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Everything posted by Stiks

  1. Ha ha - ive got that picture, plus a video clip. I'll work out how to post it up. PMSL at Stevie terrifying his "bro" on the wagon on victoria street. The poor guy probably thought he was gettin car jacked. Oh and the entire carraige was in uproar when he threw his phone away, and hit that poor woman on the napper !!!! Surprised you boys got into the dreadnought ! Keith
  2. Tooooo Late !
  3. John, I touch goats Keith
  4. Dave, Wanna go for a 3pm start .... you name the venue ? Keith
  5. BTT and can we reach consensus on a start time please. Any more for any more ? 1. Evojkp (17.30) - after seeing Livi gettin 'Well humped 2. Stiks any time from 2pm onwards (hic!) 3. West Lothian Bailey boy 4. Willie 5. Sti-04!! 6. kart_man 7. Johnny50 8. P3dro
  6. New Yoik I believe... shopping
  7. John, THat'll be same last train as I get.... the one that takes up to 4 passengers, and costs 30 quid... leaves edinburgh about 2 ish
  8. Chris, No one hurt though yeh? So sorry to hear about the car... come and drown your sorrows on Saturday in Edz ! Keith
  9. I thought we were aiming for a 2pm start ? Happy to go with the flow but need to get the last Livi train back at 11.00pm Any takers for an afternoon session ? Keith
  10. Carl, I would nip over to Fife for a bit of waxy magic. Especially interested in getin the engine bay done. Any idea of dates.? Keith
  11. << You could make the trip to C&C Custom in Hillington near Glasgow. They'll build you one while you wait when you book the car in!!! Incredibly good exhaust systems built to your requirements by the wonderful guys at C&C Custom >> you must be a shareholder by now Brian....
  12. He has too much time on his hands. Won tickets he can't use, has an API jacket he doesn't wear... not that I'm at all envious you undestand Only kidding Brian (guitar king) Keith
  13. Any idea on price per set of 4 ? I know K5NNV was looking too. Keith
  14. No... but I have bought and sold on Ebay a bit. 3 weeks is a fairly long time, most transactions take 2 weeks max. Sorry if its a daft question but have you e mailed him/her with a read reciept? Check their profile and try to trace a mailing address. Use this to call 118 500 for a phone number. If all else fails contact E bay... oh and leave some negative feedback as a last resort. Good Luck Keith
  15. Welcome (back) sir, tis a friendlier administration than across the road. As for stickers I believe something is in the pipeline.... look in the other threads. Keith
  16. You wont be allowed to forget.... I'll bring the camera this time
  17. A bit voyeuristic Brian ... eh Keith
  18. Well, maybe just the one then
  19. No tequila, baileys, glayva, black russians,Schnapps,Sambuca......
  20. Dave, I like the analogy with insuarance. Add to that the fact that this rumbled on "over the road" for several weeks. There appeared to be no urgency just heavy handed modding until the 58 walked. Im staying put , and thanks to the SIDC for putting us up! Keith
  21. Stephen, Glad your'e staying in the fold. Not sure if I can put up photo's the file size is too big.You are welcome to have a look/listen anytime. I was saying to Brian that I thought the tone on mine had mellowed a bit after a thousand miles or so. Still loud enough though, perhaps not nur spec loud but pi$$ing off my neighbour who works shifts
  22. OMG - we were drunker than I thought.... your poor wife Brian. I'd have chucked us out at the bus stop. Anyone got a link to The Betty Ford Clinic.
  23. << LOL... The sad thing is, the tongue shot was taken fairly early in the night!!!! (well I can remember it , put it that way !!) In hinesight I think the tequila was maybe a bad idea - it definitely has mind erasing capabilities !! We'll need to make sure Brian doesn't force us all to drink them again next time ! Also need to remember the food stops at 9 - I was STARVING !!!! Hope you all enjoyed it anyway guys (just try to forget the fuzzy head on Saturday morning !!) >> Dave, We left you drooling at another table. How did you get on ? STI Pink boots ...... Keith
  24. Hee hee Good crack though ..... roll on the 25th. Keith
  25. You guys are a bad influence.....Dave you started the shot race.... bad boy !! I was up at 7.15 on Saturday morning playing hide and seek with my daughter
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