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Everything posted by JohnSt

  1. ................... TANK []
  2. I like your style John[Y] I'm from Kirky, didn't say I stayed there [] I also have a confession !!!!! I have a small.............................
  3. It would run out of petrol before I got there []
  4. That'll be two Kirky boys on the list now []
  5. Grant you need to work on your acronyms !! The difference between RON and MON rating is simply the test conditions, MON being tested at higher Air Temp and at higher RPM to find the Highest Usable Compression Ratio at which knock starts to occur. The rating is based on the ratio of two control fuels, the the knock rating defines the ratio of the control fuels at which knock would occur at the same Compression Ratio as the Fuel being tested. i.e id the tested fuel starts to knock at the same point at which the control fuel is mixed in a 90parts to 10parts ratio then this would be 90RON (or MON, depending on which test is being used) RON = Research Octane Number MON = Motor Octane Number Control Fuel = Iso-octane (2,2,4 trimethyl pentane) and n-Heptane ---john---
  6. At an hourly rate yet undiscussed []
  7. Arch, your car and YBs are very similar in spec with the exception of a couple of extra wee bits on yours so you should be very pleased with results. YB, nice to meet you the other day []
  8. "Out of interest why list the cc Craig. It's just another mod after all. Where would you stop? Turbo, fuel, ecy etc etc? " A point I have made many times, and been shot down for. In My Street I have the fastest red 5dr MY98 with a dog guard. I also own the fastest Green 4dr with PPP and also the Fastest Legacy..... where do you stop [] I know Craig, for example, likes being the fastest Blue Newage Sti []
  9. So what kind of time would be the fastest of the day at Crail in a car ?
  10. The manifold is for a Ph1 car so pre 93-96 only. It ain't a grp A part either it's a standard Ph 1 manifold thats been cut and shut. ---john---
  11. When is the next one of these, I might dig the car out of the garage if it fits with work and stuff ? ---john---
  12. Yes, highly recommend it !!!
  13. The way I would/have do/done this is to solder in a socket. That way the EPROM will not be damaged and you can take the map/chip with you if you change cars. More importantly, as well as just cutting the link to de-select the original map, the fitting of a remote (dash mounted ?) switch, replacing the link, means you can switch between maps on the fly. Anyway, I was offering to help out, but I'm afraid you've missed the boat as I'm not going to have the time in the next few weeks as .I have my own car to get ready. Not enough hours in the day from now on in........ ---john---
  14. Near Cumbernauld
  15. I'm an Electronics Engineer [H]
  16. If you are anywhere near Glasgow I'll do it for you. Don't have a lot of time at the mo, so you'd have to bring it to me. ---john---
  17. We'll see MwuHaHa [] Looking good, i'd be sorting your gearbox sooner than later. ---john---
  18. Since when were you racing at a Track day ?
  19. Who's the numpty cutting up my grass ? []
  20. Ooops
  21. I use 130/80Watt bulbs in mine, cheap as chips from the car shop. ---john---
  22. Hi Russell, polycarboante windows on the car. They start to open at around 65-70mph. Wouldn't recomend it for a road car. ---john---
  23. As Russell says, doors are very high quality, wouldn't bother with wings though, there's no weight in them anyway. If you want a look at them feel free to drop round (not sure how local you are to me) ---john---
  24. It's easy for us to sit at home, be judgmental and make comment on others, but unless you were there you can't possibly know. That was my point really, jumping on the internet and calling someones integrity into question, especially as the answer seems obvious ????
  25. Iain, your partner does not appear to share your sentiments []
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