51_ 5. Burgy_51_ wife 6. Mr badbaz 7. Mrs badbaz 8. scooby222 9. Mrs scooby222 10.wrx kenny 11.wrx kenny + a random 12. imy 13. grant 14. empty heed 15. empty heed 2 16. bigbob 17. miss bigbob 18. terzo neil 19. Gumball
  2. links would be good lol. The website makes it pretty easy
  3. youll get a new one. You know it
  4. I thinkit is a focus RS owners thing to drive like a proper tool. check these nuggets out cyclists pedestrians motorists animals no one is safe
  5. LOL Kenny. Imy, Im not sure actually. Ill find myself again soon
  6. This afternoon I went and bought some car cleaning stuff. Autoglym deepshine shampoo shammy polishing cloths Since I got the car I have washed it twice and found it interesting what you can learn from taking the time to wash and wax your car. 1. What was the previous owner like- he ragged it close behind other cars 2. Has the car ever had mudflaps- no 3. Was it waxed often- no 4. Is subaru paint very good- negative 5. Will the car win show and shine- possibly not The paint work is in pretty good condition although there are a few scrathes/stone chips here and there. Chances are I am going to add more anyway, but it was good to start as I mean to go on. I love this car !! Dunno what happened hear. Earthquake possibly
  7. Maybole to Dailly is where I had an off a few years back. I know the run you mean Agree with you on the Lomond-Rannoch-connel-Rest route ! Scooby222, Ill need to investigoat the allness to ardgay route.
  8. I remember my old man (Yamaha R1 owner) showing me this website a while back that listed the best motorbiking runs throughout the UK. The site has dowloadable GPS way points, routes, images and video clips of some routes. It also have useful information such as bends ratings, straights, police activity, etc etc. I found it and had a look at some of the routes. There is a lot of information indeed and some great runs. the website I think this one has to be amongst my favourites Muir of ord- ullapool- scourie If anyone has ideas about other favourites, please post the link
  9. Mate the boys from CADs went over in 2006 with some seriously loud cars. You may have a fair bit of luck posting up in their section of SIDC. Chris
  10. LOL. I still havent caned it. I dont know whats wrong with me ! In yesteryear the car would be screaming for a new owner
  11. That makes no sense to me, you felcher of felchers late at night. You give Tommy BURNS a whole new meaning
  12. Seems to be good stuff so far. Not only is the car operating well under the new fuelling conditions, it also goes further ! Instead of 22 miles for the first quarter, I have a whole 39 !! wooooo
  13. Here is the new STI with the spolier attached to it, travelling fast up the dukes pass ! lol They say its Tommi but its really the squiggle
  14. nice one mate ! pleased you got another car to replace yours. Looks good !
  15. I wonder if he admitted to his ford mate he nearly went off there. RS nearly hit a motorbike at a right hander too ! Ovv- I agree but also disagree. If you step out right over the lines on a left hander to keep the car planted and see if its clear, it wont take a second to move back in if something is coming. Yes if you are on a notorious road for bikers you could seriously meet in the middle. The location starts at the top of the hill out of Aberfoyle village and ends at the hotel next to loch Arklet.
  16. 4:38 !! The scoob nearly went off !!! Dodgy time of day with deer around but 7 miles @ 1.4 mpm is 84mph average ! good shooting Heart in mouth = this
  17. Propelled myself to springburn this evening to try it on my standard car. lets see what happens. Saying that, the way I drive i wouldnt notice anyway. Note to self. you drive an impreza
  18. Welcome Fuzzy, hope you enjoy the experience
  19. well today i let it click 6 times and guess how much i got before the needle moved to 1/8 1.5 miles hahahahahhahaa the black nasty is coming out and its getting taped up
  20. Good point. I think I will tape up the gauge and just leave the light showing. That way it wont annoy me anymore
  21. Thats a strange one. Maybe he began to mull over in his mind in flight............this has cost me £200 to get hear and £50 quid home, so I will try and recoup that money? 250/2 = 125 minus the cost to collect him. Hes probably a goat lover
  22. Welcome to Scottish Scoobies. No need for a sad face next the fact you bought your first subaru mate. Nice car
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