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Everything posted by andy

  1. Thank F*** the ginger ninja reminded me of this tonight as I'd forgotten all about it
  2. Blimey - that's an early start. Going to be some bleary-eyed people at Banbury! To keep on-topic - I can confirm Prodrive will be selling hot breakfast rolls and teas and coffees so you'll be able to get some breakfast when you arrive. They're running it themselves so you won't be charged extortionate "greasy spoon van" prices either
  3. Yup. It's to stop people "shouting" like READ ME - it will also edit excessive characters like ***** or !!!!!
  4. Nice show and a great representation for the Club. Well done guys Speak to Phil about getting your own stuff once he comes back from hols. You're obviously prepared to put the effort in to promote the Club so my own personal opinion (not that of the Club!) is that the Club should support you in return.
  5. Gentlemen of the jury, I would like to put to you what I believe to be the truth. As anyone from Aberdeen will tell you, due to extreme cutbacks by Aberdeen City Council, the popular "Doonies Rare Breeds Farm" just outside the city was facing closure. This farm has been taken over by a private group of individuals who believe they can make it succeed as a business. Amongst other animals, this farm has a sizeable collection of GOATS I put it to you that Wilky's "dream job" in "Aberdeen" is nothing to do with the oil industry, but instead is that of a professional goat-toucher. The prosecution rests its case.
  6. <gulp> Got something in me eye, I think. Thanks for posting that. Worthy of addition to the Gathering website...
  7. I was with KM and although I got a quote from them that was £113 less than last year, I used to be insured with A-Plan so thought nothing to lose by giving them the opportunity to re-quote. Got a call from call centre lass who sounded like she was on speed saying because my car was modified they couldn't quote me, but she was going to put me through to five insurers directly in turn to get quotes from them. I thought the whole point of going through a broker was so you didn't have to go through the hassle of contacting dozens of insurers directly, giving the same information time and time again - which is what exactly they wanted me to do, being passed back to the speed woman in the call centre each time so she could pass me on to the next one. I hung up before I got to the first insurer. Disappointed in A-Plan as they were spot on last time I dealt with them. Ended up staying with KM simply because the Gathering stuff is mental, it was cheaper than last year and I didn't have time to shop around.
  8. Guy Salmon. May well be others, but they're one of the popular ones for prestige hire. Have a centre in Edinburgh and offer a Q7 at extortionate rates!
  9. As Administrator of this here website, I must insist on no "sailor talk" of this nature.
  10. What he didn't tell you is the back end is Micro$lop so there are no guarantees!
  11. So far he's written 10 PRINT "HELLO ST3PH3N"; 20 GOTO 10
  12. I've just renewed with 7 years NCB. Down by £113. Mind you, I'm an old f***er and you're still just a pup!
  13. I remember you from the memorial service run. Truly dedicated to the cause You'll have to set off early though to be at Lanark from North Wales by 10am!
  14. Anyone doing this - the person who takes your unwanted stickers MUST register their car details with us. I cannot stress enough how important this is.
  15. I found doing the recce at 60mph uncomfortable. I ran most of it at between 60 and 70, mostly hovering around 65 and it was fine. That's only 5mph under the limit and it's not a race to Banbury Going by the info I have we're looking at potentially 300 starting at Lanark with another 3-400 joining en route. I think the experience of being part of something that big will override any desire to rush to finish.
  16. I've been out cleaning my wheels. One of those jobs that once you start you wish you hadn't!
  17. I've changed nothing. In fact I wondered who had changed it. Want my bank details to pay the money in?
  18. Phil used it in a post to describe me. It's so politically incorrect I had to use it
  19. Someone suggested mandatory use of punctuation. I'm all for it. So far you've come up with "a projects thread". As stated we have a superior alternative. Oh, and I talk "pish". I know that, in fact everybody knows that, but you're out-pishing me right now.
  20. Hahahahahaha. A whole dedicated thread for projects? F*** me! That's real 25th century stuff! We've got and had Blogs for the past year for precisely that reason and if you look our very own Chairman is using his for precisely that purpose. That's how it's done these days. Online diaries. Threads are the stuff of the dark ages you're so keen to mention. The thing with ANY Forum community is it's only as good and as active as the people using it so that's PRECISELY why you should "have to make suggestions about what would be done." . You've not really thought this one through, have you? What have YOU done to add to the community or should it be down to everybody else to do it for you? You can't MAKE folk post and having people come along and saying "a few people on here have there heads up there rear" (sic) is hardly conducive to what it's all about. For the record, the site isn't "going down hill" (sic). The stats indicate otherwise.
  21. You can specify a different delivery address when you order. A local friendly ewe perhaps?
  22. 274 shirts shipped so far. 241 shirts outstanding. A wee bit more than we expected! Hell I've not even got mine yet Order cut-off for these is 31st July to get them in time for the Gathering and there WILL be a last minute rush as they'll never be available again so if you plan on ordering, but haven't yet - get yer order in. Your name is then on the list. We will continue to sell them up till the end of August, but you won't get them in time for the event and after that, that's it. These are one-offs.
  23. I've not met you - which is a bit crazy considering you are my regional RO! I do, however, know you by reputation and believe you are one of the good guys I know exactly where you are coming from. Last week I HAD to take some time off from the whole Internet/Subaru thing because of the hassle involved with the McRae Gathering. People just don't appreciate the time it takes to organise things and the work involved. They're very quick to criticise, but wouldn't put their own cock on the block to do the job. Take some time out - chill out, drink beer and get away from the shit for a few days. Worked for me
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