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Everything posted by Stiks

  1. "...Pink clothing is being considered ..." Good ....will match the pink bits on my car then
  2. << good man keith !!! quality sencond verse and before you ask.... NO !!! you can't have a share of the royalties when the song goes top 40 !!! top of the pops........ here we come !!!!!! >> Rythym guitar ( 3 chords only), backing vocals...and all the groupies I can handle... I'll be happy with that.
  3. Lookin' very good ladies...I'd be happy with either..but have voted.
  4. ... The exhaust on the scoob goes burble burble roar, burblr burble roar, burble burble roar ( accompanied by fingers in ears....) ...The bobbies in the layby say licence please,licence please, licence please ( acompanied by pretending to hand over documents..) ..The wife of the Scoobster says NO MORE MODS, NO MORE MODS, NO MORE Mods (.. acompanied by swift kick to the cj's...)
  5. Sorry mate - I work for a contact centre company.... so now't here for you. My experience is the more you send out a comprehensive CV ( E Mail, snail mail etc) the better chance you'll have. Don't wait for job ads... proactively pick companies you would like to work for. Good Luck
  6. Have a great trip both. Keep and eye out for some of those 2.5ltr US Scoobs Keith
  7. << If anyone has any recommendations regarding good exhausts, please let me know............... Dave >> Wrxmania will be in touch soon ....... Welcome Dave..... nice mota...love the colour Stiks
  8. I used to have a beemer but that was in my arrogant pre pubescent phase. When I get old enough to shave and grow a beard I'll get one of the viggen, or aero hot things . The boy formerly known as Stiks ( AKA old fart)
  9. I'm too chicken for a full track day... but this might help me loose my track virginity ?. Maybe they'd do some additional discount for a group buy ??
  10. << No defo no instruments. Several and no I'm not teaching anybody, no SIDC discounts and don't even ask I'm too busy. >> He is pretty sh1t hot...... Spooks will testify to this..... spoons
  11. In the good old days ( when wee neds got a clip round the ear) they could read the number plates themselves . Stiks
  12. Would the number plate sensor have helped ?
  13. Mk 3 Cortina - 1600 with vinyl roof - just like the sweeney !
  14. I'll be happy to creatively rip his head off and artistically sh!t down his throat.... in a non emotive disengaged sort of way !
  15. Jesus H guys..... I was hoping you would come up with reasons not to get a second scoob. Your not helping
  16. Yeh - but the purchase cost and finance ( probs £120/MTH) means less for mods. Also she doesn't even want a loud exhaust so not much chance of moddin a second car ! Must admit though would be fun having two scoobs to play in !
  17. Weekend of turmoil..... Friday night my good lady drops the bomshell... " I want to trade my focus in for a silver classic wagon ". I wikll have to fund the diffo ! Advice please ?
  18. Good to hear John... if you can coordinate a night with the Mitsi man when you are onshore I'd pop out for a shandy ! Bathgate might be a good venue ??
  19. Hmmh... should be interesting at the next SIDC track day watching Dougster drift that motha at the hairpin
  20. LOL @ andy... good to see the mania gettin some stick.
  21. Very tidy Grasshopper...there is a big seagull with its sphincter rippling circling your car right now !!
  22. << << << >> You want to Steve Walker in Bathgate mate John. >> q] Cheers mate - Bathgate is handy. how's your boy coming along? Mine is teething - feckin nightmare ! Keith
  23. Stunning. Keith
  24. Sorry to hear that oobster.... mine was done in Morrisons in Livi a couple of weeks ago, and I also had a mysterious orange stripe on my offside rear arch last night !! WTF is going on? Pedro - where did you get your bumper done ( Edinburgh area ?) ... I need a little bit of tidying done on mine ??? Keith
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